English 100
When you blog, in the Title, write your first and last name as you would as if you are turning in a paper to me. Then you do not have to write my name because I know you are in my class. Write what English class you are in whether it is English 20, 52, 100.
For example, one would write:
Yue Hayes
English 100
Post #1
Font size
In addition, for the title, pick the topic of discussion, grammar/organization, content, current events, pop culture or literature as a TITLE that we have discussed in class. Write the posts like this: write #1 Post or #2 Post or Post #50, so I can easily keep track of them and how many you write.
Of course, you are welcome to write more than several posts, and in doing so is another form of participation and does count in the participation grade. Perhaps, in class, you may not participate all that much but in the realm of the blogosphere, you can from the comfort of your own home,
* reflect on the day's class discussion or offer up an insight that you found particularly interesting, etc., etc.
* How does it change the way you think or thought before on the subject?
* What actions might you take in the future? Anything is open to interpretation.
Of course, I need not go on and on about being respectful towards your peers' opinions and beliefs. If you disagree with another student's views be discreet about it: Do not say so and so is completely wrong because of this and that. Instead, say, I disagree with so and so and here are the reasons why I do. Go after their evidence and support and do not, I repeat do not attack someone else personally. This is supposed to be a forum for everyone to share their ideas and views.
*I will enforce the blogosphere by either deleting your hard work, making an example out of you here in the realm of the blogosphere or in class* . . .

Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #1
First Week of School .
The first week of school is the wreckless week. You are trying to remember your schedule, while trying to find a park which will almost take you a hour to since parking is free the first week. As you get lost because you can not find your class your 21 minutes late to class. You open the door for the rockstar moment, we call it the rockstar moment because as you walk in all heads turn and eyes are on you. After you realize where all your classes are the stress start to pile up. Waiting on FAFSA to come in to get your books, thinking about all the homework you are going to have and can you really do it. Me I rely on self pity, i start to feel sorry for myself, then I realize I'm appealing to the more weaker side of myself. The moto runs through my head to give me courage for my own self pity, " I see pride, I see power, I see a bad ass motherfucker who will not take shit from nobody." The since of power runs through my veins as if I just drank a gallon of Monster energy drink. School is a piece a cake, I fall back into my more relax stage, I'm feeling more that I can make this semster the same as the others, MINES! I have to own it as you should do yours.
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #2
Challenges & Struggles . . .
Challenges and struggle are part and parcel of life. We all need to learn how to overcome challenges and struggle in order to move forward in life. They actually help to strengthen and make us stronger. A person who has never struggled and overcomed challenges is a person who isn't moving forward in life. He will break down the moment he is exposed to struggle and challenges. Something a read about that is a good example:
A teacher was teaching his students on how a caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly. He told the students that in the next few hours, the butterfly would struggle to come out of the cocoon, but no one should help it. The teacher left the classroom leaving all his students inside. The students were waiting anxiously until finally the big moment came. The butterfly began to struggle to get out of the cocoon. One of the students took pity and decided to go against the advice of the teacher by assisting the butterfly out of the cocoon. He could not bear to see the butterfly struggle and decided to break the cocoon. Shortly afterwards all the students were shocked to see that the butterfly had died. When the teacher returned and found out what had happened, he explained to the students that by helping the butterfly, they had actually killed it because the butterfly needed to struggle to help develop and strengthen its wings. Without going through the process, the butterfly will die.
This story I am trying to tell can be a powerful message if you embrace these words. You can only have abundant life if you develop strength and courage through struggle and challenges!
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #3
Thoughts . . .
They say if your gay , its a sin. If your bisexual , your confused. If your skinny , your on drugs . If your fat , your a slob . If you're dressed up , your conceited . If you speak your mind , your a bitch . If you don't say anything , your a punk. If you cry , you're dramatic . If you hang with boys , you're a hoe(if you a girl) . If you defend yourself , you're a trouble maker . You can't do anything without being CRITICIZED. So basically you are in a lose lose situation. How do you overcome being criticized? Well you can not! Everywhere you go you will be criticized, sometimes you do not even have to say nothing to be. Alot of people are just jealous or thinking talking about someone makes them feel better about themselfs. This all ties back into struggles that you will have to overcome in life if you want to succeed.
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post Number 1
Greetings, everyone!
My name is Mary Ruth and I am looking forward to working with you and the fun we will be having in class. I have been in Cerritos College for, well, way too long. I am majoring in Biology and I hope to switch to Neuroscience when I transfer. Anyone interested in The Strokes, Neuroscience, Friedrich Nietzsche, Impressionism, Psychoanalysis, Discovery & History Channel, Criminal Minds, and Family Guy, feel free to bug me.
Quotation I live by:
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~Henry Stanley Haskins (Meditations in Wall Street)
About the anecdote that you have posted on your second post (Challenges & Struggles: the butterfly), I could not agree more with your conclusion. A lot of times, we cannot help but complain about the conflicts and struggles in our lives. Down the road, however, we find that these difficulties make us who we are. Out of these struggles, we gain strength, wisdom, and most of all, character.
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #2
One common reason why people do not succeed is because they do not try; they do not try, often because circumstances seem unfavorable and challenges seem impossible.
In his first year at UC Berkeley in 1939, George Dantzig arrives late in his Mathematics class. He jots down a couple of Math problems on the board for homework. He turns his homework in to his professor several days later and apologizes for taking too long--the problems were harder than the customary. A little over a month later, he and his wife awake to the loud knocking on their front door. He opens it to see his Math professor carrying a handful of papers with an excited look on his face. Turns out, George did not do his homework...he did, however, solved two impossible Math problems that even Einstein was not able to solve.
How was George able to do it? He did not know the problems were impossible. In turn, he treated them as solvable, and saw only what is possible.
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #4
Greeting .
My name is Tommy Martin. I am a very unique, goofy, funny individual. Love long walks on the beach lol just kidding but I love to cook anything i can get my hands on and I will learn anything that is taught to me. I am into all types of music. Rap, R&b, Country etc. Eventually staying at Cerritos will open my vocabulary open into more words thats in the dictionary instead of the slang i am use too. After I take my generals I plan on going to transfer to get my nursing cerificate so my past will be sealed and I can start off fresh and new.
Favorite Quote : "Some men know that a light touch of the tongue, running from a woman's toes to her ears, lingering in the softest way possible in various places in between, given often enough and sincerely enough, would add immeasurably to world peace." -Marianne Williamson, "A Woman's Worth"
Sorry Mr. Hisao I had to do it Laugh out Loud. I love women to the fact that reading this quote for the first time gave my body the shivers and appealing to my emotional side had my connect with every as if it was coming out my own mouth.
@Mary Ruth
I agree to what you are saying because people are so easy to give up on theyselves. They would rather feel sorry for theyselves then to actually put in work or even try the work. I love how you phrased them words they spoke with the facts!
Jessica Cleary
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1.
Greetings Kiddos...
The basics about me: My name is Jessica but you can provide me with a nickname that is fine by me. I am a mother to a 3 year old baby boy, Caden. I am going to school here at Cerritos College to gain my general education and transfer out to the University San Diego. Ultimately my goal is to work at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Shiners, or The Ronald McDonald house. I am a military brat so my personality is very direct which may come off as a tad too aggressive. I do get along with a vast variety of people; however I am extremely selective when I choose friends from acquaintances. Laughing comes naturally, being spontaneous is a ritual, and living for the simple moments is essential.
My favorite Quote would have to be, “When the world says to Give Up, God whispers try one more time” –By anonymous. It is short, sweet, and to the point.
@Mary Ruth, Your second post on impossibility is mind boggling. I am impressed, and still questioning how in the world did George Dantzig solve the equations. I guess goes to show that you have hidden strengths when you least expect it? Haha.
@Tommy Martin, Your second post about the butterfly is very applicable to the live we live day to day. Everyday choices affect not only us but those close to us in a ripple matter. I will definitely have to share that butterfly story.
Thanks for sharing Lovelies!
Samantha Luque
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Hello to all!
My name is Samantha Luque, I am 21 years old and love to live life to the fullest. Well...where should I start telling you about me, I am a care free, sweet, sometimes shy, loving, beautiful, out-spoken, strong female. I have just graduated last year from Cerritos College with an AA degree in Medical Assisting. Just this week I got my big break and now working as a medical assistant. YAY, so happy about my new job. Finally getting a chance to prove how well I can be in this new job. Sorry about the side tracking...I love taking chances in life, when it comes to my relationships and career. I jump in full force. But anything I do in my life I succeed and learn my mistakes, like any other human being. The most important thing in anybody's lives is our loves ones. First of all, I would like to thank God for giving me a second chance in life. The people in my life that mean the world to me are my mom, my family, my boyfriend and my best friend. These are the people that have put so much meaning in my life. My boyfriend and I have been going strong for five years and still beating the odds of high school sweethearts. He is the light to my darkness and the ying to my yang. We are attached to the hip, as how others have put it. Anyways my boyfriend and I are taking this English 100 class together. His name is Daniel Montano. We wanted to take this class together because we both love to learn and grow together. Lastly I love to rock out!!
My favorite quote: I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive,I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise, to fly, to fly. Nicki Minaj lyric from the song Fly.
@Tommy Martin, your fourth post is fun, entertaining and really funny. You seem like a chill back person, who loves to put a smile on anybody's faces. I love the interesting quote that you choose. It really shows that you love women. I love the fact that you want to become a nurse that's awesome. By helping people in need through sicknesses and diseases. One last thing I would like to ask, I cannot cook for anything, could you teach me how to cook? Laugh out loud.
Daniel Montano
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Hello everyone!
I am 20 years old. I am strong for others, loving, down to earth guy, passionate, helping others when in need. I am a guy that puts everyone in to perspective, to know what people fear, dream, and what their goals are in life. I like to risk it with people I do not know. The fact for risking it is so I can make people feel a connection with me to make a friendship real and unique. I want friends that really want to be my friends and not back stab me. Other than that, I am an awesome person. I have been with my girlfriend Samantha for 5 loving and adoring years. She is a woman that has been thier with me through thinck and thin. Life is about who u are and what u stand for as a human being.
Favorite Quote: "He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you'." Matthew 17:20 (NIV) Faith and little action is always the key 4 the possible.
@Mary Ruth Marigomen, your second post has a lot to do with my quote. About how anything is possible no matter the situation of the person. No matter what u feel like, u r in control of ur own life. Life throws us curve balls we choose wheather to strike out or hit a home runs. So live life to the extream and know any thing is possible in life when u believe.
Claire Becerra
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post 1
hello everyonee....
Hi my name is Claire.☻ I am a very shy person at the beginning, but then I will be very friendly. I came from Cuba 4 years ago. I love Cuban food. My favorite color is blue. I am an officer of the PSA club. I am 19 years old, and I live in Norwalk. I do not work. I spend my time with family and friends. I love to watch TV. I live with my mom and grandparents. I do not have kids, but I want to have one in the future. My dad lives in Tampa, Florida. Usually I go to visit him about tree times in a year. I have a little brother named Jose Miguel. He lives with my dad, who is also his dad. I am very happy. I feel completely satisfied with my family. We are very uniting. I have a boyfriend named Jose Antonio. ♥ He is very sweet. I love him a lot.
One quote that I love is in a quotes book I do not know the name but the quote says, “you do not how hard is something, until you get it done” I LOVE IT BECAUSE IT IR VERY TRUE WE CAN NOT SAY that we can not do something if we did not tried it. An example is Mr Hsiao class. at the beginning I thought uff he will be a very hard teacher, and this class will be my first failed class. Now I understood that it was not like I thought, but I tried it and that is why now I know that Mr. Hsiao one of the best teacher in Cerritos College.
I want to comment about my best friend Stephanie. I want to say that I missed her a lot on Thursday. She is a very helper person. She is very nice and funny. I identify with her because sometime she is very shy like me.☻
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #5
Poem " I " wrote :)
P.S. I was sitting in Mr.H class last semster when I wrote this. I got a since of inspiration and just started writing. I write poems when i have time, i am not any good but i like trying. Thoughts ? thoughts? I would love to here yall opinions ( laugh out loud )
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #6
Poem " I " wrote too, sorry mr. hsiao :)
This was about a girl I saw coming out the admission office. She had me thinking well feeling as if I could melt in her hands. I never talked to her because its like she looked right through me. IF i would of talked to her anyway I would of been lost for words and got tongue tied because I was afraid of her beauty. I just really love Cerritos College and all the females that are here. Yall are all beautiful :-* I LOVE CERRITOS!!!!!!
Gabriela Moreno
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post #1
Hi class, my names Gabriela but everyone calls me Gabby because it's shorter. Well let's see here let me start by saying that I love college! I admit most of my friends distract me from my school obligations but I'd rather have friends then none, that's just the way I am. Materialistic things aren't everything. I'm planning on becoming a nurse in pediatrics. My first goal was becoming a Pediatrician but I ended up changing my mind. I love being around children and helping them is even better. Putting a smile on a child's face knowing I've made a difference to help them in life is the most gratifying feeling I can experience in life. I am planning to transfer to San Diego State by the next two years. My favorite color is teal, for those who don't know it is like blue and green mixed together. I'm the youngest of my two other siblings and also the only girl. My parents are very very I mean very over protective of me because of that. Being in Mr. Hsiao's class I've already made friends so this semester is starting of great. I enjoy the hard/funny criticism the professor gives because since most of us are young we know how to joke around but also know when things are serious. OH! and by the way I am nineteen years old, but I am going to be twenty this friday! Yay I'm super excited! I'm going to have fun. I'm very close to my family and if you guys get to know me you'll notice. I love music especially some Opera I just calms my soul.
Favorite quote: love endures all things. love never fails.' 1cor.13:7,8
this quotes inspires me to never give up, even though the world we live in is corrupted love will never fail.
@Tommy Martin your posts are so entertaining, i really liked your post number 3. Because it is so true what it says everyone will criticize you for anything. It's also inspiring for others to understand that if there aren't already aware so they can overcome or help others overcome the unnecessary drama that others bring.
@Jessica Cleary your planning to attend San Diego also, that is great! Hope to talk to you in class because we have similar goals it would be cool and interesting(:
John Balagtas
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post #1
Hello everyone, my name happens to be John Robert Bince Balagtas but for your convenience, you may just call me John. I just graduated from Highschool. Was not top of my class or near the bottom. I was simply average. I come to cerritos to avoid paying the overpriced classes of csu's or uc's. At first I was nervous to attend college but to my surprise it doesn't seem any different than highschool or any more difficult. I feel that i have a lot more freedom to do anything I want. It's easy to just fall back on old habits to go home, play video games, and accomplish nothing. I'm trying my best to avoid that. I am currently looking for a job and if anyone can hook me up with a job then, thank you. This blogging thing is a brand new experience for me and i hope i dont get judged too severely for my 1st post ever on any blog.
I ran across this quote recently and i've grown fond of it. Reading this quote made me see how closeminded I was about a lot of things and ive decided to be open towards many more ideas:
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
I want to comment on Tommy's 3rd post. Its true man. No matter where you go. What you do. When you do it. There is always someone that's gonna judge you for being who you are. Whether they say it in your face or behind your back, Haters will always hate.
Angela Guzman
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1
Hello everyone,
My name is Angela but I go by my middle name which is Cristal. I am nineteen and this is my second semester here at Cerritos. I have enjoyed it so far, I have came across really great people. I am really glad that I am going to be a part of Mr. Hsiao’s class once again. Last semester was great so I can only imagine that this one is going to be better. I am looking forward to the field trips we will be going on this semester. I am nice and easy to get along with but I can be shy at first. I am funny if I am comfortable with you and I can also be stubborn as well. I enjoy shopping, reading, taking pictures, and listening to music. I recently started collecting hip hop vinyl records. I also got an instant camera so I been collecting the polaroids I been taking. I got addicted to Tumblr this summer, which is another blog where you can express yourself through pictures, music, and other things. I will be looking forward to meeting the rest of my classmates, and I hope we all have a great semester.
One of my favorite quotes is one that I just recently came across, which is: “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” – Salvador Dali. This quote means several things to me. If you have intelligence but no ambition you will not be able to get anywhere. Just like a bird without wings cannot fly anywhere. You need to have both to get somewhere.
@Tommy Martin, your second post reminded me a lot of the book Mindset that we read last semester. I agree that overcoming challenges and struggles make you stronger. They not only make you stronger but wiser as well.
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #7
Liars . . . Ugh I Dislike them!
Ok I tell white lies sometimes, maybe to the phone company about why I didn't pay the bill on time, or to avoid a difficult situation. But when it comes to real life issues and to what I tell people about myself, I am very honest. I understand if you lie about being gay for a while but that was a protective thing because many people do not accept homosexual people but other then that you should not lie! I would never tell someone a horrible lie about something or somebody in my life there is just no point.I am someone who really hates lies and liars. Big lies I find it insulting that someone can tell me a lie to my face, and then expect me to agree with them that what they said is truth. It is a plain insult. It undermines my own integrity. But refusing to believe a liar makes me feel like I am the guilty one for doubting them. Am I wrong? or Am I right? I think you should tell the truth and deal with the consequences because you did it not nobody else so its your time to deal with it.
Khaye Chia S. Buenaventura
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 1
Hi everyone!!
Let me start up by introducing myself. My name is khaye it's pronounce(kay). I am 22 yrs old. This my second year here in Cerritos College. I am working towards my AA degree in Nursing. I have 4 more classes left before entering my major. Nursing is not my first major, i shifted from Information Technology (programming) because it is so hard to find job on computer field. I have finished medical administrative assistant as my vocational course as a stepping stone to find a job in a medical field. I am currently working in an imaging center during weekdays, and in the hospital during weekends. In top of the things I do, I also started up a small business with my friend. why? I do not know too. I guess I am trying explore a lot of things and prepare myself if a I finally enter my major and I have to quit all my jobs. English is my second language, so bare with me if I choose to keep quite because my brain might not functioning well in cooperating with me to process before I finally answer. I am not snob, I just choose not to talk during the first week of the class. I love to talk. Being talkative always puts me in trouble because they thought I just play around rather than working. Well, I think I have shared too much, but at least I have fulfilled the requirements for the this first post. I wanted to end up my first post by wishing everyone a peaceful and stress free semester ahead. -Peace Out-
I stand by the golden rule: "Do not do unto others what you do not want others' do unto you".
-This quote is probably the MOST common one, but do we religiously taking actions? or do we just think ONLY for our own good.-
I definitely agree on that we have to face the challenges in life in order to develop the wings of strength and courage in order to fly successfully..
Martha De La Rosa
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1
Hello everyone,
My name is Martha, I am twenty years old. I graduated Bellflower High Class of 09. This year is going to be my third year coming to Cerritos. I am looking into nursing as my major; I really hope that goes well. I may come off as a very shy person, but once you get to know me you will think the total opposite. I am a friendly person, who likes to meet new people. If anyone needs a friend, just know you can count on me. I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone :)
Favorite Quote:
“To be a star, you must shine your own light, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.”
- Les Brown
I want to comment on Diana, because I wanted to thank her for being really helpful on Thursday. I kept on asking her for help and she did not hesitate to help me. Thank you Diana :)
Juan Humildad
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post# 1
Hello everyone! My name is Juan! I am 18. I am a very jubilant person and fun to be around with. I love to talk so if you are a talker i think we will communicate very well! Don't worry if your a shy person i still talk to everyone about anything. I am a former Hsiao student from English 54. The atmosphere of the class is definitely a soothing place you really want to be at! This is my second year here at Cerritos and i have enjoyed every moment and every person i have met here. It a shame to say I wouldn't stay here forever, but i know there is a whole world out there to explore! I am looking forward to go exploring and traveling to many places. I love having new experiences and new visuals in my life. It makes it all that more interesting. This will actually lead to a quote I randomly google up and found, because I'm not so good at remembering a lot of things I do not have a quote memorized. It reads “You will stop being scared of life, once you understand it. To understand life, you must stop being scared of it.” -author unknown
I did just randomly pick a quote but it represents change in ones self and in life. I do strongly believe that change in ones self is very important. Change is also trying new things and fill your life with excitement!
My response goes to Tommy! He truly is an original. He humor is outstanding. He is very entertaining. I see a lot of life come out of him. He brings the class and classroom to life with his carefully chosen words. Everyone will truly recognize Tommy for who he is. Im pretty sure he is already recognizable for his hard work and interesting yet delightful work he has presented to class in these first weeks of class. Yet we have the rest of the semester!
Karina Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post 1
Hi Everyone !
Well as you can see my name is Karina I am twenty years old . I am the smallest in my family .I have an older brother and my sister is the middle child. My sister and I are really close she is like a mom to me. I would not know what would I do with out her. Since I was born my mom was very sick and my sister at an early age had to take care of me . Sometimes she would miss school because she had to take care of me. She always would do my hair really tight and take me to school. She always worried about me more than my mom. Up till this point with her three kids she treats me as one more of her kids. I am the first one to graduate good from high school and go to college from my family. I learned a lot from my brother and sister mistake that I know because of them I am who I am today . This is my second year in Cerritos college and feels as if I been here for too long . I want transfer to a Cal state university and become a counselor. I also planed for someday have my own business of beauty salon or party planner company. I like to do hair and make up. I always like looking good and most of the time wear heals. I believed that a girl should always look her best. I like planning parties get real into it . I hope that someday I accomplished my goals no matter how long it takes me.
My response goes to Tommy so I was reading little bit of everyone post and noticed that everyone was commenting on your post .So I go back up and start reading your post and I found them very interesting, funny and ,true . But the one that caught my attention the most was post 5 your poem . I really liked it found it sweet. I love reading poems they always make me feel like a happy vibe. And that’s what yours did. Keep up the good work .
p.s it was a good poem !
My favorite quote is “ actions speak louder than words” by Mark Twain . I am sure you guys heard of this one before . But the reason why I like it is because I like see actions rather than promises that don’t get completed.
Bola Mories
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
August 31, 2011
Post 1
Hello Mr. Hsiao. Hello all my classmates. I am Bola, and I am Egyptian. I am 24 years old. I live in Norwalk. I am so excited that I am taking English 100 with Mr. Hsiao this semester, and I hope that we have nice semester. I work a server in Hilton, and I am selling shoes in paramount swapmeet and on ebay. Whoever wants shoes, please call me at this number
562-213-5370. I have Vans, Nike, K.swiss, Ugg Australia, Puma, Lacoste, Converse, Jordan, and a lot of other brands. You can check what I have online on ebay by using search by user Id. My user Id: bebotuo2009. If you like any shoes, just call me on my number, and I will get it for you on Tuesday or Thursday in school. If I don’t answer leave for me a text message with the shoes that you like and the size, and I will get it for you with a discount to my classmates and all Cerritos College students. For who is going to buy from me directly. You can buy from ebay too, and I will ship it to you too, but It’s gonna to be more expensive on ebay. Please check in my online store on ebay if I have your size or no tthen send me a message on my phone about the size that you like. I talked too much about business. I am optimistic, and I hope that I can get A in all my classes this semester. I have a plan to my life. I like all the books that I have been learning in Mr. Hsiao classes because they expanded my abilities, and they helped me to think in different way.
Khaye and Melissa …….. nice to see you again this semester. Good luck with your business Khaye.
One of the best quotes is for Thomas Edison, “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration”
This quote will be the beginning of my successful, and I will keep it in front of my eyes all my life, and it means to me that I can do everything with God help and Perspiration.
Thanks for everyone has time to read my post.
Valeria Angeles
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #1
Hello everyone!, my name Valeria Angeles and Im 20 years old. I am currently a full time student at Cerritos College. I have three brothers (their ages; 18,17,4). I have no sisters and I love it the way. My parents mean the world to me and without them who knows where I would be. I live in Whittier but i was born in Mexico City. My family moved to California when I was five. So my first language is Spanish , then English followed by Sign Language. I am fluent in all three of these languages but signing is my favorite. At times i forget that not everyone knows how to sign. I am majoring in Sign Language Interpreting. I want to help the deaf community by opening new doors. This year I am working on making things better for all the deaf community. I want to to be a part of something great that will make lots of people happy.
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
-Mohandas Gandhi
I like this quote because Im learning to be nice to the people who are not nice to me and I think it is a difficult task.
Shoutouts to;
@Tommy of course cause he is so honest and never hold back when he has soemthing to say. I like his realness.
@Gabby; You are real fun to work with last Thursday was awesome. It felt like we all knew each other for a long time.
Cesar Vega
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1
Hello everyone. My name is Cesar Vega and I am an alcohol...oh just hi. Well I am a huge baseball fan! I love the game! I have a lot of shirts, sweaters, jackets, flags, banners, etc. I just remeber liking it ever since I was a kid, and liking it even more as I got older. I like other sports as well, but I follow baseball more. I am majoring in Business Management and I am tryin to become an accountant. I was always pretty comfortable with math, so that is probably why I liked accounting. I like kicking back and reelaxing whenever possible, but I like doing spontanious stuff like randomly deciding to go to Disneyland with a simple text. If ever anyone needs help with something related to class, feel free to ask me and I will try my best to help. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone in class, have a good semester.
I do not really have a favorite quote, but I liked one that I found. "Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first." -Frederick B. Wilcox
My response is for Bola. I liked how half of your post was you advertising your shoes haha. I am thinking about checking out your page to see if I like any of them, so your advertising worked. I wish you luck selling your shoes!
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
Engl 100
Hello Everyone!
my name is melissa. i am 20 years old. I love to read, listen to music, and hangout with my friends.I am very outgoing and spontaneous. I am nice but if i do not like something someone says or does i make it very clear how i feel.I also like to party. I have always been a party girl but i have also been the type of girl to hit the books for school. I took Mr. Hsiao's English 20 class the summer of 2010.I really liked it. that is the reason why i am taking his class again. I am really excited to get know know all of you, and have new friends to leave the semester with. Take care everyone i will see you all tomorrow.
Quote: "Everything we love is everything we destroy."(unknown)
i do not remember who said this but when i heard it i loved it.
I really like Tommy Martin's Posts he is very Funny. what he posted made me laugh. He seems like a cool person.
Good night
See all of you tommorrow
Rene Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 1
Greetings ladies and gents! Name's Rene Gonzalez. Born and raised in the farms in Philippines. Moved here in America 7 years ago. Now let's see... I'm just a regular guy, same as anyone else, act and live my life according to the social norm. That is if you don't know anything about me. I'm usually quiet because, I do admit, I think a lot but nothing bad so don't worry. I don't plan out how I would kill everyone in complete detail, though it does sounds very interesting and it does tickle my curiosity. And again, just kidding! One thing I really like though is listening to classical music, and what I mean about classic is 1930's/1940's music and musical symphonies. It calms my mind and is very soothing. My favorite has to be "Fly me to the moon" and "That's life" by Frank Sinatra and "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven.
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." -Oscar Wilde. This is a quote I believe in. Most people act under the social norm. Just like Tommy Martin said, no one can get away without being criticized. That's why if you give someone a "mask" then they will show their true selves.
@Bola Mories Post #1
I like how you turned your post into a blog-version shoe store. Haha. Good luck on your business!
Frank J. Higgins
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
August 31, 2011
Post #1
Hello class! My name is Frank Da Tank and this is my third semester at Cerritos College. This is also my third class with Mr.Hsiao. I have to say that every class I had with Mr.Hsiao was like a family and hopefully this one will to. In fact it comes so close that towards the end of the semester you probably won't want to leave. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of the new faces. Even though almost half of the students in this class I know from the previous semester. It's always good to see them too.
My Favorite quote is I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. I like this quote because even though I might fail I would have never known what I was capable of before.
I almost have to comment on Tommy's. The line that he quoted from the movie Cool Runnings was hilarious. From reading his post its obvious that he doesn't care about what other people think about him and I admire that.
Roshan Gurung
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
Eng 100
Post #1
Hi!!!! Good Afternoon my friends.
My name is Roshan Gurung.I am from Nepal which is located at south asia.I have completed my high school from my country.Moving to U.S.A. was a huge challenge for me and my parents.But we are getting use to it.Going to college was not my dream it was my passion.So ,I am having good time at my college life.I enjoy reading,writing,swimming and doing math as well as making friends.I am very happy to have Professor Hsiao as my Eng 100 instructor because he is cool with each and every one of us. He always try to provoke us to find out who we are?And what we are supposed to do to get success in our life.
Quote of the day:-
" Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others."( Buddha )
It means we should not be dependent to others.And built a habit to do our own works by ourselves.
Nelyda Sosa
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1
Hi everyone, my name is Nelyda Sosa, but my friends call me Nelly for short. I have taken Mr. Hsiao’s class for the past two semesters (this being my third) and he is a great teacher. For those who are new to his class and educational environment, you well love his class. By the end of the semester you will feel like a family with the people around you. His learning methods even stick to you. I guess all I am trying to say is welcome. At John Balagtas, welcome to the College life and no one will judge your blogs. We were all once new to this, I know I was. My first semester of college I had taken Mr. Hsiao’s class and I was nervous with the whole blog thing, for it was new to me too. But at the end, it becomes something easy to manage. So welcome, and if anything I am willing to help. Well as for myself mini story, I am a very dorky and clumsy girl. I enjoy the company of my friends. Recently I have discovered that I am a huge “WONKA NeRdS” fan! I have always been a fan of candy, but lately I have noticed that WONKA NeRdS are my number one on my candy list. I am also very spontaneous, I am willing to visit new places or try new things. To me, that is a way of learning life and its discoveries. I am a full time student and a full time worker at this restaurant called “Togo’s:” (for those not familiar with the place, it is a deli). Many of you will wonder how I do it, it’s actually not hard. My boss is very understanding and kind that he works around with my schedule. Well overall I am an out-going person and I enjoy having fun. Hope to get along with everyone in class. See you guys tell next class, which is tomorrow! By the way, you guys should join our club called P.S.A (PEACE.SERVICE.ASSOCIATION) our goal is to help out people. If interested feel free to ask. Thanks!
Favorite Quote: “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The quote stated above is my favorite for several reasons. One of the main reasons is because to me life is a learning process. Not everything you do in life will be perfect. If you have a false or fault in something, you are mainly to learn from it. History does repeat itself; however, it is up to you to change that history into something better. That is why the more experiments you have its better. Most likely you will learn a thing or two from them.
Paul Garcia
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1
I'm insane! No, not that kind of insane. I just started an intense workout called Insanity, and I have to say it is perhaps the most difficult thing I have ever done! If you don't believe me try it. It will change your life. Enough about that let me introduce myself. I am Paul Anthony Garcia but I prefer to be called Antonio because it was my grandpa's name. I enjoy playing music, long hikes through the mountains, swimming, going on spontaneous random adventures, and trying new types of food. My initial impression of this class was that it was going to be a pain in the butt. Well, you know what they say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." (That is my quote by the way.) The weird thing is that I strangely like it because I am going through a time in my life where I want to test my true limits. I believe that this class will help me discover those limits. Along with helping me make some new friends in the process. Professor Hsiao on the other hand is a completely different story. Initially he seemed a little shy which is rightfully so because if I had to speak in front of a bunch of people I have never met before I would be sweating it just as much if not more. After he warmed up a bit he turned out to be really down to earth, fabulously hilarious, wise, and greatly passionate about teaching. I look forward to getting to know him better and hopefully gaining some of his wisdom.
Angie Hortua
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 1
Hello I am Angie I have been taking Mr. Hsiao for two semesters, going on my third. As many new students I was right where you all are at. I was afraid of being in his class, he seemed to intimidate me. But, he is the most caring professor I have ever had. I'll say a little bit about me. I was born in Colombia, South America just incase you don not know where it is at. lol I came to the states when I was 6. I am a believer, a lover, and a dreamer. I love america as much as I love colombia, they both have been great countries to me. I am an adventurous person, and enjoy new foods, places, just meeting new people. I want to explore the entire world, and hope that one day i can help needy children from around the world. I have high expectations from myself. I am currently a full time student, and just joined a couple new clubs on campus. I have started to work out. I am in an aerobics class, and it is intense. The work outs are amazing. I enjoy mostly every type of music. I enjoy being in this class, each semester i learn great materials, Mr. Hsiao is such a great professor at the end of the semester the whole class becomes a family.
I have so many favorite quotes, but the one I live by is "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." -Marylin Monroe
This quote means the world to me, everything that this quote happens to say has been true, and I just live my life, and if things go wrong then it was for a reason.
I would like to comment on Paul's blog, he said he is working out with insanity, i guess we have something in common, i tried insanity, and it was one of the best work outs I have done.
Giovanni Arvizu
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
Post # 1
Hello, my name is Giovanni, but please just call me Gio, the "vanni" part is just too much. so i live in Corona int he IE. People usually give me a surprised face and ask why i go to school out in Norwalk. so i tell them how as a child i lived in Norwalk and of the memories it holds for me, and so now i am back trying to remember those times. i spend most of my time in my room with my ipod playing, i rather dream then face reality and so i am never sad because i can create my own happiness,okay that sounded really creepy. i am just always in a good mood. one of my favorite places to go to is the beach especially at night. i use to love southern California,but now i want to travel the world. after Cerritos college is done and over with i want to go live in Texas for a year,then to Maimi, then up to NYC then move across Europe. i may live my life broke but i will always have enough to pick myself up and move to a new location.Oh and i am a huge lady gaga fan, i wish she was my mother.
One quote that i really like is this one: "Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting"
- Peter Pan
when i leave home to travel i will not be saying "goodbye" but instead i will say: "see you soon".
@ Tommy Post # 5
ReplyDeleteWhen i read his poem it sounds funny. He seems cool,friendly,frank & realistic...
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
Cerritos college
Hello everyone how is it going with those Paragraphs? Is anyone having any trouble?
I hope not!
i cant wait for the PSA meeting today i get to figure out what officer position i will be. im excited to see how i can help.
well i guess i will see you all this evening.....
Bye bye :)
Rosybel Sagastume
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English #100
Professor Hsiao
Post #1
Greetings To My Old And New/Future Friends!
Hello, my name is Rosybel people call me Rosy for Short and since my name can be hard to pronounce or say at times. I am 18years old am turning 19 on October 27. I speak English Spanish and beginning sign language too. I am engaged and have a beautiful baby girl named Delilah Michelle who is turning 9months Sept.2nd.... Oh oh please vote for her i recently entered her in the children's place model search entry. So go to childrensplace.com and enter her id#399476 to vote. Sorry for going way off topic but if i did not say this now i would have forgotten by the time i was done. This is my second year here in Cerritos and i am a child development major. Yes, it might sound weird to be interested in working with kids since i have one of my own, but I love kids. I want to get my A.A for child development and child development director here in Cerritos to be able to extend my career/ future job. At first i would like to begin being a Pre-school or Kindergarten teacher. 5th grade is the highest grade I’ll teach because I believe the kids after that grade would drive me crazy. Of course i will shot for a B.A then a M.A i want to be super prepared and be able to have more opportunities for high paying jobs. I believe my future career will not only benefit me but will also benefit my daughter and her future needs. Now a little about myself i am a very friendly outgoing girl. I can also be shy at times but most of the time i will be very straight forward. I like to help others and give advice when needed. I always say yes to helping people even though at times i should say no :). I tend to say what’s in my mind without any fears. I judge no one by their looks but by their actions. I dislike careless and irresponsible people they tend to ruin my peace and slow me down. School wise I’m very good in all subjects but math so if you ever need help with any HW or someone to study with I will be willing to help except if it's Math sorry. I would also like to say i am a returning student i took Mr. Hsiao when i was fresh out of high school and i admit i did not want to return to his class after the first day. I was afraid i was not going to be good enough to survive his class without failing. The good thing is i got the hang of his grading and was able to pass English 20 with a C. English 52 was a whole different thing, i was determined to get a higher grade other than a C in his class. I must admit it was hard work I’m talking draft after draft and meeting up with many people to revise my papers. Studying was very important and being involved too. The results literally made me cry. I remember going to my Cerritos to see my grades and just crying when i saw my A. i was really proud of myself and I’m hoping to get a good grade this semester as well. I would also like to take the time to tell everyone to join PSA. We are like the coolest club in campus yes we are new but the bonding and friendship in this club is hard to find. PSA is all about family and helping the community. So if you’re interested ask us about it and join. Shout out to all the PSA officers in the class and i have to say we did a great job at club info day today. Now back to my background i have 3 brothers and no sisters. My parents are both Salvadorians, I love pupusas. But my baby is not a full salvadorean like me her daddy’s Mexican, so she’s mixed :) Well she’s actually really mixed; she has a little bit of puertorican and Guatemalan blood too. My favorite food is Seafood and my favorite color is pink and turquoise.
A quote i live by is: "live life as if you were to die tomorrow" -unknown author....
ReplyDeleteI strongly believe we should not leave many things for tomorrow because in reality we never know what can happen tomorrow. People tend to change and plans do not always work as planned. There are many things that have not been taken action of on time for waiting for that tomorrow. Why not do it now and get it over with then. I believe in no tomorrows but what i can accomplish today even if i am on a tight schedule.
@Martha: i would like to say being a nurse will take a lot of work but if you’re up to the challenge i wish you the best of luck. Hope your looking into getting into the nursing program here in Cerritos College i heard they are the best. I have many friends trying to get in that program. Best advice i can give you is see a counselor as often as possible and get as much help as possible to fulfill your dreams. I think being friendly will help you in your career because friendly nurses are the ones always on call and get more money. I can tell you this because i had a teacher back in high school whose wife was a nurse and she told us how she would do it to win more money. I would also like to tell you hope we turn friends to it would be nice to know a future nurse even though I’m kind of scared of them because some poke in a painful way he he.
Kimberly Zendejas
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1
Hello everyone! J My name is Kimberly Zendejas. I also go by Kim, Kimmy, or Kimbo. I am nineteen years old, the oldest sister of two brothers. I attended Paramount High School and graduate in the year 2010. I also live in Paramount with my lovely family. I am a very friendly person that loves meeting new people but I get shy when I am in front of an audience. I am extremely excited for this new semester. This is my second year at Cerritos College and it is also my third semester taking an English class with Professor Hsiao. My goal at Cerritos College is to receive my AA and then transfer to Cal State Long Beach. My anticipate major is Sociology. Hope everyone has a great semester this year and enjoys every second of it because college years have to be the best years of our lives!
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”
-Maya Angelou
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
“There's no such thing as a perfect man, or a perfect woman...just perfect for each other.”
-Kim Kardashian
Of course I had to include a quote of one of my favorite celebrative.
@Gabby: I also love college! It is so exciting and fun. In addition I also agree with you that friends might distract you at times. But it is always great to have some friends and especial ones that have been here at Cerritos College for a while already. They can always be great help and guide you with things that you might not be familiar with. It is even better when you have friends in your class as well that way you can have someone to study with or ask question to.
Stephanie Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
post #1
Hello, my name is Stephanie and this is my third semester here in.Cerritos. I am 23 yrs old and have two wonderfull sons. One I
s 7 years old and the other is about to turn two. I can say I am one of the sweetest person and very open minded.My major is being a register nurse and I am.very happy I came this far and still continuing to get my career started. On my spare time I love spending each minute with my boys and teaching them.new things .When I am not with them , i miss them so much. As you can see they are my aspiration to continue studying and so that way I can give them.the future they deserve. I am very happy Professor did not let me diwn and ge believes in me. I am.also.happy I get to spend one more semester with the girls: Claire, Kim, Diana, Angie and Jessica.
Quote : Many of life's failure are people who.did not realize how closw they were to success when they gave up".- thomas Edison
Casey Luna
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1
Greetings everyone,
I just want to get this chip off my shoulder. I am going to be honest and straightforward when I say I feel as if I am at a disadvantage in this course. This is the first English course I have taken after quite some time, I would say about two years, and so I feel that I am a bit “rusty.” Aside from that, the majority of my classmates already know each other and so it does make me feel like the “new kid in school.” With that said, I will reveal a little about myself so that my fellow classmates will begin to know me…
I am not from around California or even a large, heavily populated city. I was born in Columbus, Georgia and raised in the countryside, a place called Pine Mountain, Georgia. I have lived a humble and simple life so far and the greatest hindrance I have encountered is my future career. My problem is not that I do not know what I want to do in life, I simply cannot choose from so many. I feel that life is too short to only choose from such a few things and work so hard to specialize in just a few areas. I love science, art, and English (depending on who the Prof. is ^_^ ) and within each subject there are a vast amount of titles, positions, and knowledge to gain. I simply do not know where to start. I am hoping that this class will be able to offer some insight into this and help me to become a stronger individual with the help of everyone and Prof. Hsaio. I am seemingly quiet but ohh when the moments arise, I cannot help but speak what is clearly on my mind. I have been known to be brutally honest, sassy, and "quick to burn," but that is merely on a superficial level. I have a great, loving heart and kindred spirit underneath it all. I can be your greatest friend or your greatest enemy and I treat people the way they treat me.
My favorite quote: “Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here is another by him, just for kicks: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
In response to the ever-posting Tommy Martin and his Post #6: I think the reason why that girl just “looked right through you” was because you didn’t exactly let her see you. If you could harbor that confidence and humor that you demonstrate throughout your posts here, then I am sure that the girls at Cerritos College would give you the time of day. You just have to pursue them and just like what everyone says, “You never know until you try.”
Mohammad Islam
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Greetings to my classmates
Hi, my name is Mohammad Islam. I am in Cerritos College from 2008. My major is business. My goal is to get Bachelor for any USC and Masters from UCLA. Currently I am taking six unit classes, but I want to be full time. I have to work full time; I am unable to do that. I am not satisfied what I am doing in my job. My goal is to be an Accountant (CPA). So I like to do any kind of accounting related job. If anybody can help I will appreciate that. Currently I receive Microcomputer Accounting Clerk certificate from Cerritos College. I like to learn English. So far I observed I believe I could learn something from our professor, because he is organized and helpful. He emailed me about my homework, which really help to understand. I hope in future I will could be able strong my English proficiency.
Today I want to say about Quote, “Do not judge the book by its cover.” Meaning I think everyone knows.
@ Comment about Valeria Angeles , I do not have any sister either. I know not having any brother or sister make family unfulfilled. We are three brothers.
Bola Mories
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post #2
I really like this semester. I like strength quest book. Thanks you so much Mr.Hsiao
Tariq Islam
eng 100
It is been a while a took any english class,so i am little bit rusty and we are already on 3rd week. I took Eng52 in cerritos college in summer of 2008. I am trying to imporve my writing skeel with the help of Prof Hsiao. Who is very smart and very articulate. I almost wanted to drop the class but looks like i can weather the storm. If i can finish this class it will help to get transfered to cal state university next fall
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos COllege
post #8
coping with the lost of my brother still . . .rest in paradise may 16 1984 until august 19 2009 ...
i believe that a lot of what we carry around is grief for those people and things that we haven't yet let go of. I guess that's from personal experience. Anyway, here's a quote you can use anywhere you wish, as i have used and needed more . . .
"If you were once connected with someone, does it make sense that the connection is broken just because of a physical death? No, the connection stays. You may just have to listen differently. You may just have to talk differently. The truth is: the connection is never broken. It's quite impossible to break the most powerful connection in the universe. As long as you exist, the connection stays."
If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane,We would walk all the way to Heaven, to bring you home again. No farewell words were spoken, no time to say good-bye.
You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why. Our hearts ache in sadness, and secret tears will flow. What is meant to lose you, no one will ever know. R.i.P big brother i love youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!
Tommy Martn
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post # 9
StrengthsQuest . . .
In the book "SQ" the author states, "two thirds of what we see is behind our eyes."
This quote means alot :
Did you ever look at a scene or a picture and ask yourself “what am I seeing?” I think most of our perception (maybe ⅔) determines what we see. Most of the time you know immediately what you see. For instance, that big truck coming at you is a good indication that you need move quickly. An example of where your experience makes the determination: For instance you see a couple that appear to be arguing. If you just left an abusive relationship, you see a man verbally abusing a woman. However if your girl hearing aid batteries are weak, you see a man trying to be heard.The same applies to beauty being in the eye of the beholder. I see a high tech. mountain bike with a carbon graphite frame as a work of engineering art and beauty. My girl sees it as transportation that should, because of it’s price, should come with an engine and cruise control.The point is that there is a difference between what you see and what you perceive. You build a model of images received by your eyes in your brain. You brain then uses past experience to determine what that model means to you.
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post #3
Grammy Museum Fieldtrip
The trip was fun! For a class fieldtrip, it actually felt like hanging out with friends.
I am definitely not a morning person. I dragged myself off the bed this morning thinking that it's just a "school thing". Turns out, I spoke too soon. Wandering around the Grammy Museum was a blast (I adore museums). And bowling? Saying it was fun is an understatement. The best part of the trip, however, is meeting new people and having the chance to make new connections. Not too bad for extra credit, I must say!
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post #4
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, "He who has a 'why' to live can bear almost any 'how'." (The Twilight of the Idols)
I stumbled upon this quotation about three years ago. It was one of those times when nothing made sense, and it's as if everything feels empty. Times like these are not easy to bear. It's like driving on the freeway blindfolded, and all you want to do is hit the brakes. You would ask yourself the big question: why? Why are things so messed up? Why am I so messed up? Why shouldn't I quit? It's ironic how just a three-letter word could be mind-boggling. Then out of nowhere, it hits you. Finally, you have found that reason...you have found your "why". Sometimes, that "why" is not what you have anticipated; a lot of times, you realize you knew it all along. Either way, it clears up the haze. Having a reason is like taking in caffeine--it gives you the boost to go on. Life is all about finding those reasons and conquering the challenges that prevent us from fulfilling them. What is your "why"?
@Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteYour ninth post is very interesting. Indeed, every person perceives differently. I am currently reading a book called "The Brain That Changes Itself". It's about brain plasticity, or the concept of how our brains never stop changing, in contrary to the conventional notion that it is like a hardwired machine. (This is clearly a topic for another day, so I apologize for “nerding out”!) Anyways, what I am trying to get to is the concept of seeing/perception in the book, as elaborated by the story of how neuroscientists invent machines to help blind people "see". According the head researcher Paul Bach-y-Rita, "We see with our brains, not with our eyes." He argues that the mere thing our eyes do is serve as light energy detectors. It is our brains that mold our perceptions. Therefore, how we perceive things is mostly up to how we think. Again, I apologize for being so scientific (I have this tendency to bore people to death, haha); I just want to support your quotation from another viewpoint.
Samantha Luque
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Grammy Museum
Yesterday English 100 and English 20 students all went to the Grammy Museum. It was so much fun because I got to talk and get to know the people inside my class and also the ones in English 20. Monica was there and she is so nice and a really fun person that I am mentoring this semester. The bus ride going up there was so much fun, cause I got to talk and get to know people and it went fast. Once we all got into the museum, Danny, Melissa and I grouped up and experienced the wonders of the museum. We got to the 4th floor and started the experience. I wanted all the memories of this experience, but unfortunately we could not take pictures. Boooo, it sucked!!!! Anyways....the best part of this experience was the John Lennon and Beatles exhibits. The coolest thing about this museum was getting to play instruments and making your own style of music. All the items in the museum were incredible, so much history in that place. I also loved the Bob Marley exhibit, it was so full of life. It was colorful and informational. I also bought myself a little something. I got a Beatle button and a key ring holder. Two thumbs up :). After the Grammy Museum we all went to Lucky Strike Bowling. We had yummy food and all went bowling for a really good price. I met so many fun and outgoing people during bowling. It was a blast, even though I'm a horrible bowler. But what made it awesome was that the people in my lane cheered me on when I made a gutter ball. I loved that and it made me more comfortable. I am so looking forward to the other fieldtrips.
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #1: Greetings!!
Hello fellow classmates! My name is Samantha Marie Pepito and I am the short red head girl :D This is my third semester taking Professor Hsiao, (from English 20 until 100), and I tell you it was not easy for me! (lol). Anyways, I am a very friendly person, caring, humorously sarcastic, and outgoing person. I actually love to socialize and make new friends! Although I can get shy at times so it is hard to see that I like socializing, I just have to feel comfortable. I do not like much attention on me, it makes me feel self-conscious and seeing people stare at me with their beady eyes intimidate me. Although there are days when I am loud and unintentionally catch attention from others. I am someone who will immediately be your friend and be there for you as much as you can. But lately I have found that people have been taking advantage of that about me because I can be so nice. I love joking around with people and making people smile, the joy of others gives me joy. First taking Professor Hsiao’s class two semesters ago, I was so shy. I was greatly intimidated by you Professor Hsiao (haha!). After taking that first semester, I began to show who I truly was. I felt closer to the class, made new great friends. So if anyone new who is taking Hsiao do not worry about not making friends in the class. At the end, you will definitely see how close the class will become. I never thought I could make new friends in the beginning, but looking at it now I still keep in touch with a friend I met in my English 20. Speaking of English with Professor Hsiao, it took a lot of deciding whether I should take the class or not again. I was feeling frustrated that I would be taking on so much this semester. It took a lot of convincing to take English 100 with Professor Hsiao because it was just so tough for me. Even though I survived the last two semesters with really good grades, I did not know if I could take up the work again. Well I just want to thank you Professor Hsiao for convincing me. It feels good to be back! Anyways, I hope this is going to be another great semester! Actually I know it will =)
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #2: Quote
“Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.” – Anonymous
This quote is one of my favorites because I find it true. Growing up to a musically inclined family, this quote definitely explained how I felt about music. It is what I grew up with; it is what runs through my veins and makes up of who I am. Music is a great deal of therapy for me and makes what my mood is for the day. I can say that music makes me feel like I am on Cloud 9. Music helps express the way I feel. There is not a day that goes by when I do not listen to music because it is my drug. My daily dosage of music keeps me sane.
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #3: Tommy
Just like what Professor Hsiao has mentioned, you are definitely popular on this blog! I just want to give you a shout out to your blog on Post #2: Challenges and Struggles. I do strongly agree with the fact that with struggling, you are progressing. Without it, you know that at least you are to move forward with whatever it is so and so is struggling with. I do think that struggling with things alone too is also helping you to grow and mature. Tommy, you really do write powerful things and I say keep it up with what you are doing! Having you in class for three semesters already, you really brighten up the mood in the class. You are pretty funny guy and quite the romantic! Actually I want to give a shout out to all the blogs you have written, the poem you wrote in Hsiao’s class a long time ago. I did not know you could be the poetic kind until we had to do projects last semester. Even though you and me have not really spoken, you are a good person! Thanks for brightening up the class too =)
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
This past year I have been babysitting a lot of my nieces and I say it really isn’t that easy to take care of a child. Having a child is a true blessing but it takes a lot to raise a child. This past weekend, I was babysitting my one year old niece. She is quite the energetic, happy baby girl. She hates to sit in her stroller and just loves to run anywhere and everywhere she can go. I have a ton of homework that I had to get done with and a lot to study for upcoming quizzes for this week. My niece would always run up to me and as I was trying to blog she would come to my laptop and start pushing all the buttons. Then as I set my laptop down, I tried to read while trying to keep her entertained (she gets bored really easily). By the next minute she grabs my Strengthsquest book and folds the back of it. My hands were so full trying to take care of her and doing homework. I didn’t really know what to do except put my things down and decided to play with her. So what I’m trying to say is to the young mothers is that I give kudos to you guys for taking care of your kid and juggling with school. You guys are the best for trying to not only get your education but making you and your child a better future.
Daniel Montano
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Grammy Museum
On Saturday morning Samantha and I got to Cerritos College anxious to go on the bus to the Grammy museum. While waiting for everyone to get there. When waiting on the bus Sam and me were talking and making new friends. Getting to a great start Sam and I meet Crystal and Brenda. Talking about what we like and have in common. When the bus was on its way I was excited and ready to explore the museum. When we got inside was like in heaven for me. Seeing the daft punk suits were awesome there are my idols in electronic music. One day I want to become a music producer and become one of the artists. The John Lennon collection was inspiring especially Paul Mc Cartney and John Lennon writing like about 200 songs. That right there was so incredible. The thing that was most awesome was playing the instruments and going along with the tutorials. The most disappointing part of the trip was that we could not take picture of the memorabilia. After the museum we went to Lucky Strike as a big family ready to know each other better. Sam, Melissa, Brenda, Crystal, Frank, Angie and I were all at a table ready to eat. It was the most fun because we talk as a big happy family. The people that we bowled with were fun and them cheering us on. It was a trip that will never be forgotten.
Diana Meza
ReplyDeleteCerritos college
English 100
Post 1
Hello fellow classmates,
I am really excited about this semester there are so many things to accomplish this year. Back to my introduction, my name is Diana some of my friends call me D. This is my second year here at Cerritos College, and I really enjoy this school. I am 21years young and have a beautiful 2 year old son. My little man is so funny and handsome. Whenever I feel down he says the funniest things to make me smile. A couple of weeks ago I. Was really sad about some family problems, my son came up to me and said, "anyway, anyway mom I will buy you a buzz balloon. He randomly goes up to me while I am cleaning and he says, " you beautiful mom". He gives me horsey kisses, something complicated. My son is why I try harder at everything. Most people would say that his/her kid is the reason why they wake up and do everything. I do everything with my son in mind. I just do not understand how some people do not want achieve or try hard for themselves like if one is not worthy of a better life... any way that is just me venting.
Back to my introduction, I am a pretty random girl I ussually stay off topic. I am really friendly and love to eat and go to school. I do not know what else to say about myself besides, that I am really happy to get to know new people this semester.
Tommy your poems always make me laugh.
To your struggles post, I think most people live a hard life and struggle some have it easy, but the ones who struggle appreciate everything more.
I am so proud of how far you have came you are definetly a fighter!
My only comment, constructive critiscm is to slow down on the profanity. :-) besides that keep up the good work.
Favorite quote
"Truth is everyone is going to hurt you, you just have to find the ones worth sufferring for"
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteEnglish 1OO
Cerritos College
Post #10
Stress . . .
Have you ever felt sick to your stomach during a test? Have you had days when you were so loaded down with homework that you had trouble sleeping? Have you ever been so worried about something that you ended up with a terrible headache? If so, then you know what it's like to feel stress. You've probably heard people say, "Wow, I'm really stressed out" or "This is making me totally stressed." Maybe you hear people say those kinds of things all the time. But younger kids have lots of things going on in their lives that can cause stress, too. Right now in my life I am truthly stressed. Situations with my daughter and the constraints they are putting on me to make me look bad is very horrible. I really hope god will look in my favor and really help me with this one.
Gabriela Moreno
ReplyDeleteCerritos college
English 100
Post 2
Hello classmates! Well I am currently finishing some homework up from my other four classes. This weekend was my birthday weekend as you guys know by Mr. Shiao letting you guys sing me happy birthday! Thank you again for wishing me a happy birthday I had a blast. I went out with some friends and had a nice formal dinner, where the decided to surprise me with balloons and gifts. Everyone in the restaurant could not stop staring which was making me shy, hahah but I got over it because it was my birthday. On the other hand, It was very disappointing that I could not make it to the field trip because of work, but i will be attending the next one for sure :) On our last class I really enjoyed the meditation we did, it actually make a difference throughout the whole class time I felt more calm. I like how everyone is posting now makes me feel like I know some of you much better this was a great idea! I enjoy getting to know all of you as the semester progresses.
Favorite quote: "Some lose all mind and become soul, insane. Some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual. Some lose both and become accepted."
-Charles Bukowsk.
@diana meza I love that Bob Marley quote because it is so true :)
Jessica Cleary
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #2
Random; My Mini Vacation to Mammoth
For the Males who will read this: If you like being outdoors, Mammoth is for you. If you like females who like the outdoors, Mammoth is for you. If you just want to get away and have chill company, Mammoth is for you.
For the Females who will read this: If you like being outdoors, Mammoth is for you. If you like “white boys”, Mammoth is Def. for you. If you want to get away and not know anyone, Mammoth is for you. If you want to tan super easy, then Mammoth is for you.
I just wanted to share how thrilled I was to be able to take a mini vacation from school and my day to day living to do something spontaneous. Now I have not been to Mammoth before so this was EXTREMELY phenomenal. Another moment in time where I shared something with my son, yay! Bonus mommy points for me! I do not like the snow. I have been in the snow countless of times and Lord knows I can handle it when I absolutely must but if I can avoid it I will. Thus the reason behind why my family spoils me, and visited Mammoth during the summer.
Now why I am posting this is because majority of people I know do not get to experience moments in life such as this. So in case you have never been or have yet to make it to Mammoth, please try to see it. It is something so lovely, and you feel rejuvenated. However, if you do not like the outdoors, then scratch Mammoth of your places to visit list.
While I was in Mammoth I had a paintball fight, drove a 1950s Jeep Willy (I am a sucker for Olds mobiles), shopped, jacuzzied indoors (and because I did that in Mammoth it makes it that much more special okay? Haha), fished with my son and brother, hiked, and enjoyed the kitchen.
I would like to say that when an oppurtinity is given I like to take advantage of it, I would not classify myself as an outdoors type of female. Especially NOT in Mammoth. Everything is bigger in the mountains I kid you not! The trees were super tall I got a stiff neck from looking up all the time. The ants were RIDICULOUS. I do not like ants, I really really despise them! These Mammoth ants are NO joke, they were at least as big as two inches in width and length. Those little suckers could have carried me back to their home. Now that was an exaggeration but if you had seen the size of them you would be impressed and a bit worried as well. The squirrels and chipmunks were chunky and super cute. They would remind you of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Yet, they were NOT afraid of people, I was more worried they were going to nab at my son more than anything; they were just too bold for my flavor. I am just thankful that I did not see a possum. Oh gosh, if I had I bet you the butt alone would be similar to my mom’s dog, Bailey. Bailey is a blood hound mix. Mixed with what we are still investigating that. I really wish I had seen a bear or a cub; that would have been the best. I can always go when my friends go back there so cross my fingers and toes that I see one.
Highlight of this post is : Mammoth is captivating, you should definitally visit [ unless you do not like outdoors], and the animals out there are VERY well feed. I cannot wait to go back already. Plus I had to get the excitement of my chest!
Angela Guzman
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #2
Grammy Museum Reflection
I can say that this has been my favorite field trip so far. I really thought more people were going to go from our class, I am pretty sure that they would of all enjoyed it as much as I did. The museum was a great experience. I have to say that my favorite exhibit was the Bob Marley one. It was so nice to see his clothes, and all his work. I went around looking at all his pictures and even looked through some books. I bought a poster to put in my room. I also wrote a note to him and hung it on the wall. I was looking through the wall and saw that some people had came from Canada others from Tokyo. That to me was truly amazing. Bowling was really fun as well. I had not been bowling in awhile so I kind of sucked. Everyone kept laughing at me because I would let the ball go a little too hard and they thought I was going to break the floor. Overall it was fun; my sister really enjoyed it as well. I got to know some of my classmates a lot better. I am really looking forward to the rest of the fieldtrips.
David Mories
ReplyDeleteEnglish 20
Professor Hsiao
Post# 1
Hello English 20 classmates
My name David Mories, I am 21 years old.I have
a small business at the swap meet selling brand
name shoes like converse and vans etc. I really
love everybody. I like to have a lot of
friends. I love to swim and play ping pong and
go to the church and shopping. I am regular
person and I really wish to be friends to
everybody in the class.I am a very shy person
also I really wish to talk with everybody in my
classmates. I am so happy to be in this class
with professor Hsiao and with you guys.
“Believe God, because he is everything in this life”
Khaye Chia S. Buenaventura
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #2
Assignment Post:
As the author Anais Nin has said,"We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are."(75). We are naturally born with judgmental mentality. We can deny it from everyone, but never to ourselves. We judge people from their acts, race, color of the skin, styles and in appearance as a whole. We identify and label them based on our own concept of what is normal. But how do we identify normal? We all came from different culture,backgrounds,and beliefs.That is why conflict takes place because we have our own concept and so does other. So far I have read chapter 4 and it made a great impact on me about self-concept. Although, I know that people are made uniquely, but i still wonder why some can do so much and others just being contented of what they have. I have not finish the three chapters but there are so much things I have learned, and one of them is that we have to see other differently not in the negative way but to analyze their strengths skin deep for us to be able to work our strengths together in building a harmonious relationship between two different people. And I called that process TRUE FRIENDSHIP.
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ReplyDeleteJessica Cleary
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #3
Strenghts Quest
In chapter nine of Strengths Quest they had ended with this segment, “ Lifelong learning isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Being a lifelong learner is your only way of coping with rapid change, knowledge explosion, and complex relationships. No matter what field you enter, you must forever be a learner, or you will be left behind. “(Page 232). At this moment in life I truly understand what the authors are trying to get at. Everyone hits milestones in their lives at different times, which varies on how we approach and react to things. Coping with rapid change would be adding to your social role. For example a rapid change, becoming a parent you not only are expected to be a parent, you’re also a student, friend, co-worker, significant other, etc. Knowledge explosion may be the fact you have to sort for yourself a ray of information that may impact your views. Taking on more than once subject in school, knowing that each subject has a quiz within the same week, all concepts you must remember. Complex relationship, being in a relationship is complex enough. If you have not yet experienced a relationship, well then you can take observe your parents relationship. Either learn or be left behind, it’s as simple as that. Day to day we all learn something; it can be something so minor we do not take into account or it may be something derogative that we take notice even if we do not agree.
melissa shepherd
ReplyDeletecerritos college
english 100
post # 3
Grammy museum
i had a very good time at the Grammy museum. i loved the john Lennon tribute and the Bob Marley tribute. i got some good pictures hehe ;) I also had a good time bowling. I liked mingling with the classmates. i got to know a few girls from class they seem very cool and down to earth. i also had a good time regulating on the dumb waitresses that could not get our bills right. hahah Sam knows what i am talking about haha. Well thank you mr. Hsiao for a great Saturday field trip. i amlooking forward to see you all tomorrow
<3 <3
Rosybel Sagastume
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsaio
English 100
Cerritos College
Post # 2
The Grammy Museum
This museum was awesome. I really had a good time and really did need the entertainment/relaxation. What i did not like was the securities telling us not to take pictures. Again i do not blame them i know that's their jobs but everything was so tempting that i took alot. The john lennon Michael Jackson and Bob Marley tributes were great. I loved them. (shout out to Samantha) thanks for buying my Delilah a M.J button; i still think it was funny how you would ask her what she wanted and she kept pointing at the M.J onesie. The onesie was cute and the saying on it was hilarious like Whos Bad? hehehe. I have to let the ones who did not go know that they missed out on a fun time. Bowling was great, the pizza i ordered wasnt and the waitresses were bad. I believe they needed to be more organized but that does not matter, what matters is we had fun. Going to the Staple Center was fun, i took so many pictures of my daughter there.. I really hope next time a fieldtrip comes around more people go. It is really fun and im sure you'll have a great time. Toodles For now... :)
Rosybel Sagastume
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsaio
English 100
Post #3
This book is great. I like the way it shows how all signature strengths adapt and work in different areas. I recently took the assesment today and i have to say im amazed. Im not a Woo after all but everything i am perfectly fits it in every way. Ima be taking that back now, so i am a Woo but an updated one hehe. The reading we did in class in some of these chapters was very clear and motivated to keep learning more about myself and who i am. I am oe of those few people who work more on my weaknesses than strengths. I believe that once that is overcomed your strengths only get more stronger. Stronger in the way you are not so afaird of failure and me personally i love challenge. Like they say "you can not step in the ring without knowing how to box". that to me in this way it would describe the ring as the challenge and boxing as having your strengths and weaknesses together. Therefore i believe in order to accept the challenge you have to go through the hrs,months and years of training to be the best one can be. I hope that by the end of this book i am able to understand myself a little more. Thanks Mr.H for making us read these helpful books that will only benefit us in the future.
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #5
Strengthsquest: Chp 4-6
Reading chapters four through six, I found Chapter Four about Relationships the most interesting. I am a social person and I was very interested to read what Strengthsquest talked about in the chapter. In Strengthsquest, “We are bobarded with advertising that encourages us to compare ourselves to others who are prettier, smarter, more athletic, make more money or are with someone more attractive. Too often the focus is on who you aren’t rather than on who you are (75).” I strongly agree with this quote because of the media, people are to feel insecure about their self. People watching movies, television (reality especially), music videos, and etc., they believe that is how they are supposed to look. The media brainwashes you to make you think that way. What the quote also means is that the way that we view, per se models, that is how we are supposed to see our self as. I believe that is a lot of people’s weakness is because we are so easily brainwashed at our appearance to the public and in order to feel more accepted is to change yourself drastically. We need to begin looking at things in a different perspective because that is a weakness to improve on.
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ReplyDeleteCesar Vega
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Many of us are going to school for a reason. Whether that reason is because you want to make your parents proud, or you are doing it for yourself, we are here for a reason. In "StrengthsQuest", Donald O. Clifton says, "As in any are of life, achieving excellence in education requires meticulous, painstaking preparation and hard work."(127). Of course we have heard this before, but we all need to carry it through. Not enough people actually do what this quote says. If you do not feel like you have had a productive day, then we are not trying hard enough. I use motivation to help me work and try hard in my studies. I use the motivation to give myself a better future, and my girlfriend motivates me as well. If that is what it takes for others to work hard then go get it, or find another way to work hard. We can do this people! Lets go work hard and achieve excellence.
John Robert Balagtas
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #2
"Talents are like muscles. If you use them, they will help you achieve. Further, as you refine them, they will become even more capable of helping you achieve." (StrengthsQuest 97)
Knowing and using your talents is only half of its potential. One must fully refine their talent to use it to its full potential. For example, someone who is naturally strong may do absolutely nothing all day and still be able to lift heavy objects. But if that person just applies himself to refine that power, they will be able to accomplish so much more. Their raw power will pale in comparison to their refined strength. Thanks to strengthsquest I now know my where my talents are. Its still kinda hard applying my talents in real life situations but I know that if I keep trying it will greatly benefit my future. Knowing your talents will only get you half way there. If you apply yourself to refine these talents, I believe that they can be your strongest assets
Casey Luna
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #2
Soon after beginning chapter nine, I ran into this piece of advice, “…being a mentor is just as important as having a mentor. If you truly want to develop leadership strengths, you must seek out people to help you—and find people who would benefit from what you have learned.” (pg.219) It rarely occurs to the general population that the great leaders we look upon in admiration also look to their own leaders. Shortly after reading that little bit of information from StrengthsQuest, the ever-known phrase “born to be a leader” reverberated throughout my mind. The awe-inspiring figures that we look upon weren’t merely born that way. These figures were born and then grown, molded, and taught to become leaders through the experiences gained, mistakes learned, and by the assistance of others. Those around us can offer such insight on certain matters and bring clarification to ambiguous subjects. In order for us to excel at our individual strengths and begin the path to leadership, we must first raise the hand so that another can accept it. Letting go of pride sometimes can be greatly beneficial and even more so influential. Recall the moments when someone describes the location of an object to you and you simply find yourself shaking your head. Then they literally point it out and that’s when you find your moment of, “Ohh!” In order to teach others, you must first be taught. In order to be great, you must first learn from greatness. It all begins when another simply points it out for you.
Daniel Montano
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Reflections on Strength Quest
When using are talents the key for excellence is mistaken for weakness. But excellence is achieved when working hard in our talents and on our talents to pursue excellence. Most people think that just having talents is a way to achieve excellence yet its not true in any situation, when working hard is a big process and factor in this situation of excellence. In the process of achieving excellence organization, work ethics and carefully thinking about how to achieve in our talents. Excellence needs to be thought through carefully and have a goal in mind and picture it. Also knowing what is need for the process to achieve this excellence in our strengths and talents. But as a person I know that what ever I do needs to be planned carfully to have near perfection most of the time. When I do something that requires excellence I put my mental preparation in to work. Having focus is also key and working on one talent at a time is best for me and probably for everyone is more carefully thought out. Once I understand and get to my goal in my talent or strength. I keep my on moving forward and work on my weak talents or strengths. When we strategically put our talents and strengths like in chest then all of the other pieces our in work to follow to win in the game of excellence.
Claire Becerra
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 2
Strengths Quest chap 4 – 9
In chapter 4 “Relationships from the Strengths Perspective” I read about the lenses of Reality, about seeing differently, for example seeing others, yourself, future, and life differently. Also I read about the impact of culture on self-concept. In general I read about a lot of things that help us to grow up, but the one that I enjoyed more was self-knowledge and self-acceptance. I likes this because it explain how important is to be accepted by ourselves. In chapter 5 “Insights into Strengths Development” this chapter is more about talents. It also is about how to use your talents, how to discover them, and when we know that we have some talents. What really call my attention is that talents are powerful when a personal mission inspires them. It is really true beause we want to follow someone or something. For example if my dad was writer, maybe I have the same talent, but it will be powerful by my energy because I want to be like him, so I will work on it to be better o equal to him. In Chapter 6 “Considering Strengths when Planning your Education” this chapter is really short and interesting. It is all about excellence, and what excellence requires. It is also about planning something as education. This chapter is most like created to help us because I am sure that many people does not have plans for their future, especially for their education, including me. I am no sure about what I want to do in the future. In chapter 7 “Developing Academic Strengths in College” this chapter is really long. It is about what can be our motivations, desires, and goals. It also is about strategies for applying your talents in academics, it includes relationships, class selection, general academic life, extracurricular activities, and study techniques. In general it is all about applying everything to your life. In chapter 8 “Developing Leadership Strengths in College” this chapter is pretty much about leadership. How you want to grow up in life. It is all about leadership development into your entire life. In chapter 9 “Becoming your own Best Educator and Learner” it is about the power of expectations, the missed opportunities revealed by Rosenthal’s research, what really happened in the Rosenthal studies, a radical idea, perception of talent, and becoming you own best educator and leader.
Angie Hortua
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 2
The Grammy Museum
Thank you Mr. Hsiao for such a wonderful field trip. I had a really great time. I asked for the day off, when I woke up that Saturday morning I had woken up a few minutes after my alarm when on, thinking that I was not able to make it, I got ready quick. I left my house around 8:30. Which was the time that we were going to be leaving. Luckily when I arrived they were still there. I was becoming disappointed that I would be missing such a great field trip. As soon as I saw the buses and students standing around I had a big smile on my face. I did not want to miss a day of work for no reason. I was very lucky that morning. The Grammy museum was wonderful. I mostly enjoyed the tribute to Bob Marley, and John Lennon they are two of my favorite singers. I also liked the Micheal Jackson one, and a few others. Overall, the Grammy Museum was great. After, we went bowling. I had such a great time meeting new classmates, and bonding with them. It seemed like we had been friends forever. We all got along perfectly. I had a new experience going bowling, since it was my first time. I had no interest in bowling, I use to think it was lame, but now I cannot wait to go back. I had a fun time thank you so much Mr. Hsiao.
Samantha Luque
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Reflections on Chapter 4 of Strengths Quest
In this chapter, there was one section that caught my eye. The section was focusing on seeing others differently and the author used a example of when a researcher observed many couples. This one example in the book really made me focus and think about my own relationship. This researcher John Gottman was known to predict couples in 15 minutes and determine if they would stay together or divorce. John Gottman only focused on unhappy marriages and not the positive ones. That was his mistake in thinking he could find the bad in marriages and take out what they did wrong and form that into successful marriages. Then he observed a successful marriage he thought that it would show him that they possess a perfect marriage. But he saw that the husband saw his wife had more talents and strengths then she thought she really had. Then John Gottman realized he should have focused on each husband and wife individually, not put together as one. John Gottman is now seeing couples through strengths colored glasses. When I was reading this, I looked into my own relationship with Daniel. Daniel and I both have problems in this relationship, but does not mean we are unhappy together. In order for us to work as a happy couple, for instance, we are two different colored glasses. If one of us possesses a particular strength and the other does not then both of us have failed as a real happy couple. Daniel and I love to help with each others strengths and talents. We both have an understanding in each others strengths and we come together with our differences and balance each others out.
Bola Mories
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Chapter 6: Developing Academic strengths in College
The talents will build up person’s strengths when he tries to expand his talents. Students should choose their classes carefully which help them to extend their strengths. When someone loves to take certain classes, he will do much better in those classes than choosing them randomly. Students should participate in clubs and organizations that will help them to be involved with other classmates and colleagues. In strengths quest, the author says “you have multiple motives for achieving and persisting”. The author explained that everyone has to persist until he achieves his goals. Successful people shrugged the obstacles to reach their goals. They worked hard to know their strengths that helped them to be successful. They planned their time very well, and they worked so hard.
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ReplyDeleteGiovanni Arvizu
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #2
The Grammy Museum was AMAZING! I was a bit hesitant to go on the field trip just because I was not part of the club and i did not know anybody, but I am glad I went. Seeing the Daft Punk outfits made my day but seeing a Lady Gaga outfit would have made my whole year. I had never gone down to that part of Los Angeles and after this field trip i will be going down there more often, maybe i'll even convince my parents to go see the Grammy museum with me. one thing i will not forgive myself for is forgetting to bring a camera, i did have my phone but quality was inadequate. OH! i almost forgot, playing with the instruments was fun but all that fun made me realize that i am no musician.
Paul Garcia
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #2
In Strengths quest the author states "You are a dreamer who sees visions of the future and who cherishes those visions."(49)This quote really struck a chord in my mind. I truly am a dreamer. sometimes I catch myself drifting off and thinking about the possibilities of the future. It makes me feel great when I dream. it fills me with hope, happiness, and inspiration. I believe that the benefits of being futuristic out weighs it's shadow side.
In Strength Quest the author states that “A large part of the secret of success in life is learning to apply your areas of greatest talent to manage your weakness (page 77)”. This statement wants to describe the ability of an individual to overcome to their own weakness. It happens when they will know their strength and power to mobilize their way of life in good direction. If you know what your natural talents are, you can focus on developing them into strengths. And you can devote your life to work that is congruent or in harmony with your natural talents and strengths. Most likely, this will be a much better use of your time and generally make you happier, more effective, and more successful. And also never try to hide your weakness, instead of that find the way to solve it. Look inside yourself, try to identify your natural talents, reinforce them with practice and learning, and then either find or carve out a role that draws on these strengths every day. When you do, you will be more productive, more fulfilled, and more successful. Beside this, the greatest improvement will come from overcoming the weaknesses. If you want to make more of your talents and live up to your full potential, you have to learn to use them. You have the power to change your habits - to acquire new skills and fully use the skills you now have. You can improve your performance, your productivity, and the quality of your whole life.
ReplyDeleteFrank J. Higgins
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
The Grammy museum
The Grammy museum was great. I enjoyed everything they had. Especially anything they had with where the origins of hip hop and rap started. I also marveled at the Bob Marley exhibit that they had as well. After, the food at Lucky Strike was copacetic. The cheese on my pizza was falling off other than that it was fine. Maybe I should have let it cool down first but I couldn't resist because my belly's growling sounded louder than a blow horn. Then we made our way to the bowling ally that they had in the back. After a couple of gutter balls due to a lack of warming up I started hitting some pins. As soon as we were leaving I finally got a strike. It seems that I was actually just starting to warm up. Just playing it was just a lucky strike. Overall I had a great time and met some new people.
Rene Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #2
In Chapter 5 of StrenghtsQuest, "Talents are most powerful when inspired by a personal mission" (page 98) is the third principle on developing your strengths. I agree on this statement. If you relate your strengths on a personal mission you have, it'll be much easier to develop that strength. Developing your strength while in the middle of the personal mission gives you no reason not to develop that strength. Since you are using your strength to accomplish a certain personal mission, the developing process of that strength just comes naturally. Developing your strengths during a personal mission gives you answers on "How" to accomplish it. You can use your strengths to reach that personal goal and in turn it makes your strengths even stronger.
Juan Humildad
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 2
The following chapter of Strengths Quest was particularly interesting as is the whole book so far. One thing that really reached out to me was the section of "stepping in someone else's shoes". You get to meet a lot of people and might get to know a lot about them, but you do not really know their life and what they have been through or what they have done to get where they are. That is where everyone is unique. Having your own experiences is what defines you as your own person. One can probably tell others about the stories they had in their lives, but they do not have that experience of it as you do. To them it is just in their minds. To ones self one was there physically mentally and emotionally. This goes strongly about not judging other from their looks. One can not judge other on what they know about them or what they look. Once you have taken a walk "in their shoes" then you will be able to see why that person is who they are.
Stephanie Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
In Chapter 5 in Strenghtsquest the narrator states, "Once you see yourself differently as a person with valuable talents you also
will begin to see your future differently". I love this quote because it can relate to me a lot . Me as a mother I want the best for my kids and myself. The best is for me to achieve what i want in life. I give it my one hundred and ten percentbin everything. I always vision myself in.the future. I vision me having a great career, making the money and giving my a shelter of my own.I see myself giving them all they need. I like to set goals bacause that gives me a lot motivation and that way I.will never quit. Hope is not giving up on.me and I know Ill achieve.
Angela Guzman
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #3
In chapter seven of Strengthsquest, Donald O. Clifton explains the different ways your strengths can help you in college. He also explains how your academic experience can change in a positive way by taking initiative in setting goals and making key decisions. He suggests choosing classes that will help your strengths and talents grow. We must choose classes that interests us and will later have a benefit. He also suggests that when getting a job, we choose one that will help us build on some of our talents. Donald states, “What you believe about your talents can affect whether you will even attempt to achieve.” (Page 149) Beliefs have a great influence on what you do and the way you act, which is why we must have a strong belief in the things we are capable of doing. Doubting our beliefs leads to no accomplishments. We must have belief in our strengths and talents that is the only way they will truly help us out. Once we start believing in our strengths we will grow from them and begin achieving.
Tariq Islam
ReplyDeleteEng 100
post 3
I was reading some of the blog of my class mates, one thing caught my eye about Claire Bacerra blog. It is very interesting that her favourite color is blue,my perception was all the girls like pink, given the fact i have a 8 year old daughter and she always want everything with pink. I am still trying to learn how to blog, I never bloged in my life, i see people are always blogging,tweeting I can keep up. There is reason behing it, i am a family man with full time job and plus going to school i heardly have time for my self. I also read the blog, what Giovanni wrote he loves Lady Gaga even as his mother thats very interesting. Chapter 7-9 is about realtionship, career and academics strength. I do not know what strength i really have, but one thing I know I am mentally very strong and I am well disciplined.Lot of my class mates inspire me, we have very fun group I am looking forward to have fun and work together. My favourite quote "Time is money" by Benjamin Franklin. Oh at this moment I am at work, but I am going to San Diego this afternoon just for the weekend,I will blog about the trip once I return. Cheers
melissa shepherd
ReplyDeletecerritos college
englsh 100
strengthsquest Ch. 4-9
in chapter 4 it talks about relationships and how important it is to have them and maintain them.the book talks about how you have to know yourself and the other person in the relationship very well. you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. you have to know yourself better than anyone else, but in life sometimes it is truly hard to know yourself. when people ask me what are my strengths it is hard for me to answer. i can say i am nice, honest, and a hard worker, but i know there are a lot more word to describe me but i just don't know what to say. but when people ask me what are my weaknesses i can give them a whole list. i am too kind, a pushover, i am very blunt, i can be cruel, i am too honest, and am very hyper and i sometimes say things even when i know it can hurt someone feelings, i don't care what other people think, etc. in the book strenghtsquest by Donald O. Clifton, Edward "Chip" Anderson, and laurie A. Schreiner the authors state "Benjamin Franklin once said "there are three things extremely hard:steel, a diamond, and to know one's self."
(page 77)" it is truly hard to know yourself as well as your loved ones know you. you have to work hard and reveal all those things you hate about yourself to see all the things you will love about yourself.
Ps im sorry Mr. Hsiao i know its late. i didnt realize we had to post on the book as well as the field trip.
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
post # 5
strengthsquest ch. 9-12
in chapters 9-12 of strengthquest the books basically talks about gaining your talents, strengths, and knowing your weaknesses so you can make them better and learn to live with them. once you know what your talents are you can learn how to incorporate them into your life and make your life better. like with academics once you know your talents and strengths you may apply them to your academics and do even better.
then when you apply your talents in academics you can learn how to develop leadership with your strengths. you can develop leadership in college. You can develop leadership in class projects, in athletics, in homework assignments, in study groups, and etc. once you can see your weaknesses and make them better, once you can know your strengths and build on them, once you can become a leader in your life you can start being happy with yourself you can love yourself for who you are.in the book strenghtsquest by Donald O Clifton , Edward "chip" Anderson, and Laurie A. Schreiner the authors say " It all starts with you. Any search for a good fit begins with a good look inside yourself. or as Parker Palmer says 'before i can tell my life what i want to do with it, i must listen to my life telling me who i am' (Palmer 2000, P.4)" (Page 238)
Tariq Islam
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
Eng 100
Post # 4
In chapters 9 thru 12 strengthquest book talks about how to gain strength and talents and improve your weakness. Once you know your talents
and weaknesses you can apply to your own life and make a difference in your daily life. Talents can be appleied in your accademics, career and also in your personal realtionship.When you understand your strenght and weakness it helps you to gain confidence and apply that to become a leader not only on daily life but at all aspect of your life. It helps to develop leadership skill in work, class room and in different project. Our President Barak Obama is a great leader he is always very calm under extreme pressure he shows great leadership skill,
he has excellent tempartment skill. In our book Author Donald Clifton and L Schreiner say " It all starts with you. Any search for good fit begins with a good look insider yourself." It is a great strength to know yourself first.
Claire Becerra
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #3
Strengths Quest chapter 9-12
In chapter 9 “Becoming your own Best Educator and Learner” it is about the power of expectations, the missed opportunities revealed by Rosenthal’s research, what really happened in the Rosenthal studies, a radical idea, perception of talent, and becoming you own best educator and leader. In Chapter 10 “Strengths and Career Planning” this chapter is about planning your goals, your career, en general planning your future. This chapter is also about your deep gladness and the good news. This also include how to planning your talents in career. This chapter was really helpful for all of us because we all have to planning our career and goals. In chapter 11 “ Further Insights into Choosing a Career” this chapter is pretty much about identify the career implications of the deepest aspects of your identity. In this chapter we have the opportunity to answer some questions to help us to decide our future. In chapter 12 “Let’s start a Revolution,” we read about the impact of a strength revolution on us as an individual. We can also read about this impact on families, relationships, schools, college, in the world of work, and finally in society in general.
Karina Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 2
Chapters 4 to 9
On previous chapters Donald ‘O Clifton expressed the importance of knowing your own strengths. Though through chapters four to nine he also expressed that knowing others strengths can also help you understand them better. For example he gave an example of the boys that where working on group project and one of them came late . It made great importance knowing that he was an input and learner because other wise he was going to be judge wrongly. Perhaps lazy or careless though because his team mate knew his strengths they knew his delay was because something important Knowing others strengths can be very helpful to know some one better .and not to wrongly judge them. A quote that caught my attention was “We don’t see thing’s as they are. We see them as we are”. pg75 .It caught my attention because I truly agree with it .Because everyone has different strengths and they apply them differently. And when someone says something they say it as how they are . I guess an example would be if some one is negative person where ever they go they are going to say negative compared to as someone that is positive they are always going to see things different than to the person that is negative. The rest of the chapters talked about how developing your strengths and practicing them in your education and academics.
Jessica Cleary
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #4
Strengths Quest 9-12
During the read of Strengths Quest a quote that set everything clear for me was, “Obviously, this tremendous level of self- knowledge would not come to you through one online assessment, or from reading several books, or even through an extended series of classes. This understanding would require a lifetime of learning.” (chapter 12, page 291).
I have been guilty of rushing to get to a certain point in life where I may be financially stable, and accomplish goals that I have set for my self long ago. My life is like a triathlon, I go through many different stages of challenges in all forms to get to where I see myself finishing. A majority of people can relate, and I know a few who have had a crude life to come to where they are today. This quote reassures the ideal point in anyone’s life is not around the corner. It takes heart and dedication to be within grasp. One must always remember that you learn something new everyday. If you do not learn then what is it that you know you can do? I strive to make an objective of my existence. Ensuring that I learn myself more can only benefit my true potential. Never settle for less than you deserve, and know your self worth.
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #6
Strengthsquest: Chp 9-12
As I first read through chapter nine, I was shocked at the first couple of pages. Referring to the Rosenthal Research, it surprises me how the rate improvement of the “special” students has increased greatly. Teachers expect their students to be the best but if they see the students who seem to excel more than other students, they do acknowledge them more and motivate those. After the research, teachers would come to the “special” students in a different approach and those students gotten better academically. In Strengthsquest Clifton says, “Lifelong learning isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity” (232). I really like this straightforward quote because it is definitely true. Getting by things, everyone will just have to learn because if you do not learn where do you get any knowledge? You need the knowledge to live by because how else are you going to survive out there in the world? In the careers section, I have the quality as harmony. In the section I strongly agree with the part where I work well and is helpful in team project environments. I find that true because being in a group project, I hate to just sit there and is not able to do anything. I want to be able to put as much effort as I can and get people to participate as much too. The last chapters really helped me see who I am as a person. Truly makes me see who I am…
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ReplyDeleteKhaye Chia S. Buenaventura
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post 3
Assignment Post: Chapter 9-12
"Lifelong learning isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Being a lifelong learner is your only way of coping with rapid change, knowledge explosion, and complex relationships. No matter what field you enter, you must forever be a learner, or you will be left behind" (232)
The only constant in this world is "CHANGE"
Imagine how explorers had to travel the world thousands of years ago just to know the real shape of the world? Compared this generation, in which we can just surf internet to find out any questions we may have. Imagine how people read comics strips while painting the picture in their minds to create an imagination? Compared to this generation, where we can watch anything either in our flat tv screens,ipad, smart phones etc. Everything dramatically changed every year,month,week,day,hour,second or even milli seconds. We can never change the fact that people evolved from smart to smarter, good to better, wise to wiser. People will keep on exploring and will find out new things. The only thing to cope up in this fast-moving world we live in is to learn and adapt with it, besides we have to admit that new technology does help us do our daily task easier,faster and handy.
It is never too late for grandma who is 85 years of age to learn how to use facebook, just imagine how she can post what's on her mind, tag pictures of her grandchildren, chat and request from her senior citizen friends and find her prospect soul mate.
Mohammad Islam
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Hi, This is manirul , today I would like to discuss about my talent. The strength quest is not only a text book, I think it everyone should read this book for their success, especially the strength finder by assessment is very important. For me, yes the strength they find is really true. In chapter X, everyone needs to be discovering their talents which already have with us. If we can do so we can use our talent in our proper job. If we know our talents we can confidently proceed on. Recently people are changing their jobs one after another because they do not know which field they are stronger. If we take the assessment and know about our talent we can save time and we can set our goal for one thing, which should be for everyone. Finally if we know that I am strongest in this side I will not try to change. We could confidently grow in our career.
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
i am very happy that we read strengthsquest. after realizing my five signature strengths are, achiever, restorative, input, harmony and learner. i feel that i can make these strengths even stronger. i know more about myself now then i did when we started this class. i am happy i know what my strengths are, and now i can build on them and make them excellent. i can also make my weaknesses stronger and learn to overcome them and not let them overcome me. This book was really interesting one of my favorite quotes from the book strengthsquest by Donald O Clifton, Edward Anderson, and Laurie Schreiner is by Thomas Edison "I never did a days work in my life. It was all fun."(page 236)
tommy martin
ReplyDeletecerritos college
english 100
post #12
helpful tips for guys trying to talk to girls from tommy.
1. Face your fears of being rejected.The best way to deal with this fear is to face it as soon as possible.
2. Know yourself. That is, you need to know your needs and your values and what you believe in and stand for. This is important. Women like men who can stand on their own. One who is not easily swayed by the opinions of other people.
3. Live your life to the fullest!Women are into men who seem to be living their lives and are enjoying it. Do not build your life around chasing women. You will come off as a player who is only after a good time and not a meaningful relationship.
4. Don’t stick with a girl just because you’re lonely.Some guys find a girl who likes them and then they become addicted. This is because they are afraid that they won’t find another girl who will be crazy about them. Again this is a matter of self confidence. If you will build your self confidence, you won’t find yourself clinging to women.
Experience life to the fullest and do not back down from a challenge. You will never know until you try it. You do not want to be 60 talking about you could of, wish and wanted. Take these things in and place them into your Life.! try ME! :)
diana meza
ReplyDeletecerritos college
post #2
Eventhough I admit I just tried catching up with this entire book I really like it. My favorite chapter besides ch.3 where it tells one about his/hers strengths. Chapter 7 Considering you strengths when planning education. This is my favorite chapter because it explains how having strengths and talents does not mean you will achieve or mean excellence. I really like this chapter because everyone can use advice when it comes to college. This chapter has a little bit of information about everything one will need to suceed in college. Self assesment of academic abilitie, time and energy demands and most important movitations and dreams. All the factors of why we go to college? are we doing enough to do succeed in college. Chapter 8 talks about developing in college. I enjoy this chapter because we all mature when we get older, at least most of us. One is not the same person when they first started college. Some are discouraged after the first semester some get more discaplined after taking good professors. This chapter lets you know how to develop your skills and talents. Chapter 9 is Appliying Strenghts for Academic Achievement this goes hand in hand with the previous chapters. I like the section on "your beliefs about your strength to achieve". This small sections explains how one should never underestimate the power to believe. In This chapter there is even a check list to guide one to apply ones skills at school! How awesome is that. The check list is for academics, study techniques, relationships and class seletions. These chapters to me were a how to succeed in college. My favorite is appliying ACHIEVER strngths is academics. Lets me know how to use my strength to the fullest in school. In Strengthquest In chapter 10 when reading the story about how Professor Robert Rosenthal conducted an experiment on "special students" in a elemetary school and how th IQ of the 47 percent of the "speacial" students gained 20 more IQ points and the ordinary students had only a growth of 20 points but only 19 percent was remarkable. The power of expectations has a powerful effect on ourself and others. In Strengthquest Donald O. Chifton and Edward Anderson state from the research of Dr. Rosenthal state " These expectations influence our actions, attitudes, motivation and perserverance." (211) This quote reflects on how one is able to do anything they want. I personally believe that I have failed because the teachers were not good professors and that is why I received C's in classes. I now know and ponder, "Did I really try to pass this class? Did I do enough?' My answer at the end is no. If I want to learn I will and nobody can change that it is up to me and I know what my professors expect of me. Okay I have gone on ranitng a bit much...
I really enjoyed this book I am glad I purchased it. I know it will help me as much as Mindset did.
Diana Meza
Martha De La Rosa
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #3
In chapter 10 the narrator states, “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am” (page 238). This chapter is mostly about finding the right career that best fits to our personality, or finding the career that we would enjoy going to work for. In order for us to find the right career we must know ourselves before anything. We must take our time into figuring out what each of our talents and strengths are so we can apply them into our career. In Strengths Quest the narrator also states, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to word a day in your life” (page 235). Those who choose a job because of how much they are going to be getting paid are the ones who despise getting up in the mornings to go to work. On the other hand those who choose a job because they love it are the ones who do not worry about waking up and going to work. It’s not even considered work to them. That is why it is better to choose a career wisely rather than to rush things and regret it in the future when having to get up every morning to go to work.
Roshan Gurung
ReplyDeleteEng 100
Cerritos college
Post # 3
In Strength Quest
Chapter X
According to Chinese philosopher “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life (page 235).” This statement reflects how much you love your job. Are you into it or not? Are you only working for the salaries? What he meant was if you choose profession in your life it must have real meaning, value and purpose to you. If you fall in love what you are doing, you will find yourself always happy and calm. You do not regret what you are doing. You will be always ready to make your work fruitful and enjoyable to other people too. You will find the pathway of true satisfaction. Instead of making money they will make places in the people’s heart. They will get success in every step of their life. They will not feel any pressure in their workplace. They enjoy their each and every seconds of their job. They get lured into it. That’s why do not force yourself while choosing your career just choose what do you want to be.
Daniel Montano
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Ch 9- 12 Strengths Quest
We as people are always learning some thing new in are lives. Life long learning should not be about the money and fame but, an essential priority to live. We as a society know that the world is changing. Society is changing with the world, but needless to say, we need to be the leaders of tomorrow. The best way we learn is teaching our selves and others to grow and educate. First of all, we as learners need to have positive self-esteem towards people and our selves. With this positivity we can go a long way and endure the rough edges of a mountain climb. As life challenges us with obstacles we get stronger and have the courage to grow. Sometimes to be growing and learning we have to be able to listen to what other people have to say. Also one more thing is that we have to appreciate our selves for the hard work we accomplish.
John Robert Balagtas
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #3
StrengthsQuest Ch 9-12
"Your greatest talents are simply waiting to be discovered. It needs to be 'uncovered' rather that 'discovered'" page 241
In each and every single one of us we have a set of talents. Rather than focusing in what we are lacking, we should strive to uncover the talents we already have. The key word is "uncover". This means that we already have these talents within us. We won't just magically be talented in something just because we pray for it. How can you say your living up to your full potential if you don't even know your strengths and talents. We need to uncover our talents and only then can we improve on our self. By continually refining these uncovered talents, people will begin to see your talents as genius. So don't ever let anyone ever make you think that you are useless or worthless because you're not. You just have yet to UNCOVER your natural talents.
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #5
StrengthsQuest Chapter 10: Meeting the World's Deep Needs
In this chapter, the author talks about how our life legacies start not later in life, but right at this very moment. Our current actions and accomplishments are inscribed in our legacies. Even the seemingly minute circumstances like how we work under pressure just to finish a five-page essay, or how we resolve a quarrel over who gets to wash the dishes, make up the overall picture of what we are as individuals. What we are as individuals determine what we carve into our legacies. There is no doubt that most of us would want to look back and see excellence resonating from the legacy we leave behind. We want to make a difference. It is only by determining that we have left something substantial, a trail of greatness, that we are able to feel complete and ultimately happy. How do you achieve excellence? To achieve excellence, we need more than just our natural talents. The book suggests, "It's only when the talent has been honed with skills and knowledge to the point of strength that you will experience enough success to bring joy"(241). We are all born into greatness because of our talents. Just like a plant, we need to cultivate our talents by constantly striving to learn and develop the skills that would enhance them. When our talents are fertilized with the skills and knowledge necessary, we gain strength; That strength in return will help us achieve excellence not only to satisfy our goals in life, but most importantly, to satisfy the needs of the world.
Bola Mories
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
Strengths and planning
Strengths have great benefits if one will use them in his life. When a person use his strengths in his work, He will be more effective in his job than others. He learned how to exert great effort in finding the excitement that he use his abilities in. He has plan for his work. He enjoys his work, so he doesn’t feel that he carries heavy burdens like others. His excellence comes from working with joy. He always accept feedback from people around him. He accepts his boss comment, so he improves his performance. He put the plan to his career, and he works to reach his target. He uses his talent as the foundation of his strengths so that he reaches his maximum potential. He creates his future by knowing his most powerful talents, and he using them to achieve his biggest targets in his life. Finally, The most successful people used their strengths to be achievers in their career.
Angie Hortua
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 3
I am upset at the moment, i thought i might loss this frustration by blogging. I was coming to a conclusion on my papers, and for some odd reason my computer started acting funny. I did not pay much attention but it started saying that i need it to restart it, but i ignored it, and out of nowhere my computer shut off. As i go to start it, it would not turn on. I was becoming worried since i had not yet printed out my papers. That is when I was upset since I lost all the information to my writing assignment, and until I get it fixed it will be to late to actually have it turned in. Anyhow, i am starting a new whole paper, which has me frustrated and nothing seems to come to mind. But no time to panic,I know i can get this done in an hour. well hopefully. Good bye for now, Wish me luck. =)
Angie Hortua
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 4
Chapters 4-9
In chapters 4-9 it pretty much gives you a run down of relationships, academic,and career on your strengths and how one must use their strengths to be successful. In Chapter four it is talking about relationships, how people see you differently, and how you see others. A quote that brought my attention is "We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are". In other words many times we think things are being done wrong because some one is doing it in a different way. We just think our way is always the way to do something. This paragraph sums up to learning different strategies, on seeing yourself differently, self concept, self knowledge, and self acceptance. In order to pursue your strengths and become talented in them you must first learn about yourself, and how you will be applying this into your daily life. Applying connections with others will help you become successful, being respectful and listening to others is a big part of being a scholar, and applying this gifted talents. It helps you become the person with others, learn how to be with your family, friends, and significant other.
Chapter 5 is saying the same as chapter 4, just pointing out the points directly to you. To practice your talents, teach others your talents, so you can know how well you have learned about them. Something very important is learning to value your talents, and use them in relationships.
Chapter 6
Teaches you how to use your talents, it gives you different ideas, and how to start developing each one.
Is one of my favorite chapters, even though i really enjoy all of them, but i like this chapter because i am using this talents and skills in my daily life. and in order to keep going on with my education i must use my strengths, a quote which i like from this passage is "personal excellence should always be at the forefront of your mind when you're planning an education". even though this quote is at the beginning of this chapter i like how it talks about your personal excellence, you have to know yourself well enough to go far in life. the higher you go the better you will be.
Cesar Vega
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 3
StrengthsQuest 9-12
It is hard for people to plan or know what their future will consist of. It will come one time or another. I had a very difficult time deciding in the beginning of college on what I wanted to major in. There was so much pressure to pick a good major that would lead to a good career. Many times I was on the verge of just breaking down and blowing everything off, but I did not give up. No one should ever give up. It will come to all, but you need to help yourself out. One needs to be willing to search for what they want. It will be difficult, but we can do it. In StrengthsQuest, Donald O. Clifton says, “It is one of the most difficult, frustrating, and overwhelming experiences you will go through.” (219). It is ok to be lost and confused because it is supposed to. This decision is supposed to make way for your future, and it is difficult. Eventually, something in life will come up that will encourage us to pick our careers. It took me a year to figure out what I wanted to do, but now that I know I have set goals for myself, goals that I check off every time I complete them. Do not worry, a career will come to everyone soon.
Giovanni Arvizu
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
post #3
Strengthsquest 9-12
A quote that caught my attention was this: "perception of talent plays an extremely influential role in a person's motivation to achieve"(231). Before reading about the strengths i had, i did not think i was capable of doing much. after reading about my strengths i know i ca do whatever i want. "when people perceive that they have minimal talent, they usually avoid any activity that may reveal that lack of talent"(231), i somewhat avoided being in charge of a group, where i know now that i should be leading people and taking control of situations. Chapters 9 through 12 talk about understanding your strengths and knowing them, instead of focusing on the what one lacks. everyone has potential and no one person is great at everything, but everyone is good at something. we all have great things to offer, we just have to know what that thing is to improve it.
Samantha Luque
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 4
Chapters 9-12 Reflection
In the last chapters of StrengthsQuest are very inspirational and moving. In chapter 10 they focus on careers and how to choose what your passion is deep down inside you. I loved how the chapter tells you to put yourself in a state were you do not need to worry about money and think back when you were a child. When you are thinking back as a child what did you love to do when there was no worries about money and responsibility. That is how people should pick a career they love and are happy in. Another eye catcher about picking your career you love is remembering a career does not only consists of loving it, it is the environment you fit in too. You can love what you do but still be un happy in the place you work at. I loved the fact that they stated that college should be about learning and knowledge in any classes and not only knowing what your major is. The authors state do not rush into a major enjoy the years of learning and choose wisely through your college years. In the last chapter they have a question to their readers and it says, imagine if the world, where each of us lived through our greatest talents and each of us perceived others based on their talents and strengths? How great would that be? Our world would be peaceful and full of happiness. Reading this book and knowing what my strengths are, have really changed how I react to different situations and my pride for myself has grown for the better.
Stephanie Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
cerritos College
Post #3
Chapter 9-12
In Chapter 10 we learn how to apply your strengths in your career plan. This strengths help you achieve what you will become in life. You have to put your comitment to it and find a career you would want to succed in. The Chinese Philosopher Confucius states, " Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life'. Meaning you have to choose a course that you love to enjoy what you are doing. If you choose a career that you love, it will be like if your not working because is something you love doing. It is like a hobby to you. I know my career will take more than 5 years, but I know it something that I would love doing at the end. I know I can wake up every morning without fuzzing about it. This cahpter had made me realize that at alltimes I have to think of my future because it something I would be doing for the rest of my life.
Tariq Islam
ReplyDeleteEng 100
Cerritos College
Post # 5
Hi guys i promised that i will blog about my recent trip to San Diego over the weeknd, it was quite amazing trip. I never travel alone with my eight year old daughter, my wife always accompany us. This time my daughter and I decided to take a mini vacation ourselves. In my mind I thought my daughter will give me hard time
but she was wonderful. Our day started on Friday
she had a modified day at school so i picked her up around 1p and stopped and had lunch and started towards San Diego and avoided the Friday traffic.Our destiantion was to Carlsbad which is a affluent suburb of San Diego off the 5 freeway. We arrived around 430p, and my daughter was ready to jump in the pool right away, by the way the weather was execellent. After couple of our of swimming we both our hungry and went out to eat at the local eatery.The next day was saturday was also very relaxing lots of fun and enjoyed the beautiful weather of San Diego and it was more fun when you stay at a 5 star hotel and which was complimentary thru my work. By the way the name of the property is Aviara Park Hyatt
all and all it was a wonderful experience,I can not wait to go on my next vacation to Sedona,AZ
Gabriela Moreno
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #3
Hello class, how is everyone doing? Well this was a productive week for me I took 2 test in my other classes and aced them so I am pretty happy right now. For Strengths quest these final chapters I found very interesting. In chapter eight I liked how students can develop their leadership skills in any area of college. In chapter nine I found it interesting in how the teachers from Oak school gave the "special" students the ability to blossom more than the "ordinary' ones. I preferred reading this chapter because it gave great examples in becoming your own leader. Either by being your best educator and learner. In chapter ten I liked how it tells us how to apply our strengths to our future career goals.
I am glad we all had to read this book because I actually enjoy reading it. And I must confess I dislike reading books that do not interest me, but this one actually got my attention. According to Strengths Quest by Donald O Clifton, Edward Anderson, and Laurie Schreiner, the author states, "If you want to achieve excellence in education, you must assume the responsibility of being your own best teacher and your own best learner."(Page 230)
Karina Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 3
Chapter 9-12
In chapters nine Donald .O Clifton talks about the “the power of expectations ”. He gave an example as when he studied his experiment of expectations to influence performance and intellectual competence. This experiment help pushed teachers to expect more from there students pushing them to do better . Although it was just a lie about the “special students” they still showed a high number in there test scores because there teachers pushed them to their limits. As research by Dr.Rosenthal showed “expectations have powerful effect on ourself and others”page227. I completely agree with this because as I remember my English teacher from my high school she had high expectations from all of us and even though we showed our grade we were eager for next one to be better or even A’s the assignment . she definitely pushed us to our limits witch made us not wanting to let her down and doing better. The second thing that cough my attention in chapter ten where various things one of them where choosing a job that you like .Studys show that work is work when you consider it to be . but when work is fun you do not consider it to be work because you like it. Knowing you strengths helps you determine what characteristics you have that make you fit well in your career or job that will help you like it more.
Daniel Montano
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Ch 1-3 The Talent Code
I stared to read “The Talent Code” the book stared out with people with natural talent. It went with the idea of how to deep practice. Deep practice is basically thinking harder and filling out what is needed. We are not smart people we use the natural talents. We just use what we know and what to do best to our ability and deep practice. The way we use our ability is by using our deep practice cell. The cell called myelin is what makes us think, these cell are fired by fibers. We all start from the same place and its our choice to chose whether to use our potential knowledge. We as thinkers have the ability to flower out and plant our seeds to become great and succeed. It is our job to know how to use it to us and apply this to our lives.
Angela Guzman
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
In chapter ten of Strengthsquest the authors discuss how not everyone is happy or satisfied with their jobs. In the United States only thirteen percent of workers said they find their work meaningful. In Strengthsquest Donald O. Clifton, Edward Anderson, and Laurie Schreiner state that the Chinese philosopher Confucius had it right. They quoted, “Choose a job that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Page 235) We must choose a job that we enjoy doing so we will not be working but having fun and enjoying what we do best. We must choose something that will not annoy us or feel like a waste of time. I hate seeing people who make it obvious that they hate their job. That is why everyone should find out what they are truly good at. We should not feel rushed about choosing career it is something that we will feel right about. We should not feel pressured in college. College is not about preparing us for a career. It is about preparing us for life. It is more about getting to know yourself and creating new skills and challenges. Strengthsquest was not deigned to tell you what career to choose it was designed to help you strengthen your talents so that they can help you all throughout your life not just in your career.
Samantha Luque
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 5
The Talent Code Chapters 1-3 Reflection
This book started out very interesting, on how people possess the knowledge they learn and apply it to a talent they develop. The author mentions in the beginning about deep practice and how it shows the different side of learning and failing. The author gives examples of different success that involves learning, failing and learning from that. The examples that the author focuses on is stories of Clarissa that learned a months worth of knowledge in six minutes with a clarinet, a man who taught the military’s pilots on flying with an invention of his own and lastly how deep practice has helped Brazilian soccer players become the best of the best. Deep practice is all possible with your own nerve fibers that charge up and build up myelin from the nerve fibers and this is how you think and act. By using deep practice it has helped break up knowledge and study information a lot quicker in order to succeed to the highest. The first three chapters are very inspirational and I cannot wait to hear more stories of the author’s adventures to different hotbeds. The hotbeds he has visited were built on climate, passion, and poverty that have the most talented people that have been discovered. The more I read this book I will be able to enjoy the stories of talented people. It is so interesting seeing the perspective of others by one person who dedicated himself to learn the minds of others.
Tommy Martin
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English 1OO
19 September 2011
Post #13
QHQ . . .
Question: Why does cake mix taste so delicious?
Hypothesis: I’ve had a sweet tooth since I was a little boy that’s why I’ve had so many cavities.
Question: Why do I make it so much and how does it represent my personality/ culture/ identity?
While I was a little kid I was a very plump human being. Although I was big for my age I was their taste tester. I would sit into the kitchen as my mother or grandmother would cook and taste everything after they finish. Personally I grew use to ordinary food fast, so I watched cooking channels to teach me how to make things I would never make usually. The pastries they would have was so mouth-watering, moist, melt-in-the-mouth, scrumptious, buttery, sweet, tasty, appetizing, dainty, delectable, gratifying and luxurious cakes you would ever see. Since I had a sweet tooth cakes caught my attention more than anything. I grew to notice since I was a shy person cooking catches ladies attention so I tried to master the cake skills to let the sugar swim to their heart and tummy. There are many cake flavors and frosting you can put upon a cake. Each flavor tells its own thing and mood you are in. Vanilla flavor mean bored; confused, frustrated, usually you make that on your day you are not doing anything. Lemon flavor means mixed emotions; many thoughts running through your mind, those are the days when you are going through some things. My favorite flavor is cherry. Cherry means love/fiery passion or thrilled. I usually make this when I have a beautiful young or older lady over to show the since of passion I’m putting into this mood. As the mix blends up with the eggs, milk, vegetable oil and etc. swirls into one, my eyes become hypnotized because I’m seeing my emotions crumble to make something better. When the mix is beaten nice and smooth, then I dip my finger into it and suck the mix slowly off my finger. The taste of sweet life upon my tongue gives me the chills. The taste gives me the same taste as her body is sending off to me “delicious.” As the cake drips into the pan we connect eyes. I pop the cake mix into the oven to get heated up by the flames. As it heats up I try to heat up our conversation while the cake get nice and fluffy. “DING!” the stove rang to let me know the cake was ready. As I pulled it out the oven it was a nice golden brown cake. In my mind I was thinking, “The best part is coming up the frosting.” While I pull out the butter knife to smooth the frosting upon the cake I try to be cute and suck a little frosting off her finger. . . . . To be Continued :)
tommy martin
ReplyDeletecerritos college
english 1OO
post #14
Via Kayla Albert she wanted me to get her story out!!!!
“As for the future, your task is not to forsee it but to enable it.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Today I lost my job. There may not ever be a great time to lose a job that accounts for the majority of your monthly income, but this was a particularly low time to be told my services were no longer needed.
When I graduated two years ago, degree in hand, I kicked my feet up and waited for the job offers to come pouring in. Needless to say, they trickled — never poured — and the financial abundance I was waiting for never actually showed up.
I’ve always been optimistic, believing that if I trusted in my skills and power to attract the experiences and opportunities I desire, I could make it happen in BIG ways right now.
But after a series of short-lived jobs and surviving on a less than meager income, I can easily say that my once vibrant brand of hope and faith are looking a little ragged and torn.
Yet, even today as I calculate my expenses and re-prioritize my budget, I recognize that each of these experiences individually has completely changed the way I see disappointment and transformed the way I deal with letting go.
Here are just a handful of the lessons I’ve learned — the one’s I’ll be repeating to myself until the next opportunity comes my way.
tommy martin
ReplyDeleteenglish 100
cerritos college
post #15
the talent code chapter 1 to 3.
the book kind of connects with strength quest. It explains it in a better understanding and moves deeper into knowledge and learning topics. It talks about how people learn and keeps the knowledge stored within and put it towards the talent they see they have. The author states about the examples how you can learn from your failings in life.The examples that the author focuses on is Clarissa that learned a long period worth of knowledge in six minutes with a clarinet. A man who taught the military’s pilots on flying with an invention of his own with no help or directions. The last one was how deep practice has helped brazilian soccer players become the best of the best with practices and things they did within. The do states about the different hotbeds he has adventure too and the many details to it. The story really do not catch my attention though so i am going to need alot of help getting through this book. < reading is not one my strong points. On page 13 the author states, "running out of time." When you get into your head that anything you do you will never have enough time you will recieve the gift of knowledge. There is NEVER enough time.
Claire Becerra
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Professor Hsiao
post 5
QHQ Favorite Destination
Question: What has been my favorite place to go during vacations?
Hypothesis: Miami is the city that I love more, and where I usually go three or four times in a year.
Question: have you visit this beautiful city?
Four years ago when I arrived to the United States, the first city I visited was Miami because there is where my dad and his family live since 2001. I stayed there with my boyfriend for one entire month. After that, I had to go to where I was going to live with my pretty and dedicate mother. It is Los Angeles, where I live now. Living in Los Angeles with my mom and her family is really fun because I can go to visit my dad three or four times in a year. Going there and spending time with him walking the city, I noticed that Miami is the place where I feel more comfortable. The reason because this city is my favorite place to go in any season of the year is because there is a lot of things that make me recollect of Cuba, where I was born. Miami is a vacation city. The weather is really hot and wet. There are many beaches whish are very easy to describe. The water is really good; it is not cold but not hot. The sand is white as a white piece of paper. There are many happy people, who do not sleep a lot to spend time during night at the beach. In Miami are many things that make me feel completely happy. The food is super good. The black rice and pork with yuca is the typical Cuban food that all Cubans want to eat everyday. Being there I enjoy everything starting with Cuban juices and fruits. I love Miami and the best reason because I love this city is because makes me think about how was my life in Cuba. What was my interest and desire when I was living there, and specially feel familiar with all Cuban people who are next to me. Miami is also call the city of the sun because there is always hot weather. Miami is a city where the rain never stops. The rain is predominant. Even when it is raining sometimes the sun is out. Miami is the city of my dream. Now, I have many other reasons to continuous visiting this spectacular place, one is my little brother, who was born last year. His name is Jose Miguel. He is the person who makes me grow up in life.
Claire Becerra
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #6
Talent Code Ch 1 thru Ch 3
This book looks very interesting. I was reading and I noticed that this book would be about people with different talents. Those people whose want to demonstrate that they are no smart; they just use their talents. In the talent code, Daniel Coyle says, “the sixty time through, Jennie sings the measure perfectly,” (page 13) this means that we can learn whatever we want just by practicing it a lot. At the beginning she missed note and did not sings good, but by practicing many times then she gets it. In this book the author also talk about how they start discovering their own talents. Wow they started growing up and up just by thinking positive. This book shows me how strong we can be by being secure about us.
ReplyDeleteENG 100
POST # 6
This book is very interesting.While was reading the book i found out this book is about people with different skill and talents and how they achieve that.Author Daniel Coyle talk about people with different skils and how they develop it.The author describes about deep practice, master coaching and ignation.Author describes of different success that involves learning,failing and learning again.The examples the author focuses on his stories of Clarissa who learned month of music lessons in six minutes with clarinet,a man who taught the military pilots with his in own invantion, and lastly how deep practice has helped Brazilian football players to become world's best player since 1958 to 2011 such as Pele,Garincha,Zico,Socrates,Romario,Ronaldo and Kaka.Deep pacatice is possible with your nerve fibers and apply your talent and skill at the highes.By using deep practice it has helped beak up knowledge and study information to succedd. It is a very interesting book and the topic will help me how to apply my talent through practice and learning.
Jessica Cleary
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #5
Talent Code 1-3
I like how Daniel Coyle began Talent Code with a minor excerpt from his life. It drew me in to read more and get a closer feel for who he is as an individual and this image of him as a father, and spouse whereas coming straight forward with a list of talents and variation of people who share the same talents. On page 16, when he provides a way of understanding deep practice with a minor example of what he was referring to with list’s A and B, he still tries to engage the reader throughout the book. I took notice to the fact that each of his examples of people, such as Jennie, Clarissa, and especially the Brazilian soccer team he carried throughout the examples until the end of the chapter. For example he introduced the soccer team on page 13 with in depth detail, and then followed little examples of mastering talents and looking at the talents in different manors within others. Yet finishing off chapter one concludes with this quotation, “Clifford’s Brazilian Soccer School has expanded to a dozen countries around the world.” (Page 29). From my understanding of the chapters the message within would have to be to never underestimate your capability and who you are as an individual. How you practice your skill and teach yourself techniques to get this acquired may be comical to some but always keep in mind that no matter what, as long as you understand and keep the faith in yourself the possibilities are endless.
Mohammad Islam
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English # 100
In our text book The talent code, few information grab my attention. From chapter three I knew that breast-fed babies have higher IQs because the fatty acids in breast milk are the building blocks of microscopic substance called myelin. Other thing I know that monkeys and human have same neuron type and neurotransmitter. But monkeys cannot use language like us because human has twenty percent more myelin. In chapter three I learn about the deep practice. When we think anything deeper we can easily remember that. If we make any mistake that is the first step of learning. Instead of give up we can learn from our mistake, second time we can try to fix it, third time more accurate. We need to stop for a while, think about the mistake and start with more energy and effort that is deep practice. To understand the concept of deep practice we need to do it .We need to practice deeper which is important.
Mohammad Islam
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English # 100
Post #6
In our text book The talent code, few information grab my attention. From chapter three I knew that breast-fed babies have higher IQs because the fatty acids in breast milk are the building blocks of microscopic substance called myelin. Other thing I know that monkeys and human have same neuron type and neurotransmitter. But monkeys cannot use language like us because human has twenty percent more myelin. In chapter three I learn about the deep practice. When we think anything deeper we can easily remember that. If we make any mistake that is the first step of learning. Instead of give up we can learn from our mistake, second time we can try to fix it, third time more accurate. We need to stop for a while, think about the mistake and start with more energy and effort that is deep practice. To understand the concept of deep practice we need to do it .We need to practice deeper which is important.
Mohammad Manirul Islam
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Professor Hsiao
Post # 7
QHQ Place
Question: What has been my most expecting place?
Hypothesis: I have been in different places, but my most expecting is my birth place kullapather.
Question: Have you ever song loudly?
As my school got closed for summer vacation, I got a chance to visit for a month in my birth place kullapather. My Grandma who lives alone there warmly welcomed us. Even though she made all different kind of food for me still I used to like candy, like all other children. I was only eight. I went to buy candy to the nearby shop which was almost one kilometer from our house. The road I was taking to come back my house was muddy. I was walking alone. It was only thirty minutes after sunset. My village was green, so besides the road different kinds of trees covered the road and make it like a small jungle. It started to get darker and darker as time goes by. Firefly started to make light in that dark. I started to walk fast. Try to find out any other people walking but no other human being. No sooner It get dark I heard the sound of Jackal from the small jungle. I tried to see myself but within few minutes it gets so dark that I could not even see myself. In my imaginary I have seen a ghost is coming from inside the jungle. My body got shacked. Suddenly I feel something under my foot. I started to get cold with fear. Very carefully I moved my leg. I was save that time that it was stick not snake. When I almost near my house I had to pass a graveyard. It was darker. I stopped for a while, looked around me again but still no body there. After a while gathering my all energy and brave I started to sing loudly and pass the graveyard by closing my eyes half. At last I reached my house. It happened several times with me still I love that place. I have expectation to go there over and over again. That is my birth place.
Jessica Cleary
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Professor H
22 September 2011
QHQ:Hi my name is Koa (Alter Ego)
Question: Why do I respect Bonnie Parker?
Hypothesis: I enjoy the mischievous escapade she embarked in.
Question: What makes her come out and play?
My alter ego, Koa, has been a part of me since I can date back. I grew up in a military household, where leading by example and respecting anyone older than you is essential. I come from a multicultural background and they do tend to clash a lot, and adjusting to balancing on a fine line away from discipline was intimidating enough. It was always fun yet challenging to bounce around from school to new homes every so often because of the military. With Koa, all the challenges seemed less severe than if it were just me facing the world.
It was not until the seventh grade Koa came out and reared her scheming ways. It was during that year I knew my dad would be stationed in San Diego for a long time and we would not have to be moving until after eighth grade promotion. I did not want to be the girl with her nose in the book, nor overlooked. Koa made sure that none of that was going to happen within the two years of our presence. I worked hard to gain admittance into the AP courses and opening my horizons to the endless colleges. I was read as a complete bore, yet those who surrounded me knew different. The only class that I did not take as AP was PE. This is when Koa shined and became a part of who I am. In PE Koa was super active, she was a flirt, and had not a care in the world in regards to anything that did not benefit her, or was to her standards. As my homework seemed to become leaps of gathered paper, Koa’s social life was blossoming into an unrealistic world. Out of school and home, we are an innocent face with closets full of naughty skeletons. When spoken to I sheered away from large crowds and speaking my mind. I had no skills to sit amongst grown adults and have lasting mature conversations. Whereas Koa was intimidating, she was vulgar and crude. Yet she mastered the skills needed to break anyone’s stride and overpower their economic status. She was able to cover up any of the traces that may lead her under suspicion to any foul behavior. After all the military background and the AP courses had proven to be not only a significance in education but a good way of trying to break the hold of any good girl reputation.
Koa is exactly like Bonnie Parker. Both free spirited independent women who do not want to be tied by the bonds of law and seek more than materialistic ways to feed their self image. I feed into Koa’s disobedience as I hinder the negative and solely concentrate on the positive attributes we both share. Although there is still much to learn about myself, Koa and I have formed a love hate relationship.
[ had a little too much fun with this ] hehe.
Samantha Luque
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 6
QHQ: Favorite Food
Question: Why is the combination of sassy nachos so delicious?
Hypothesis: This type of food has all sorts of flavors bursting with Latin culture and the yummiest of all the items on the nachos that make my tongue tingle with excitement.
Question: Why do I let myself gorge into the delight of nachos every time I go to a Mexican restaurant and how can this type of food relate to my personality?
All over California are many shacks and mom and pop restaurants that make the greatness of what nachos consist of. I have been to many types of these cultural places with all types of different nachos and flavors. This mouth watering spicy entrée gives me delight of no other. The crispiness of each taste of the triangle chips are so salty and tortilla like. Building up the nacho totem pole comes the oval shaped beans of deliciousness. The layers of sour cream and guacamole are the treasures running through and in between the chips and beans. Every time I taste the sour cream on my taste buds, it gives me that taste of creamy and smooth texture. Guacamole is the boldness of taste that makes the nachos so yummy. This ingredient is created with different flavors and combinations of chunky avocado and tomatoes smashed together with hints of onions and cilantro. The center of what makes nachos so great is the juicy meat. There are so many choices I can choose from, like chicken, to carne asada, to shredded pork and many more. I am more of a carne asada type girl. The chewy, juicy, rich and yummy meat has so much spices it makes the meat the wonders of flavor to the nachos. It is the main event to any nachos. I could never get enough of drizzling so much melted cheese to my nachos. Cheese makes the nachos a lot better in flavor when I eat my favorite food. The last item that will make the nachos I eat so sinfully delicious is the spiciness of the salsa. I never eat my nachos without salsa. Salsa to me is full of all kinds of spices such as, small chopped up tomatoes, onions, cilantro and all of the diverse items that come together to make a spicy salsa. When I get that plate of nachos in front of me, my mouth starts watering with hunger and I smell and see the steam coming up my nose and fogging up my glasses. I take that first bite of true bliss and my taste buds go wild with flavor and I gorge myself with yummy greasy nachos. Eating nachos are comforting to me on my sad and bad days. Every combination, food and taste gives me a guilty pleasure that consists of a plate full of nachos.
The foundation of nachos are the crunchy and salting chips that are in it. My sharp edge to my personality are the foundation to the nachos. My sharp edge helps me when I talk, when I bring the humor alive and when I get to know new people. I have so many levels to my personality, just as nachos have the layers to become so delicious. I am sassy, very forward, truthful, wise, smart, funny, sensitive, kind hearted, sweet and loving. All of these words are the recipe to my personality. Applying these expressive words to my life have given my life meaning. I have been able to help people in need, able to be bubbly and be who I love to be as a person. I can make a serious and awkward situation into a world wind of laughter. It helps people take a frown upside down. I can be comfortable with any type of person and love to get to know anybody because they could be my new friend. I love to be around people at all times, if I’m not I can become lonely. I am one of a kind, like the different types of nachos that are out there. This particular dish has so much rich and vibrant flavors to it and like myself I have so much depth and wonders to who I am.
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 5
The talent code Ch.1-3
The talent code is very interesting so far. I like the fact that Coyle talks about science, because it interests me. it is really amazing how the Myelin sheath around the neuron's axon is connected to memory and how we learn.I think that it is so fascinating.In the book The Talent code by Daniel Coyle, The author Says "We think of effortless performance as desirable,but it's really a terrible way to learn, by Robert Bjork" (page 18)Its not about studying until your brain hurts. the best way to learn is to make mistakes and learn from them. If you do something wrong and correct yourself, you will remember that better than something you have studied hard and learned without mistakes. I think this is true. Because when i study my math a lot i seem to do worse on a quiz then if i only studied a little bit. It is very odd, but it is true. Another saying i liked from this book is "Skill is insulation that wraps neural circuits and grows according to certain signals." it is a very good metaphor.
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 6
QHQ-Favorite destination traveling in the past, future or otherwise.
Question: What has been my favorite destination?
Hypothesis: My family has taken many different vacations, but my favorite is when we went to Buffalo Bills in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Question: Have you ever been on a road trip with a gassy old lady?
Every summer my family and I used to take a road trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. We stay at the Buffalo Bill’s Hotel on the state line approximately 60 miles before the Las Vegas strip. The Hotel is big and it possess a few theme park rides, like a rollercoaster that starts inside and then travels outside of the building all the way around the parking lot, a mini supreme scream, a cool virtual ride where you sit inside it and you are inside this bitchen game in outer space, and the best one is a log ride and it runs throughout the inside of the hotel. Not to mention the little arcade they have and of course the swimming pools. Yes Buffalo Bills is an awesome vacation place but my favorite part of this trip was the ride up there. In the family suburban we can fit up to 8 people with my parents, myself and my sisters it equals 6 people so this particular trip we invited my grandma Dolly (my mom’s mother). We were having a blast singing to loves songs, playing hangman and tic tack toe and just cracking jokes to each other. Then all of a sudden I smelt a fowl smell. Like someone sharted right next to me or something. I said “Did someone fart?” As I was looking around the car I saw my grandma’s face start to get red like a tomato. I said “Gram, did you cut one loose?!” My gram said “Yes.” And started laughing so hard she could not breathe. By that time the odor filled up the whole suburban and everyone was practically gagging, and trying to roll down their windows but they were locked. Then I heard my mom start to laugh really hard, my mom had locked the windows. We were all trying to get fresh air. So we were saying “Please mom unlock the windows!” Her and my grandma was laughing so hard I thought they might just roll over and die. Finally my mom unlocked the windows and we all got fresh air. We truly enjoyed that ride up to Buffalo Bills, Las Vegas, Nevada. That was a wonderful laugh with my family. We used to go every year but not anymore so that trip of 2002 will stay in my memory forever.
Daniel Montano
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 6
QHQ: Food
Question: Why is the Torta Cubana (A.K.A Cuban sandwich) so packed with delicious flavors?
Hypothesis: It is so succulent, the reason being, tortas are a big part of Latin foods and its a very rewarding delicacy to my receptors.
Question: Why do I order it every time I go and how it reflects on my personal identity?
To begin with, the Torta Cubana is like a latin hamburger. I can decide to put different toppings. The Torta Cubana comes with a crunchy outside and soft chewy inside shell like bread. It is packed with four mouthwatering types of meats with breaded steak, chicken, ham, and barbeque roast beef. Also fresco cheese, jalapeños, fresh green guacamole, lettuce, and vibrant red tomatoes. Topped with smoked fiery chipotle sauce. These rich flavors makes me go insane to go get one.
When biting one juicy torta it melts in my mouth just like life is so delicious. During chewing, all tastes become one. Smells combined to impact the embrace of the sandwich and the togetherness of savory flavors. The fresco cheese and the freshness of the vegetables are so satisfying to my tummy just like being a part of the Latin culture. The torta is like eating where my roots are from, the place where my parents are from. It feels like I am there in their home town. The chipotle sauce and the four meats is the best part of the torta. The chipotle sauce complements the four meats with each meat giving the sandwich a style of individuality just like each and every Latin person is happily proud of this Latin culture. The four meats symbolizing the heart and soul of the Latin people. The togetherness of the dish is what makes us feel like a family. The place I go to is “El Gallo Giro” where I get my flavorful torta. They always know what I want, when I go to this Mexican restaurant. The people make me feel like I am at home.
I order it because of all these flavors and aromas. For me, it is who I am in my culture as an individual person and as a Latin person. I am a person that reflects on my culture’s foods. This Torta Cubana is a part of me like all the indulging flavors and textures combined. When I eat this at one of my favorite restaurants with friends and family it brings me together closer to them. The torta has many layers like my personality. The togetherness of a strong built torta is like my strong will to be me, as a whole individual. When reflecting my personality to the torta the layers reflect who I am. First, the shell bread is like my self defenses were I am strong on the outside but have a soft and gentle soul on the inside. Second, is the guacamole and chipotle sauce. They state that I have a bold and fearless personality, it goes with me making an initial connection with people I make friends with. Finally, the most important is the meat, it reflects the heart I have as a person. I am a person of bursting flavors of fun and bolstering heart and I am the soothing soul food of my generation. The torta being its own person, I have my own style of flavors.
John Robert Balagtas
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
Talent Code (1-3) Reflection
Talent code proposes a very interesting idea. We need to struggle to progress. The reason that some people are able to do things, such as play a sport or play an instrument, at a higher level than others is because they performed deep practice. They build their talents from the ground up. They struggle through specific actions in order to progress. Doing this will greatly help any learning process. Though slow, this type of learning process allows us to retain and refine anything. This gives me hope that even though I struggle through my classes right now such as, mathematics and philosophy. As long as I don't give up and quit, These classes will be clearer in the future
Roshan Gurung
ReplyDeleteEng 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
QHQ: Interest
Question: Why do I love doing mathematics problems?
Hypothesis: It is because mathematics is mother of all sciences.
Question: Is the math one of your hard subject?
From the beginning of the school period each person goes through the phases of struggle and success. For me, math was always a problem and headache. I used to say, “I hate mathematics and want to get rid of it.” I used to be one who used to get lowest score in my math subject when I was in middle school. At that time I never try to work on it. I used to think why I should practice math. If I tried also I will not make it up. It is just waste of time. But I was absolutely wrong. The problem was that I was not believing myself. I was scared to face the problem. I was running away from it. I did not notice that mathematics is the subject which is practically applied in all spheres of our day to day existence. From earning to expenditure, shopping to saving, remodeling a home within a budget, census or even bet on the horse with the best chance of winning the race. When I was in grade 8 my math teacher took me in his office and encourages me to practice math three to four hours every day. After that day I keep on practicing it and show my every problem to him. He used to check my paper and used to leave comment on it. Gradually, there was a drastic improvement in my math subject. He is the one who plays crucial role to make math as an easy subject in my life. Till now I keep on practicing mathematical problems and try my best to reach the core of it. I really feel interesting and joyful when I do math. It is like reading mysterious novel. I do not stop until I evaluate my problems. I just give plenty of time to solve the problems. If I found any difficulties on solving my problem I just go to my teacher and seek help from him/her.
There are many students who says that, ‘I won’t need this in the future.”, but they are wrong. As, a student they must know the importance of mathematics. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. It is because all the problems which you solve in physics, chemistry, psychology, biology, accounting, nursing and so on uses the concept of math. Without it, they are like birds without wings. Also, the language of math is number, not English or German or Russian. If we are well versed in this language of numbers, it can help us important decisions and perform everyday task. That’s why it is universal. When you buy a home, go for shopping, decorate your home we are using math principle. People have been using these principles for thousands of years. Like, when Egypt and Mesopotamia in 18th Century BC developed a number system which solved practical building and accounting problems. Baudhayana from India used mathematics for astronomy and construction purposes in 9th Century BC. Pythagoras from Greece also worked on relationships of numbers around the same time. Aryabhatta I invented zero and decimal system in 100 BC. Aryabhatta II explained size, diameter, rotation and speed of the earth in 499 AD. Lui Hui from China who, in the 1st Century AD, introduced geometry and algebra. Therefore, do not feel ashamed while founding difficulties on doing math. Just focus on it and give your best shot on it. It is sometimes difficult for students to appreciate the importance of Mathematics. They often find the subject boring and hard to understand. With the help of teachers, friends or family will hopefully help the students realize that Mathematics is not just a subject on their time-table but a tool they use in their everyday life. As, a result the students will find math as a interesting subject of all time.
Valeria Angeles
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 5
QHQ: Favorite Destination Traveling In the Past
Question: What is my favorite traveling place?
Hypothesis: They are all so beautiful, but my favorite is Acapulco, Mexico.
Question: Have you ever vacationed there?
The first time my eyes laid eyes on such a beautiful place was summer of 2004. I was only fourteen there but I know a beautiful beach when I see one. I flew to Mexico City first and later my family and I drove to Acapulco. The drive there was about 5 hours. As soon as you arrive at Acapulco there are tons of people there, on the streets, on the beach, and in the stores. Acapulco is a tourist place. The climate there is so humid that it feels like entered a steam room. As you lay under the umbrella the cool midst of water refreshed my face. Making my way to the water the sand is a very thick grainy texture. It feels like it is exfoliating the bottom of my feet. Arriving at the shore of the water it touches my toes and I expected to feel chills but this time it was different. There were no chills from cold water, the water is warm and I run further down into the water. When I am on the beach it feels like nothing else matters, all my troubles and worried thoughts disappear. I love that feeling of the beach has to offer. It is almost as if she knows about my worries and offers to leave them while I am there. My family and I visit Acapulco almost every year. My father brings us there for all our hard work during the year. We might not have so many gifts and all at the end of the year but I would not have it any other way. I love that Acapulco is the place where my family and I can just have the best time ever. Whether it is past, present or future I know that when we are there it will for sure be a great time as long as we are together as a family.
Cesar Vega
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 4
QHQ Destination: Big Bear
Question: Why do I like Big Bear?
Hypothesis: It was one of the most fun times that I have had.
Question: What was so fun about it?
I only when to Big Bear once, but I had so much fun that one time that I went. Me and my friends wanted to get away one day for the summer, and so we picked Big Bear. My friend new of a good spot to go swimming to, so that is where we went. There were so many twists and turns on the way there that I eventually started getting seasick. We finally arrived at our destination, and parked on the side. We gathered all our belongings from the trunk and started walking through the wilderness. We walked by lizards, hopped down from rocks, slid on some dirt, and finally got to the lakes. It was beautiful. There was nothing but open water and trees surrounding us, and a cool breeze hitting our faces. Out in the distance, about twenty feet away from us, was what looked like a little island in the water with rocks and was about fifteen to twenty feet high. On that island where people, and they were jumping off the rocks. I got an urge to do the same, so I placed my belongings on a rock and started getting ready to go swimming. I stepped into the water and felt my whole body freeze up. The water was freezing To get over the cold, I just threw myself in the water and started swimming. There was no bottom once I was in the water. If I did not know how to swim then I would not have been able to go swimming. I swam straight for the island and started to climb it. I reached the top and all of a sudden I was looking down at the water, and looking out at my friends. I wanted to jump and I knew that I would not get hurt, but I did not jump right away. It was scaring knowing that I was about to jump off into the water, but I was convinced to jump. My heart was beating fast, the cool air was making my body cold, and I finally summed up the courage to jump. Time slowed down and I was in the air for what felt like hours. I finally hit the water and sunk down into a pit of darkness. I came back up and felt an adrenaline fun. It was so much fun. I decided to go back up and jump off again. I felt like a rebel jumping off into the water. There rush of the wind hitting every inch of my body, the trees became a blur, and I just yelled out to the world as I fell. The rest of the day me and my friends spent the rest of our afternoon swimming and jumping off of the rock on the island. It was one of the most fun moments of my life.
Roshan Gurung
ReplyDeleteProfesssor Hsiao
Eng 100
Cerritos College
Post # 5
In our text book The Talent Code, the author is trying to present his introduction by giving the example of the girl who did a month’s worth of practice in six minutes. She is the girl who is classified as a musical mediocrity. In chapter 1 author describes about the talent of Brazilian soccer (page 14).Jennie who is trying to hit the big finish in the musical career. Moreover, in chapter 2 it talks about the myelin sheet. The working of myelin links the various talent hotbeds to each other (page 33). Myelin has the capacity to regulate velocity, speeding or occasionally even slowing signals so they hit synapses at the optimal time. Lastly, chapter 3 talks about The Brontes, the Z- Boys and the Renaissance. The story of the bronte sisters who were tough to beat. The Z-Boys who were dedicated ocean surfers.
Frank J. Higgins
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #3
Talon code 1-3
I liked how the book began. Basically saying that some humans take things that they know and simply use it to their advantage and putting it to use in their talents. The writer of the book talks about another side of failing, practice, and learning. It gives the reader examples of different success. Another thing that grabbed my attention was how the writer of the book would visit many hotbeds. It allowed him to discover a lot of talented people. The three chapters that we read was very interesting as we continue to read on I am looking forward to reading more stories of the author’s adventures.
Angie Hortua
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
September 21,2011
Post # 5
Question: Why are baby back ribs so appetizing?
Hypothesis: Since pork is eaten in Colombia baby back ribs are delightful dishes in which my taste buds of different type of sweets are mixed together.
Question: Why is it that I order this plate, and how does it represent my personality/culture/identity?
Baby back ribs, are what would be considered my trademark platter. When I have lunch, or dinner with my family at restaurants, the first thing I happen to do is check the menu, I skim it and check if there is anything that involve ribs. I have an addiction to ribs, when I get to a restaurant I have in mind that I want ribs, I day dream about the sweet, tasty, finger licking ribs. After I realize that the restaurant does have ribs, I celebrate, and tell my family members. I enjoy baby back ribs more than any other ribs, since they have less fating, and more meat. When it is time to order, I let others order first, and when it is my turn I tell them if I can please order a full rack of baby back ribs. I know your probably thinking wow! A full rack, yes a full rack that is how much I love ribs. I have a stomach like an elephant. I can eat as many ribs until the restaurant runs out. After I wait about twenty minutes for my ribs, I finally get ready to start grubbing. I first get my napkin ready, set it down in my lap, then I wait for everyone to get there food. Third, I grave my utensils, and start cutting the juicy tender ribs. The first bite is always the best one. As I cut into the ribs, and I am about to eat my first bite, I can smell the sweet, juicy flavor. I take a bite, and feel as if I were in heaven. Lastly, I finish all my ribs, and clean off my hands with the napkin. I thank my family for treating me to such a delicious meal, and then smile. Some of the restaurants that have exquisite baby back ribs are Elephant Bar, Outback, Rainforest Café, The Wood Ranch, Chilli’s, Fridays, Chris and Pitts, and my ultimate favorite ribs come from my neighbor’s house. The ribs that he makes are delicious, and the sauce that he makes is finger licking. I cannot stop eating the ribs. In mostly all the cultures ribs are eaten. In my culture, ribs are a delightful meal. Many Colombians throughout the world enjoy eating this meal. One reason why I like them is because I enjoy eating meat, as many of us are carnivores we cannot go a week without eating it, it is a juicy meat, and that is why I enjoy ribs better than other organs. Another reason is because I have it in my blood, one of the many last names I happen to have is Costilla, in other words rib. Since it is in my blood I believe this is one of the reasons why I cannot stop eating them. Ribs represent me in many ways. The first reason is without ribs as humans, and animals we would not be able to breath, our ribs are what protect our heart from any injuries, as well as any other organs in our body. Ribs are very important in the human and animal body. Since I was young I believed that the more ribs I would eat, my heart would be protected, as well as my breathing would become better. As I became older I eventually stopped believing in that, but I still enjoy eating ribs. Lastly, I enjoy eating ribs because of the way you can eat them. The way a person presents themselves in the table shows it all. Ribs are an excellent way of finding about a person’s manners, style, identity, and how they will be eating them. I sometimes eat them with my hands when I am in a comfortable place, and if I feel like getting messy. At other times I decide I should be clean, and eat it with manners.
Angie Hortua
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Sept 21, 2011
The Talent code (ch 1-3)
Wow!!! This book is really impressive. The three chapters that I have read have really changed the way that I have now seen things. After reading strengthsquest, and mindset I am really looking at a bigger picture, and I’m asking myself many questions on how I had never thought about many of the points that Talent Code talks about. The chapter which emphasizes a lot about how people have used this is in chapter one. The Brazilian soccer players each mastered their every move, with acceptability. They knew they need it more and more skills to become who they wanted to be. I enjoyed that chapter since I enjoy soccer, and Brazil is one of my favorite teams. The second chapter started explaining about cells. How we each have two nerve fibers and every moment we do is proceed through these nerves. This is how we obtain knowledge and learn new stuff. Chapter three explains about the research that was being done to determine this, it talks about how babies who were breast fed have higher IQ’s. In chapter three a quote which I liked is “We are myelin beings”. This is the way we think about skills, talents, and human nature itself. It is a really big statement it goes back to the way we have thought of doing things. Overall, this book is going to be great, these three chapters are great. I cannot wait until the rest of the book.
John Robert Balagtas
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #5
QHQ #1
Question: Why do I thoroughly enjoy sleeping?
Hypothesis: Not only is it an action that everyone needs, it is also a very relaxing activity.
Question: How does this one action define who I am?
There is nothing I love more than waking up in the morning after a long night’s rest. There are a lot of people in this world, especially teenagers that take this glorious activity for granted. I was once one of these people. Sleeping at 3am and waking up early for a 7am class, I was one unhappy boy. Now that I am in control of my class times, I purposely chose later classes. I may now fully appreciate my favorite activity while still being able to stay out late with my friends. Everyday, after a long grueling day at school, I normally take a stress relieving 2-3 hour power nap. A lot of my friends tell me that I am just wasting my time and that I should be doing something more productive. They do not know how to relax. Yes, I can go and do homework or work on a project but life should be taken slowly. Rushing would only make life boring. Relaxing and being well rested allows me to take things one at a time and get more out of my day. This way, I can be productive while still living my life fairly stress free.
My friends find it weird that I can literally fall asleep anywhere. Whether, on a bed, on a couch, on the floor, on a bench, or even on a rock, I can still somehow have a good night’s rest. I don’t think I'm weird. I'm just a very adaptable young man. No matter what the situation I'm thrown in, I can bounce back and make the most of it. While camping for a couple of days near Lake Elsinore, my family had a hard time sleeping or even finding a comfortable to sit. While I, on the other hand, found an easily climbable tree with a secure perch to watch over the beautiful view. I somehow even took naps in the tree. I will always find a way to make even the worst situations better.
Angela Guzman
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #5
Music QHQ
Question: Why does music play a big role in my life?
Hypothesis: It is because it is something that I have an immense passion for.
Question: How does it represent culture?
I have always had a strong passion for music. It something that I grew up with, but hip hop in particular has played a special role in my life. I remember my uncle giving me my first Eminem CD as a kid, and I would listen to it all day long. That passion grew as I got older. It was my sophomore year in high school when I met a guy who soon became a very close friend of mine. He introduced me to underground hip hop. At that time I did not know what it was I was guessing it was just hip hop, but it was more than that. Underground hip hop is more than just music, it is culture. Hip hop consists of four elements which are mcing, djing, breakdancing and graffiti. Those are all a different form of art. Underground hip hop is music that speaks about more than just what is on the radio. It is mostly old school music or music from the late eighty’s early ninety’s. Real hip hop talks about life and politics which is not something you hear on the radio today. Hip hop has taught me a lot and it something that I have grown to love. There is not a day that goes by that I do not listen to it. I say it is real music because it speaks the truth. No matter what mood I am in I always turn to music because it helps sooth my soul. I think it is amazing how music can relate to the exact thing that you are going through, or how it can cheer you up when you are feeling down. Some people turn to food or working out when they are feeling down but I turn to music. There is no greater experience than listening to the music live. The artists rap with such passion that you can feel it in your body; I get the chills by just listening. There are so many good vibes just by listening to an artist who speaks the truth. The crowd is listening to something who they love just as much as I do which is even more incredible. Overall music is something amazing, it is something that does not have a label and you cannot be judged on. Music is what brings us all together.
Paul Garcia
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English 100
September 8, 2011
Post # 3
QHQ Hobby: Improvising songs
Question: Why do I have a fascination with improvising songs about random things?
Hypothesis: I like making up random songs because it allows me to express my feelings in a way that I could not accomplish by any other means.
Question: Why is it so hard for me to improvise songs in front of other people?
I am a walking music machine. I can make up a song about virtually anything. On my spare time I tend to improvise songs about inanimate objects in my room. For example, I have improvised many songs some of which were about my walls, my generic standing lamp, my table, my refrigerator, and my doorknob. It fills me with joy when I use something as simple as a wall as a metaphor to form some greater meaning. It seems as if in some bizarre way I am bringing that objet to life. However, it has not always been that way. It has taken years of practice to hone my skills. Strangely, despite my unique ability, it is extremely difficult for me to improvise a song in front of other people. I believe I have found a possible reason why it is hard for me to improvise in front of others.
It all started in the 8th grade. There I sat, in the front of my 2nd period English class wondering how I let my friend Raymond talk me into playing a song for the whole class. It was the last day of school so my teacher was quick to permit when Raymond jokingly asked her if she would let me play a song. Raymond was always the type to act before thinking so I somehow felt as if I should have seen it coming. The smell of impending freedom lingered in the air and there was a since of urgency floating around the class. Time was motionless. My palms began sweating and it felt as if a 30lbs weight dropped in the pit of my stomach when I realized that I did not have a complete song to play the class. Sadly though, it was too late to turn back. I was particularly embarrassed because my middle school crush, Vanessa Gonzales, was sitting in the front of the class looking as ravishing as she could be. Out of desperation I began improvising a song. I cannot remember how the tune went or what it was about but what I do remember is the feeling of helplessness that engulfed my being when the entire class began “boo-ing” at my sloppy unprepared performance. It especially hurt me when Vanessa joined in by exclaiming “You suck!” Luckily, my teacher stopped the chaos before anyone threw anything at me. I felt ashamed of myself. I stared at the floor and slowly took my walk of shame back to my seat. I sat silently for the rest of the class period.
I believe that this experience contributed to my difficulty improvising in front of people. This experience had strong emotional impact that on me and left big scar in my memories. Thankfully, I have learned to take this experience and grow from it. Throughout my life I have learned many valuable lessons. One such lesson is that one cannot allow past endeavors to hinder oneself. So, despite my difficulty improvising songs in front of people I will continue to try whenever an opportunity arises so that one day I might perfect my art.
Paul Garcia
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
cerritos College
Post #4
Chapter 9-12
Chapter 11 was my favorite chapter of this set. I really liked how it was quick and to the point. I especially enjoyed all the the questions that it brought up. All of those questions were questions that I had never asked myself before. It felt good to probe my own brain and find out what I really want out of life. My favorite question was the one that asked what the most meaningful thing I have ever done was. My answer was that I learned to play the guitar. This really opened my eyes to what I really want to do with my life. the ending was pretty good too. I truly enjoyed the call to action.
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #7
The Talent Code Chp 1-3
Reading the first chapter speaks about the talent hotbeds of people. Just like the Brazilian soccer players since the 1950s. They are very known for their great skill and it is because of the way they have been trained. This particular way of training helped improve the players to ball-handle skill faster. That is where deep practice comes into play. Just as the example in the first chapter is when you are on the airplane and demonstrated is how to put on a life vest. Although it has been shown many times, the plane starts to have trouble and people begin to shuffle on what to do with the life vest. The book shows another scenario where the passengers of the airplane got to do hands on with the demonstration, meaning they had the chance to touch the life vest and get a more insight on what to do. Next the plane is having trouble, people put on their life vest, and this time they know what to do. That part of the book is a great example of deep practice because the more you practice and do more hands on you will gain that skill. I was very interested learning about myelin in the second chapter. To know that people (scientists) did not think that it had no use, it turns out it did play a great part in learning skills. It helps you get in the state of deep-practicing. In The Talent Code Daniel Coyle says, “To understand how deep practice works, then, it’s first useful to consider the unexpected but crucial importance of errors to the learning process” (20). This quote is saying that when you are experiencing deep practice you have to struggle. Without struggle there is no progress and that progress is what helps you gain that skill/talent.
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #8
QHQ Favorite Destination in the Future: Spain
Question: If you could travel to any place, what would it be?
Hypothesis: There are so many places for me to choose from but what comes first on my list is Spain.
Question: Why would you like to travel to Spain?
Spain is known for its beautiful cities and its extravagant lifestyles. It has always been my dream to visit a beautiful place. Ever since I was young, I discovered more of my roots and ancestors. I learned that my father’s side of the family had a great influence of Spanish blood among us. I remember as soon as I found out about my father’s side I began to research online to see if there was more Pepito’s living in Spain and to my surprise, there were so many of them! I could not believe that Pepito was actually popular in Spain, especially in the city of Barcelona from what I found. It began to excite me more because I thought of visiting the city Barcelona specifically. My interest in visiting the country began to expand; I began thinking of who I would go with and what I would do there. I spoke to two of my cousins, Crystal and Sherbie, and they were just as excited to one day visit the country with me. Not only do I want to see how beautiful Spain is but hopefully to see Barcelona and find out more of my ancestors if it is possible.
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #6
QHQ: Favorite Destination Travelling Place in the Past, Future, or Otherwise
Question: Out of all the wonderful places I have been, where does my mind never fail to wander
back to?
Hypothesis: In the country of Philippines, the miniscule island of Santa Fe stands as my
favorite destination.
Question: Have you ever caught a fish with nothing but a plastic pasta strainer?
Growing up, during summer vacation in our house near the beach in Santa Fe Island, I would
religiously check the low tide and high tide schedule every day. On the days that I get lucky
when the low tide falls around three or four o’clock in the afternoon when the sun is not blazing hot, I would hastily grab my flip-flops, steal the kitchen strainer and rush out to sea. With a plastic cup in one hand and a plastic strainer in the other, I set foot into sea, where the sea floor lays exposed, as if naked, clothing itself with barely four inches of water. I could feel the soft, wet sand on my feet while walking along the shore; the sand is white and fine. The water looks pristine, so clear that you could easily see different kinds of fishes and even tiny shrimps. During unfriendly days when the tide is high and I cannot go fishing, I wreak havoc around the house. Our house was airy and spacious; we did not have much appliance or furniture, just the necessary things like a television, a dining set, and a bamboo bench set for the living room. Our semi-square terrace nestled an army of lined-up seahorse sculptures, about two feet tall. My grandfather would jokingly tell us that those sea horses would come to life at night and guard the house from intruders; I believed him. During siesta on quiet afternoons at two, my family would bring out chairs and tables, and we would just sit there and admire the old Talisay tree in full bloom; sometimes, we would play cards. After my grandfather frustratingly walks out after
losing three games of poker in a row, my grandmother would bring out her big red satin
drawstring bag which contains her mahjong set. Several games later, I would run towards the
backyard and find my grandfather relaxing in the hammock, which is tied onto two adjacent coconut trees. After endlessly bugging him, I would then seize his place in the hammock, and selfishly smile as he cradles it. Just lying down, I could see the beauty of the whole place: bougainvillea bushes scattered all over, tall coconut tress everywhere I look, lush green grass. I look up at the clear sky, and I see the bluest blue I could ever imagine; the ground is sandy, yet soil is still evident. The place is quiescent due to the absence of automobiles. When I close my eyes, I could actually hear the chirping of different birds and the sound of wandering groups of chickens. I do not just feel the gentle caress of the wind, I also hear it. And the resonating scent of the ocean? It is tranquilizing—it is nature’s perfume. Santa Fe Island is not just a place where I have enjoyed my carefree childhood days with my loved ones; it is a place where I have learned that it is possible for so much beauty to be found in one place.
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #7
Talent Code: Chapter 1-3
Talent code started with a bang! The book is such an easy-read, and the anecdotes it provides are very provocative. I love how it addresses to the pioneering scientific research about the importance of mylein and incorporates such importance to our everyday lives. The importance of deep practice cannot be elaborated enough; skills are not developed when one practices half-heratedly without full effort and attention. Myelin, the skill-storing sheath responds best to deep, repetitive practice. The important of myelin has been overlooked eversince the establishment of neuroscience. The emergence of brain plasticity (as briefly mentioned in the book) gave rise to the curiosity of formerly close-minded neuroscientists which lead to various research about the often neglected parts of the brain, such as myelin. I appreciate how the author Daniel Coyle stresses out that we must screw up in order to challenge our cognitive abilities, which in turn will garner benefits. Many times, we tend to be so hard on ourselves whenever we do not get things right. Sometimes, we get frustrated when we do not get something right the first few tries. Although it has been known all along that mistakes are building blocks to become better, it is still reassuring to be reminded that it is so.
Martha De La Rosa
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #4
QHQ: Favorite Hobby
Question: What do I consider to be my favorite hobby?
Hypothesis: My favorite hobby is running.
Question: When and why did running become my hobby?
A hobby is something one loves doing and has a great passion for it. I consider my favorite hobby to be running. My passion for running started after graduating from high school. It started as a form to keep myself in shape, but soon became something I love to do every morning. Now running is not only something I do to keep myself in shape, but also to help me relax. Running helps me take my mind off of things such as school, family problems, or any other type of problem I may have. Running gives me the energy I need through out the day. Whenever there is a day I do not go running I always feel fatigue with out any energy. It is funny though how back in middle and high school running use to be something I dreaded doing in my PE my class, especially when it came to running the mega lab, or the one mile run. Whenever my PE teachers would tell me to get ready to run I always felt like making up a fake stomach ache or any other type of injury just to get away from not running. Let’s just say that running use to be a nightmare for me, but now it has become something I enjoy doing everyday. Not only does it keep me physically fit, but it also helps me relieve the daily stress of life.
Rosybel Sagastume Avila
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English # 100
20 September 2011
QHQ. Food; Culture; and Identity
Question: Why do I love pupusas?
Hypothesis: Is it because they are hand-made and have so many variety to choose from..
Question: Why do I always choose to go to Salvadorian restaurants to eat? How does it represent my Personality//Culture//Identity?
Answers: Pupusas has always been my favorite meal to eat as a child. People might wonder why and here’s why. Pupusas come in so many varieties for example you can order one of cheese with beans or loroco with cheese and revueltas which are the most popular pupusa to eat. Revueltas are just a mixture of all the stuff they use to make them like beans, cheese, chicharron, and loroco. The best part of a pupusas is the curtido and salsa that comes on the side. I love to put a lot of curtido and salsa on my pupusas. My mother says that when I pour these things on my pupusas it seems like I am trying to drown them because I put so much. The delicious part of these plate is the tortilla is hand-made and you can see them being made when you order them. It depends where you go eat them. I always go to Salvadorian resturants because they are the only people who know how it’s done and the flavor it needs to have. I hate when other people who are not Salvadorians try to do them. For example in Plaza Mexico in Lynwood there are some Mexican ladies who do them but taste awful. Everytime I see them make them I feel like telling them you are embrassing my people. They’re tortillas are not even given that touch of being hand-made they just put them in this wooden thing and squeeze them to form the same. The pupusas are so skinny that it almost seems like you are eating a plain tortilla. Salvadorian pupusas on the other hand are small but fat. By fat I mean full of whatever you choose to have inside of it. Pupusas in my culture is a traditional plate and what my homeland is known for. I am Salvadorian and I am really proud of saying I am. My both parents are from El Salvador and I basically lived some of my life there too, of course while being in my mother’s tummy hehe. My mother came to the United States when she was 7months pregnant, so I spent 6months of my life in El Salvador and all my mother would eat were pupusas. I personally ate a lot of pupusas when I was pregnant of my baby girl Delilah. I feel this plate is going to continue getting passed on because my daughter ate them all my pregnancy and she loves eating them now. She always says amm, amm when she sees people eating them or when she wants more. Pupusas can also represent my personality. They are soft from the outside, enjoyable from the inside by being full of different ingredient, and the salsa and curtido are extra specialties. Now to translate this I would say soft from the outside means how nice and friendly I can be. Enjoyable from the inside by being full of different ingredients would represent how open minded I am and how I can make anyone turn the frowns upside down with positive energy. The salsa would represent me when I am mad because I have a bad temper and attitude. Lastly, the curtido would represent all the extra stuff I like to do like volunteer and help people. This is how Pupusas represent my personality/culture/identity and why I love them so much. I recommend people who have not tried pupusas to go try them. I am sure it will satisfy your taste buds.
Kimberly Zendejas
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #2
Last Class Meeting
I just wanted to share that our last class was very fun. In the begging everyone was quite nervous about turning in our first big paper. But afterwards everyone seemed relaxed and happy, maybe because of the fact that it was the last class of the week. We all shared laughs and giggles while reading throughout the handouts. Including when Mr. Hsiao was making fun of some of us as we read (like me lol). Many of the biggest laughs were supper random. We even had a mini field trip while walking to the other classroom, which gave us a couple of minutes to have conversation with the classmates about how class was going. What I enjoyed the most was listening to everyone’s strengths. This was a way to learn a bit more about each other. Continuing more through the semester our class will turn out to become like a family. Hope everyone had a great week and let us make today’s class as fun as last week.
Kimberly Zendejas
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post# 3
Question: Why do I have so many shoes under my bed, when in reality I only need two pairs?
Hypothesis: Depending what season it is, I use different types of shoes to match my outfits.
Question: How do I match up the prefect shoes with a nice outfit?
If you look under my bed, you can find two pairs of wedges, three pairs of tennis shoes, five different style of boots, seven different color flats, ten high heels and over fifteen pairs of saddles. Shoes are the most important accessories in a women’s attire. There are many different styles of shoes and different kind of shoes to wear to different occasions. I believe shoes indicate a women’s fashion sense, that is, when they are worn correctly. This is why I find so many pairs of different styles of shoes under my bed and would not be able to have just two pairs of shoes. Every pair could give a different look to an outfit but making sure the shoes match up with my outfit nicely is the exciting part that I am interested in. In my room I first I place my outfit on the middle of my bed. Second I lay my jewelry on the right side next to the outfit. While standing up and looking in my mirror, next I think of a hair style I will I do. Lastly I pull out couple of my shoes from under my bed, which might go along with my outfit, and place them on the carpet in front of where my outfit is set out. Next I use the processes of elimination to eliminate the shoes that would not match my outfit. While looking both at the outfit and shoes from the reflection of my closet mirrors, I make my decision of which shoes to wear with the outfit. I go through this process almost every day of my life. I also use this method I also help out my friends, brothers, and mom when they cannot figure out what shoes to wear. Throughout this process of picking the right shoes to wear, I think about many different details, matter of concerns, and answer my own questions. For example one of my daily questions is “Will I be comfortable in these shoes?” or “Will these shoes leave me blisters on my feet?” Some of the things I will also think about would be the type of event or occasion I will be attending. But the most import thing to think about is about the weather and the season. Depending on the weather and season my shoes will turn out to change my whole outfit. For instants during spring and summer I normally use my saddles and wedges with my outfits. In fall and winter I use closed up shoes and boots. But if it is mid August during summer time and it is raining, I will not use saddles or wedges instead I will use my warm comfortable UGGs for that day. Just by changing the weather it can also change my entire outfit and shoes. When this happens I get a thrill with trying to figure out what to wear and with what shoes! Others might freak out and just through on any kind of shoes but not me.
Kimberly Zendejas
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #4
Talent Code Ch 1-3
The book “The Talent Code” has been a very interesting so far. The book started off with an amazing story of a thirteen year-old-girl named Clarissa. Clarissa learned how to play some music notes within approximately six minutes, when in reality was worth of one month of practice. This amazing story was captured on video and has been studied by a music psychologist Gary McPherson. He has also been amazed by this young girl ability. The author of the book, Daniel Coyle, and Gary McPherson explain that this is has been a moment where the talent code has been cracked. Another thing that capture my attention was the activity found in chapter one. The practice of the two columns of words was surprising to me. This practice is also related in a real life experience. The example that Daniel Coyle gave in chapter one of the book “The Talent Code”, says, “You’re struggling to remember someone’s name if someone else gives you that name, the odds of your forgetting it again are high...”(pg 17). I could relate to this example that Daniel Coyle gives. When I see someone that I have met before but yet I do not remember their name, I will struggle to figure out their name. Once I remember it I will not forget it next time. In the opposite, if someone else tells me their name before I figure it out, next time I see them I will not remember their name. Because of the struggle I go through to try and figure out someone’s name, according to Talent Code the practice is deeper. This is why next time I see them I will remember their name.
Giovanni Arvizu
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English 100
Post # 4
Talent Code, chapters 1-3.
Chapters 1 through 3 of Talent code promotes the idea of being okay with failing because that is the only way to succeed. when one is able to push those obstacles aside and really focus on the goal practice makes perfect. If you are already good at something until you improve those skills you will not be learning anything. Chapters 1 through 3 made me realize that it is not just knowing your strengths and putting them to use, as in Strengthsquest, but really pushing yourself to master ones abilities.
Khaye Chia S. Buenaventura
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post 4
QHQ Roles/ Alter Egos: Dancing
Question: Why do I love to dance?
Hypothesis: I enjoy expressing every tune and words of a song with my own interpretation of moves that naturally comes out from me.
Question: How do I describe my alter ego as a dancer, why do I enjoy it, and how does it represent who I am?
Since I was a kid, I have enjoyed dancing without any definite steps. As soon as I heard the song being played on a radio, I made up my own moves and incorporated them with the steps I had seen on television. Dance is defined as an art form that generally refers to a movement of the body; dancing is used as a form of an expression, and a form of nonverbal communication between humans. In the early stage of hominid evolution, dancing together with rhythmic was defined as a potent tool to put groups of human ancestors in a battle trance or an altered state of consciousness. In this state hominids were losing their individual identity and acquiring collective identity. Being in the state of dancing, I start to lose myself and freely move my body as if a tree is dancing with the tune of the wind. I could hear every bit of my heart as my blood flows down to my veins, which gives me energy to go beyond just dancing. As if, I am hypnotized by a magical rhythm which takes me away from the natural world, and brings me to a perfect world that was made only for me to savor and indulge that very moment of which I can express myself in a peaceful way. Dancing defines who I am, for no matter how many storms of problem I have to face. I might have to bend and go with flow of the wind, but at the end I will always collect myself up, for I know that there is always a rainbow after the rain.
Gonzalez 1
ReplyDeleteKarina Gonzalez
English 100
21 September 2011
Question: Why has Seattle Washington one of my favorite destination?
Hypothesis : It is so different than California
Question: Have you ever seen so many pine tress and green grass ?
After been on a car for twenty seven hours the first thing I said to my self “ I am never coming back” .Little did I know it was going to be one great adventures . Just driving out of California was all very different. In my left to right where huge harvest of strawberries, cherries, and tomatoes. It was just like in the movies where your in the country side driving by and there’s someone with a sign fresh cherries for sale underneath an umbrella with couple of boxes with fresh cherries. This went on for couple miles . We would make rest stops in small towns that look about death, because you could not see anybody out side there homes . Not even lights out side there porch. The sun was bright but the wind felt more fresher the closer we got the north. Arriving to Portland just few hours away from Seattle was all surrounded by tress and small lakes. This had been my first time traveling to Seattle so it was impressive to see to many tress in the city. Finally arriving to Seattle down town you can see in distance its tall buildings like the ones in downtown LA. But the one that stood out the most was the famous space needle .It look like a tall skinny stick with a space dish on top off the building. Walking through downtown Seattle I seen a horse carriage in the main streets apparently it give a ride to people in the carriage through main streets of Seattle . It reminded me of Cinderella when she gets married and leaves the church in her carriage. Some streets where hill . They didn’t have many fast food restaurants that we have here. Like for example in n out, burger king, one big ones I missed was Mexican restaurants .
My aunt live about ten minutes from down town . Driving to her house was like driving through a forest . Large pine trees and mountains full of them surrounded the neighborhood. Your neighbor house was like a house away. Each house has own space not as close as the one here in LA. It is very quiet you could hardly hear a sound in the . There is hardly people walking in the streets . Most of the time was very cloudy . And most days rained . Although it rain nobody had jackets as is it was nothing to them . Seattle was very green with many natural parks had had beautiful sights that look fairy land and quiet something different than California that’s why I enjoyed it.
Karina Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
21 September 2011
The Talent Code chapters 1to 3
The first three chapters of these book where really interesting. Not only does it show you how deep thinking works, but also tell you how it connects to myelin cell in the second chapter . What I enjoyed about chapter one was the activity that the author does to explain more what deep practice is .He makes two list one labeled one a second b . The second row one of the two letters are missing a letter. The activity is to cove half page and try remember much words you can .As Daniel Coyle expressed that you are most likely to remember more words from row b than a because we focused more on b than a because missing word so we had to deep think in our memory and where able to remember faster than other one because we focused more .Daniel Coyle also said “ Deep practice is built on a paradox: struggling in certain targeted ways operating edges of your ability, where you make mistakes -mistakes make you smarter” Page 18. I agree to what he said because people do learn from their mistakes they do make you smarter because to get smarter you need make mistakes so next time you will get it right . The second chapter talked about myelin . Myelin is the strength and speed nerves . Meaning movements of our body and taught . It talked about how people have more myelin than others and also how trying harder and thinking deeply help make our myelin cell smarter. The third chapter talked about how the “Bronte’s ,the Z-Boys , and the Renaissance became very successful . They all practice excessive hours to become better and in the case of the Brontes got recognized for their deep thinking.
Rene Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English 100
Post #4
Question: What's in driving that I like so much?
Hypothesis: I like how it relieves my stress, calms my mind, and the adrenaline it provides.
Question: Why does driving provide such things to me when for most people it is just a regular thing they do every day?
I drive every day. I drive for school, for work, for entertainment, and sometimes even to pass time. Since driving is an activity I cannot avoid in my everyday life, I embraced it and went a step further by loving it. While some people get cravings to eat chocolates, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and anything in between, I, on the other hand, get cravings to start driving anywhere. Driving blows away my stress. Even if I just had the worst day Karma has ever given to me, just give me ten minutes in my car and I’ll speed through and leave my stress behind like I’m running away from the cops. Stress is an everyday obstacle to me, either it is by relationships, academics, or anything at all, and driving is always there as my everyday medicine. Driving always calms my mind. If my mind is cluttered and is full of complications I just drive to fix them all up. It is like my mind is a big puzzle and every time I press on the gas, pieces of the puzzle are put together one by one. Driving helps me think through mind-bottling problems. I would try to solve a problem but I would sometimes end up with solutions that would just cause more chaos and to help me freshen up and ultimately find a real solution through this mess, I drive. And finally driving gives me that shock of electricity that kickstarts my heart. It gives me that adrenaline rush that I’d been needing the whole day to feel rejuvenated after a whole day’s worth of work. Driving like a speed demon in the freeway will surely give you that adrenaline to do anything. Every time I speed when driving, it sends my exhaustion away to another dimension. When you see that your speed is now at 100+ mph, you just start seeing zooming lights and straight white lines in the road instead of broken ones and somehow it rejuvenates my body. Driving 120 mph in the freeway at 2 a.m. in the morning wakes me up more than drinking ten 5-hour energy drinks. And it has zero calories.
Giovanni Arvizu
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 5
QHQ: Hobby/Interest
Question: Why did I become involved in blogging?
Hypothesis: Perhaps when I had met new friends who were photographers.
Question: How will blogging push me forward in life?
When I was a freshman in high school I met a friend named Eric. Our friendship first started off because I asked him where he got his shirt and shoes; that introduce me into two stores: Urban Outfitters and American Apparel. I began to see the kinds of photography that both stores used and it was very different from the norm that I had previously been exposed to. The photography in Urban Outfitters was not just a picture but art. My sophomore year in high school Eric told me about his blog on Tumblr.com; I made an account and I began to follow him and I appreciated his art. I began to follow different photographers, soon I met my friend named Alfy, who recently got hired by LA Models. Because of Alfy I started to look more deeply into the actual clothes and how it was being presented.
I turned to my blog and I began to repost pictures that represented fashion, artistic values and with an indie feel. I started watching runway shows and posted fashion shows on my blog. After looking at many designers I became very aware of how they worked and how they were different and how they were the same. My senior year my friend Alison took on photography, and I started reblogging her best work in my eyes. Reblogging photos and paying to attention to new approaches to photography and fashion will benefit me in becoming an art director.
I have started doing my own videos in hope of practicing how to turn my simple videos into fashion videos. The best way to sell myself is through my blog and surrounding myself with people who not only understand fashion but who can make any given object come to life. I am yet to improve my skills, I have gained back knowledge on fashion and now its time to learn how to be able to create my own art and not just analyze the art of others.
Frank J. Higgins
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
QHQ: Volleyball
Question: How did I get interested in playing Volleyball?
Hypothesis: My teammates on my Basketball team pleaded for me to play, along with a wager.
Question: Why didn’t I like Volleyball before I never try it?
In my senior year of high school towards the end of my last season playing basketball, my
friends began to ask if I wanted to play Volleyball. Now every time I was asked that question I would immediately answer with no. Prior to learning how intense Volleyball was I thought it was a “girly sport” that required no conditioning, practice, training, and is very simple to play. No offence to the women who did play volleyball at my school, but at the time they were the only people who I had seen play the game. At a division five school they were not among the elite. That’s probably why I thought about Volleyball that way. For the umpteenth time saying no to my friends they eventually became a nuisance. Then one of my friends came up to me and reminded me why he played basketball. After I finished reminiscing it came back to me that my friend and I had made a friendly wager that if he played basketball I would play Volleyball. My reaction after he reminded me about it was like I was having my teeth pulled out without any anesthesia. So since my friend was true to his word I had to be true to mine. For about four or five weeks up until the preseason I discovered my love for playing Volleyball. I started watching colleges and other high schools play. If one were to think like me before, how I thought volleyball was a “girly sport”, then they have never seen men or women play who have attended higher division schools. With enough practice I had begun to start getting a feel for the game. I learn a great lesson out of this and that was always try something out before one predetermines that they do not like it.
Gabriela Moreno
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
QHQ Food, Culture, Identity
Question: Why does food along with Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo taste so delicious?
Hypothesis: It is mouthwatering because of how simple it is to make, and how the flavors come together to satisfy your taste buds.
Question: Why I order this every time I go a restaurant, and how does food represent my personality/ culture/ identity?
I have always been the type of person who plays it “safe”. Meaning in life instead of taking a spooky short cut to get home, I would much rather take the long safe route. I am this way in every part of my life, especially when it comes to food. I tend to be a picky eater, I will not eat something if I do not like the way it taste. My favorite place to eat my favorite food chicken fettuccini alfredo is at BJ’s Brewery Family Restaurant. Seeing the waiter bring my plate, steamy and creamy with all the alfredo sauce make me anxious and excited. I always order this plate with a side of cesar salad because for me nothing taste better. Sometimes it is funny when my family from Mexico comes to visit because they think I barely eat since I am skinny. When they see me eat they seem so surprised how much food I can hold down. Most of my family members are over weight because they eat so much and do not watch the calories. Food has always had a huge impact in my culture and the type of personality. I work at a food place also, Round Table Pizza. I wish they come out with a new chicken alfredo pizza that would be my favorite appetizing meal. I have served all the food that the restaurant makes to the customers. When I serve the food to the costumers it makes me feel good inside knowing I have made the meal for them to enjoy representing myself in that. Making others happy is a part of my personality trait because it brings joy to my day. Daily I like to cook rice with grilled chicken, and spaghetti with meat balls. Like I have said before my family comes over to my house occasionally and that is when we plan family barbeques. When they come over we cook special Mexican dishes like menudo or posole. The woman in my family make this food because you can make a lot of it at one time and have enough to serve to all the guests. We usually make these kind of “special” food around Christmas or birthdays. When I travel I eat a lot, may it be home food or on the go. It does not matter to me as long as it taste good. I must admit there is no better meal than a home cooked one, freshly made and prepared to enjoy. My favorite foreign food would have to be seafood as in mariscos. In Mexico is where they prepare them the best, adding cucumbers a lot of lemon salt and some spicy chili while adding different types of peppers. My aunt Cristina makes the best chicken alfredo around the holidays like Thanksgiving. I believe chicken fettucini alfredo represents me as who I am because I am a delicate, you have to get to know how to make the dish really well in order for it to come out perfect. Just like me you have to get to know me to understand me better. Food has changed dramatically over the ages and the new deli quite delights keep on getting better.
Rene Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteProfessor Hsiao
English 100
Cerritos College
The first three chapters of "The Talent Code" talks about the "Everest-size amounts of talent" in small places. It talks about how these talented people use their knowledge in their talents. It involves taking in a lot of their knowledge to improve or practice a talent they discovered that they have. And sometimes life will give you struggles and you are bound to fail one way or another but the book says that failure is not always the end of things, you just need to keep practicing and then you will get better at it. Talent Code is pretty interesting so far and it does give off some really good information like about the cell called myelin and about Deep Practice.
Juan Humildad
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #3
QHQ Avatar: Zombie survivalist
Question: What fascinates you about Role Playing Games (RPG) and zombie games?
Hypothesis: I like the idea of zombies being actual people and the real life situations that I get to act out.
Question: Why do you like idea of being part of these situations?
Answer: I like to play RPGs for the situations the games place me in. I would rather be able to play through a game because of the interaction experience. The interaction in the game really makes me feel like I am truly part of this experience. It is a simulation where I am placed in a fictional world in a fictional situation where I can make my own decisions and create a unique outcome depending on the choices I make.
My favorite types of RPGs are zombie survival games. In these games I am a surviving character from a zombie pandemic caused by exceptionally fast reacting virus that mutates the human body. My DNA is unique and is immune to this horrible virus being spread world wide, but this does not stop me from being overwhelmed by the infected resulting in my death. I need to take full advantage of my environment and resources to survive this pandemic and escape the infection. In order to survive I will have to enhance my reflexes and senses to flee from any dangerous situations. My main priority is to fight my way through the walking dead and hopefully reach a military safety zone or anywhere in the world that is protected by this virus. I have just one set mentality, and that is to survive the Bubonic plague taking over the world.
Stephanie Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #4
Question: Why are my studies important to me?
Hypothesis: It is because I want to succeed in life, to give my kids the future they deserve.
Question: Do you have anyone that supports you one hundred percent?
All my life I had dreams. My dream is to become a Register Nurse. I have dreams of me graduating from Nursing School and working on what I love to do. Therefore, my studies are very important to me. I want to succeed and give my kids the future they deserve. My life has been very hard up to this point. It started off when I got pregnant at the age of fifteen. I think that is my biggest mistake I have ever done. I did not learn from my sisters that got pregnant at an early age as well. I do not regret my kids at all, but if I knew the consequences from it, I would have waited. We all learn from our mistakes, right? We can get that mistake and look at it as a strength to push oneself further in life. Not only that I have to focus on what I want to accomplish for us, but take it to a higher motivation. I wished I had that motivation coming from my boyfriend. It is hard when he does not support me on what I love doing. He wants me to jump to it right away, when that is not how it works. Getting your career started takes time and dedication. I am putting all of that and he does not see it. So no, I do not get the support I need. It is hard to be taking care of two kids, working and going to school. I thought he was in it one hundred percent with me on helping me out. He lied to me. I cannot believe he is being very selfish. What have I done to deserve all of this? He brags about how much I spend on school work. That is his excuse so that he can sleep instead of taking care of his own kids. He does not see the way I see things. He gives me struggle when I am focused on reading and turns the TV really loud. All I want is to give my kids a better future. I do not see it coming from him, so I have to do it. I do not want to be making minimum wage all my life and still be living in a room with no space to breath. My kids are my life. They are my motivation. They give me the strength to go on in life and not to give up. So going back to the second question I can answer it coming from my kids. Yes, the only ones that I will see supporting me are my kids. They make me a better person. And if I ever become successful, the ones that I will be thankful for giving me that strength are my kids. They are my energy, my joy of life. That is why my studies are important to me. I do it for the two that hold my heart. I love them so much.
Bola Mories
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
September 22, 2011
Post# 5
Talent Code
You can become clever through mistakes through deep practice. When someone struggle against obstacles, he will make mistakes, but he will learn through those mistakes. Also, He will learn new skills and qualities. Then he will learn to be interested in obstacles because they stretch his thinking and his abilities. They help him to think in different ways, and they operate the edges of his abilities. As Bjork said “It is a living structure, a scaffold of nearly infinite size. The more we generate impulses, encountering and overcoming difficulties, the more scaffolding we build. The more scaffolding we build, the faster we learn”. When someone practices deeply, his practice makes him more decent and more expert. Myelin is playing a main role in getting good at something. For example, Athletes train so much that makes their myelin increases in them, and they become much better than normal people. Skill is insulation that wraps neural circuits and grows according to certain signals. For example, Michael Angelo was training a lot in different things since he was a kid. He got experience in different fields. He worked in different jobs then he produced his first work the Pieta at age twenty four. He practiced deeply until he made his first portray, and he practiced deeper until he became Michael Angelo. Last of all, practicing helps us to learn more things which increase our myelin.
Stephanie Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Professor Hsiao
Post #5
Talent Code Chapters 1-3
“Talent code” by Daniel Coyle is a very interesting book. I learned so many great things from it. It is amazing how we can learn so much in such little time. The answer is practice. Practice makes perfect. By our mistakes we do, we learn from them and try to make it the best. For example the soccer player Brunio, when he tries a new move and fails. He does not give up, but tries and practices until he gets it right. He focuses on the ball and does his new moves and he nails it. He is a very talented soccer player. What about Jennie? She tries do the the big note and messes up, but does not give up. Every time she messes up she starts all over. That is how it is supposed to be. You just do not continue from where you messed up, but start all over. In “Talent Code”, Daniel Coyle says, “ and screwing up is making them better. How?”(pg14). By practicing and concentrating in getting it right makes it a talent. Demonstrating you are good at something, not only by doing it but by working hard on what you do best.
Gabriela Moreno
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #5
Chapters 1-3 in the talent code, the author is talking about the first experience on his intersting journey. It explains that deep practice involves struggling in a focused way so that the learning happens in a faster amount of time. It is for example, making an error and learning from it. According to Talent Code by David Coyle the author states, "When we see people practice effectively, we usually describe it with words like willpower or concentration or focus."(Page 13) Its describes different ways on how you can see people manage their way of practicing and what is more beneficial. Also, it talks about taking mistakes and turning them into skills. The second chapter starts getting into the microscopic substance called Myelin. It increases signal strength, speed, and accuracy. I was very unaware that we humans had this in ourselves and how different people had more than others. People who have more deep thinking and practices than others make the cell stronger. The third chapter, is about The Brontes, the Z-Boys, and The Renaissance. The sisters did deep-practicing very well. It talks about each group and how they all have deep-thinking abilities that have allowed them to strive.
Khaye chia s buenaventura
ReplyDeleteCerritos college
English 100
Post 5
Talent code : chapter 1-3
Deep practice or learning in depth. Most of the time expecially when finals is coming up, I usually memorize rather than understanding . But the fact that I just memorize without understanding is one of the wasted habits that most of us possess. Situation like this, only the short memory works for us, which only means that we can store it for a very short peirod of time. Same thing applied with a lecture and lab, we have to know how things work through lecture but it does not end there alone. We have to do actual at the lab to experiment and apply what we we have learned. These chapters only indicates that experience is the best teacher. We have to fall to know how fto stand back up. We have to fail to know how to win. Life is a never ending process of trial and error,it does not matter how many times we fall, what matters is how we learn to collect ourselves to be better.
Casey Luna
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #3
QHQ: Interesting Vice/ Hobby/ Interest
Question: Why are oil pastels my weapons of choice for my artistic creations?
Hypothesis: It is because they offer an infinite variety of colors and techniques.
Question: Why does my use of oil pastels offer a form of emotional expression?
When I see a blank paper, bare wall, or anything void of an inventive spirit in my line of sight, my mind formulates an array of colors, so vivid and perplexing to the eye. It is within my nature to bring out the essence of nothing and turn it into a creative form of expression. I do this with my packs of oil pastels and their countless assortments of colors. I remember browsing an art supply warehouse a few years back, during the prime of my teenage years, when I came across a rectangular shaped, thin box enveloped by a label that was streaked with vibrant coloring. Moments later, I strutted out of that store; box in hand, with upturned lips and chocolate colored eyes twinkling with excitement. A sense of urgency fueled my limbs to move faster as I made my way through the parking lot, each quickened step would bring me closer to testing those pigmented sticks that were now in my possession. Red was all that I could see as I was brought to a halt at each intersection, impatient fingers tapping at the wheel. Yellows were such a tease, but it was well worth the wait once I unwrapped the little package and ran my fingers along the smooth textured pastels. The first stroke of pastel to paper felt like the coming of home. That day I had discovered an infatuation for oil pastels and since, have been the distinguishing basis of many of my artistic creations. Quite simply, oil pastels are a paste made by the grounding of pure, powdered coloring and then rolled into the form of small sticks. It is easy to manipulate when using many of the diverse techniques of which are demonstrated depending on what my motivational drive is during the time of creation. My art is my therapy and oil pastels are a medium that allow me to unleash my emotions. My creations are my forms of expressions. It is a form of release, an escape from reality, and a form of what makes me who I am. It is an expression of my anger when I utilize bold tones, such as reds, oranges, and yellows, for the first layer of coloring before the actual drawing or painting, a technique known as, “underpainting.” My fury drives me to add layers upon layers of pastel to give an impasto type artwork; a textured appearance that may be felt under the soft touch of a finger, another technique known as “layering.” It is an expression of my sadness when I play with shades of purples and blues in soft pieces with small layers of pastel. It is an expression of contentment when I create layers of pastel and then scratch or carve out an outline to form an image, the “sgraffito” technique I find myself usually shifting back to. I like to blend colors, use visible strokes, and take my time bringing my hidden agenda to light. It is my form of communication that even the most articulate words would fail to convey. It is my passage to emotional freedom; freedom of expression that captures the essence of my being. It is not merely a hobby, but a discovery of who I am. I do not plan what the end result will be in my pieces, but simply own the drive behind them in a spontaneous approach. It allows me to take a step back and view the bigger picture in awe. It is not just a passion, but an unfaltering means to attaining freedom that is abstract and all the while pleasing to the eye. This fervor of mine is enthusiasm unchanged, talent unhindered, emotion unleashed, and artistic aptitude succeeding. My oil pastel pieces are my constant works of art in progress. I am a constant work of art in progress as I find myself taking that step back in wonderment at what has been created, how it represents the person I am, and what that means to me.
Angela Guzman
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #6
Talent Code
In chapters one through three of Talent Code, Daniel Coyle speaks about various things which all relate in one way. In chapter one he speaks about different hotbeds, in places that we would of never imagined of. He speaks about why the soccer players from Brazil have so much talent. Simon Clifford was a soccer coach who was really interested in finding out what or how they did it to become so good so he went to Brazil and began analyzing their techniques. He definitely found the answer he was looking for and it was futsal. It is just like soccer except they play with a ball half the regular size, but weighing twice as much and they would not play on grass they played on dirt or concrete. They only played with five or six players on each side, which lets them really develop their skills because they are getting more time to play. In The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle states that, “Players touching the ball 600 percent more often learn far faster, without realizing it, than they would in the vast, bouncy expanse of the outdoor game.” (Page 28) The players from Brazil excel at soccer not only because they practice for long hours of the day but because they are getting more time for themselves to play and think about how to get better. With only five or six players on the court they get the ball way more times than they would if they were playing like a regular soccer team. They train themselves to play a certain way and that is why they are so good.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMohammad Islam
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 8
Talent code 4-6
This is Mohammad. In this time I am going to talk about the talent code from chapter five. I like the topic Ignition and deep practice. Both of them are related with each other. In this chapter writer bring one example about South Korea’s golfers. Writer try to establish that point that because one Korean player succeed that is why other’s get motivated and did well. Writer said this is an Ignition. In our society if we see same one doing better we try to follow them, try to be like them. Writer tries to say that is good. That is not jealous that is ignition. But to make the ignition possible ones need deep practice. These two terms are related with each other. To do deep practice we need energy, passion, and commitment. The more we do the practice the better result we can achieve. In this regard short, medium and long term practice is mentioned, where long term brings the highest result.
hahahahaha frank the tank was here muwahahaaha!!!!
ReplyDeleteJessica Cleary
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #7
Talent Code Chapters 4-6.
The basic highlights of all chapters were to breakdown your skills into subcategories so you know where your weakness is to make it a perfect imperfection. As the students in the music class in chapter four learned to read the music by chunking the notes into strips and mixing up the music, so it was completely unrecognizable to passer byes was the key to understanding the students were playing the music correctly. To help place emphasis on the process of recognizing you do not need to practice for strenuous hours, but rather have select times to work on strategic ways of tackling your gift. In chapter 5 it states, “One of the useful things about this breakthrough-then-blossom pattern is that it makes it possible to forecast the rise of future talent hotbeds. “(Page 100). I interpreted this quotation as those who strain themselves on being perfect tire themselves out, and those who are calm and strategic have the overall upper hand in accomplishment. Due to the fact those who have a strategy can see their future goal clearer than those who see here and now. To explain better, in chapter 6 Daniel Coyle quoted Tom Sawyer when he is painting the fence white. Tom Sawyer states, “I reckon there ain’t one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it the way it’s got to be done.”(Page 108). Regardless of what you believe is the quickest way to get to where you need to be, the only proper way to get to that point is to tackle the long road and enjoy the scenery.
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeletecerritos college
English 100
Post # 7
The talent Code Ch. 4-6
i liked the part of Breaking the skill into different chunks and slowing the process down so you can memorize it better. I agree with this process especially with the example of writing music and studying music notes in the book. Students would study for around three hours straight and they would only work on one song. They would scramble the notes up and memorize their correct positions. So by the end of the three hours they had perfected their music. This is a great breakdown of Deep Practice. In the book The Talent Code by: Daniel Coyle the author states " Our predictions were extremely accurate, Zimmerman said. This showed experts practice differently and far more strategically. when they fail, they don't blame it on luck or themselves. they have a strategy they can fix."(Page 86) I think this is correct. Once you practice something so much you develop your different strengths and they eventually turn into your strategy. Then every time you do this certain thing you will be good at it, because you developed your own strategy. And if you don't do so well, you can fix your strategy to make it better. You learn from your mistakes.
Which is exactly what Deep Practice is.
Cesar Vega
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Talent Code 1-3
In the first three chapters of Talent Code, we are introduced to deep practice. Deep practice is about really focusing on what you are doing. You are able to accomplish your feat because you slowed the steps down, and now they just click in one full motion. When you do deep practice, you slow down what you are doing. You examine every step and error that you make. Any error made can then be seen why it is commited, and therefor be fixed. In Talent Code, Daniel Coyle says, "When you're practicing deeply, the world's usual rules are suspended."(19). There is no such thing as practicing wrong when one is practicing deep practice. All the rules are out of the window and it is just you and your goal. Everything is slowed down, and all mistakes are visible. Since those mistakes are visible, they can be corrected and mastered. Once they have been corrected, then that goal should be accomplished. One must have patience to do deep practice, but the end result is great.
Cesar Vega
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Talent Code 4-6
We have come to an end of deep practice and are showed a new concept. Ignition. Ignition is the motivation that comes from within a person. In that case, ignition and deep practice work together inside a person. Ignition is the sudden burst of energy that comes out of a person, even if it looks like they are on the edge. In Talent Code, Daniel Coyle says, "Where deep practice is cool, conscious act, ignition is a hot, mysterious burst, an awakening."(101). The Tampa Bay Rays showed ignition in their last game of the regular season. They were down 7-0 with two innings of baseball left for them. They scored six runs in the bottom of the eigth, three coming from Longoria's three-run home run, which pumped up and ignited the Rays team. They tied the game in their lat at bat in the ninth, and won it in the twelveth. This team was looking like they were going to lose and stay tied with the Red Sox, but they were able to find ignition and win the wild card to move on to the playoffs.
Claire Becerra
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #6
The Talent Code (chapter 4 thru chapter 6)
Well, now I will start with chapter 4. This chapter is pretty much about three rules of deep practice. Reading this we will get to what these three rules are. The author in this chapter explain in details what they means and use a lot of examples to describe each rule. Something that really calls my attention was in rule #2 when the author say, “nothing you can do- talking, thinking, reading, imagining- is more effective in building skill that executing the action”(page 87). What I really like about it, it is really true because we can think about something, imagined it, and everything but if we do not try it we are not doing anything. We have to do actions. This is the best way to learn something. In chapter 5 Primal Cues, the author brings one of examples about South Korea’s golfers. He use also a table to explain better what he wants us to understand and see it. In chapter 6 the Curacao experiment, the writer writes about the Sistine chapel effect and the language of ignition. This chapter was the lower of the three but I really enjoy it because the author was really specific and straight to the point.
ReplyDeleteENG 100
Talent Code 4-6
We have learnt about the affect of deep practice.
Practice makes your perfect, once you learn the
basics you must practice over and over again. You have to motivate yourself to be succesful in any thing such as accademics, sports or your career. Ignition is a form of motivation that comes from within a person. Ignition and deep practice works side by side. If one person wants to improve the skill he or she must practice over and over again. I can give you perfect example the value of deep practice and ignition with my 8 year old daughter, when she was only 3 years old she was afraid of swimming pool but once she got familiar with the water with deep practice and ignitation with her swimming coach she just got better at it and she just love swimming. Deep practice is not a easy task it requires energy, passion and commitment, in other word it requires motivation.In the book Talen Code lot of quotes catches your eye. Psychologist John Bargh said " Pursuing a goal having motivation all of that predates consciousness". Once you practice over and over againg you gain strength and create your on strategy and becomes your talent.If you want to scuccedd you always have to be patient and ask yourself if he or she can do it why can't I?
Roshan Gurung
ReplyDeleteEng 100
Cerritos College
Post # 6
Talent Code (4-6)
The most interesting chapter for me was Chapter 4 which is about three rules of deep practice. This chapter shows how to get knowledge from surrounding media, how the practice makes men perfect and learning is the best way to feel the subject material. This chapter is really reflecting how these three things affect the human life. There are so many examples like an eight years old tennis player name Carolyn Xie , one of the top ranked age group players in the country. She hit one-handed backhands exactly like Rodger Federer. How she learned this? She learned this from watching a tape of Rodger’s match. That’s how she was able to catch the idea of her surrounding and used it as a skill. In the book The Talent Code by: Daniel Coyle the author states , “ When you put yourself in the same situation as an outstanding person and attack a task that they took on, it has a big effect on your skill.”(pg 80). It shows how the people imitate and put that in their skills. If they success to manipulate it smartly then nobody can surpass them. Lastly, the success depends how long you practice. If you have been practicing hard enough then it will turn down as your strength.
Daniel Montano
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post# 7
Ch 4-6
In the Chapters its all about looking at the big picture. Breaking down the situation we have is the key to deep practice. When breaking down the situation it depends on how to put it back and understand the entire picture. The exact same thing happens with the myelin, when we break it down to understand it deeper and keep on doing it. We deep practice to understand the bigger pictures concept. The main key in the talent is ignition. Ignition and deep practice does not come easy it comes with finding those skills and practicing them to get better. Also having that love, passion and commitment. The energy and motivation is the link to igniting the spark to keep moving. For example, when Tom sawyer perused Ben to paint the fence he did it with ignition. The motivation to encourage Ben to do it better then Tom was originally doing it. The ignition and deep practice is the only way to find out your true talent in life. Maintaining the talent does not come easy it takes dedication and hard work to find are strengths or talents.
Karina Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 5
Talent code 4-6
In chapter four the author talk about the three rules of deep practice . First one is to absorb the whole thing , second is to break into pieces , and thirdly is to slow it down. As one of the experiments they showed in this chapter that showed why some people have a “gift ” at something its not nearly mean they have a gift . As De Groot explain this people spend hours watching something they really enjoy doing .Witch makes them get a picture in there head that allows them memorize it. Many people do not know how they do things and why they do it that way . But the truth was that these talented people just memorized there moves and come natural because they seen them so many times. Also before they begin to do what ever it was that where good at before they did anything the plan a strategy . They first absorb the whole thing . Breaking into chunks takings things slowly but correct. A quote that got my attention was “This showed that experts practice differently and far more tragically .When they fail ,they don’t blame it on luck or themselves. They strategy they can fix it ”.page 86. This quote made me see the difference of how fixed mindset think and why they do not progress than the growth mindset. When many people fail at something they see as a weakness and stay away from it. But that is not encountering only going make thing worst. I really enjoyed reading chapter five . This chapter mostly talk about how people get motivated my actions ,words, or pictures. For example when something interest you and you see how good you can get at it you get motivated to become the best and spent hours practicing to become better at it and to reach that picture you saw in your head. What I also like about this chapter was the difference of language of motivation . One language that motivates to be better and another that makes you feel smart and makes you fail. Language very important and we have to be careful how we choose to say things.
Rene Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post # 5
Talent Code Chapters 4 - 6
In these chapters, it goes more in-depth about Deep Practice. It tells you the steps on how to approach things by taking in the idea, breaking it to smaller pieces, then taking it slowly. Then it's all about how you are going to see this smaller things reconnect to the big thing and understand it even more. Not realizing the little things in other people that they are somewhat subconsciously practicing and then when you are suddenly bombarded by the result of their practice it just makes you go "Holy Shit." The "Holy Shit Effect" was a great start on reading this new set of chapters. Then it goes to Ignition is the process of motivating yourself to do something. Deep Practice is already hard enough with its own reasons, having the motivation to start it could even be harder. Finding the motivation is ok, but starting it using that found motivation is the hardest. You need heated passion, great determination, and self-awakening that you have to get your ass off the couch and actually do it.
Giovanni Arvizu
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
post #6
Talent Code Ch.4-6
Chapter four focused on the psychology term, chunking. Chunking is being able to group things together to interpret them into a framework that is understandable. De Groot tested chunking on chess players, both skilled and unskilled. When faced to memorize ordinary chess patterns and see if the skilled chess players had photographic memory. When the chess pieces were set in random, the skilled chess players were not able to memorize the board because there was no pattern to recognize.Chapter 5 talks about having passion and how some people claim to have always had a passion for an act. The author states that ignition an awakening,and that passion can slowly be engraved within ourselves through time.Chapter six reinforces the concept that ignition,motivation, is not instantly in oneself. "...it can be triggered by certain signals,or primal cues"(132).
John Robert Balagtas
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #6
The Talent Code (4-6) Reflection
Talent Code focused on how important taking things slowly to apply deep practice and to focus mostly on the technique. I have actually experienced this. My track coach, which taught me and my best friend Raff how to throw a shotput applied this to our training. During the first couple of months of track we hardly did any working out. Day in and day out all we do was grab a shotput and go through the motions. Half of the time not even throwing the shot. My friend and I thought that we would never be able to improve this way. Our coach told us to be patient and that we would see some improvement soon. Before our first track meet, our coach forbid us to even throw a shot. At the time of the track meet me and Raff were completely surprised that we were among the top of the competition. After the meet, our coach emphasized that technique will always come first and that muscles help but not significantly. Looking at the results, Raff and I never doubted our coach again.
Frank J. Higgins
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #5
Chapter 4-6
Chapter 4-6 talks about how looking at a situation and dissecting it is the way to deep practice. When dissect a situation it depends on how we put the entire picture together to understand it. Also with myelin, when we need dissect it to understand it. We use deep practice to gain knowledge of the concept. Ignition is also a major part in talent. These two topics do not come without hard work. We find them by searching for those skills and by continuing to work on them to get better.
Khaye chia s buenaventura
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos college
Post 6
Chapter 4-6
"Its not how fast you can do it. Its how slow you can do it correctly. "(85)we live in a very fast pace environment and commonly the reason why we talk fast,think fast and take action fast. We usually go with the flow of demand/s and we tried to multitask just to get things get over it. But what we don't understand that this attitude of getting-things-get-over-with will compromise us in dealing with things incorrectly. We should take a moment and disect each parts of the current situation or tasks for a better outcome. Through a thorough and focus pace, we can understand things broader in depth. And when it does, we can put things done in right manner accuratel.
Stephanie Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post #6
The Talent Code Chapter 4-6
These chapters are very interesting because it shows you how to use imperfections and slowly break it down to make it your talent. For example a song! How can we memorize a song with so much said? Rule one: Break it into chunks, rewind back, slow it down, try to memorize. Rule two: repeat each part you get stuck on. Everything seems hard when you first listen or try to learn something, but our mind is design to memorize it all. This means we have to use this strategy in order to have the talent we want to have. We need to be passionate about it if we want to learn. Motivation also plays a role in deep practice. Ignition is put together with deep practice to get better at what we want to achieve. In “Talent Code”, Daniel Coyle says “ Where deep practice is all about staggering-baby steps, ignition is about the set of signals and subconscious forces that create our identity; the moments that lead us to say that is who I want o be,” (p101). In order to make our future the best that we want, we have to take baby steps and learn everything from it and give it all the motivation. We just do not go straight to it, we learn from our mistakes and make better of it.
Mary Ruth Marigomen
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post #8
Talent Code Reflection: Chapter 4-6
Chapters four to six stresses on the importance of deep practice, and introduces the effect ignition. Building skills is like kite-flying. You deliberatively pick a kite and learn useful techniques (deep practice). Then, with the wind as a fuel for flight (igntion), you manage to work with it and sometimes use it to manipulate the techniques you have learned. Sometimes, that "fuel" could be felt internally and unconsciously. You see your brother's kite flying past the tall acacia tree, and you tell yourself you could do that too; you might even tell yourself you could surpass him. The motivation could be consciously felt, like the dancing of the trees, signalling it is a great day to fly a kite; or perhaps it is uncounsciously loitering, like the inpiration someone gives, showing you what is possible. Bottomline, that motivation sparks up something in you which in turn makes you see and do things differently.
Bola Mories
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
September 29, 2011
Post# 8
Deep Practice and Ignition
When someone searches about the important things about successful work, he will find deep practice and ignition. Deep practice helps the person to see profound ideas and information about what he is doing. For example, a student has to write a research about something, he searches in books and internet, and he asks other professors. He takes his time to do that which let him knows a lot of deep information about what he will write about. He will collect a lot of information about this topic. He will organize his ideas to write a strong research paper that is full of knowledge. Deep practice gives him the chance to use his skill’s internal blueprints- the shape and the rhythm of the interlocking skill circuits (p 85). Also, ignition is motivating one to practice more. When someone keeps his ignition, he will get better results than others. He commits to what he is doing that gives him a chance to do better job than others. For example, Roger bannister became the first person to run a mile in less than four minutes which was impossible in the history of athletes. When other runners saw him, they imitated him. They could do it because he gave them the ignition. Finally, Deep practice and ignition work together to produce skills in the people who can use them in what they are doing.
Gabriela Moreno
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Post #6
Chapters 4-6
Chapter 4-6 first start talking about the importance of deep practice in oneself. For example by taking circumstances and breaking them down into different parts kind of analyzing and concentrating with deep practice. It involves three stages as described in the book, Chunking the task, Repeating it, and finally Learning to feel it. Ignition is the second attribute of talent which is basically a mix of long term commitment, deliberate practice and persistence. The third attribute is Master coaching. This trait is a good for the people who want to become teachers and bring out talent in school, games, or other organizations. Chapter six reinforces the point that having motivation and being consistent will allow you to achieve. These chapters have been so far the most interesting readings.
Martha De La Rosa
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #5
Chapters 4-6
Chapters four through six are about deep practice and ignition. Deep practice is consisted of three rules. Rule one is to chunk what one is practicing. It is always better to do things one step at a time rather than to try to do it all at once. While practicing, if one takes their time they will be able to catch their mistakes they make, and can fix it to get better. Rule two is to repeat it. When one practice everyday it is for a fact that they will get better each day. Rule three is to learn to feel it. In order to become good at something one must be into what they are learning, because if they are not really interested in it then they won't learn. The importance of everything is to take it all one step at a time, practice everyday, and really be into what they are doing.
Angela Guzman
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #7
Talent Code
In chapters four through six of Talent Code, Daniel Coyle speaks about how you need deep practice in order to have ignition. He also speaks about chunking which is splitting something up into small pieces. Then perfecting the small pieces to the point where you do not have to think about what you are doing, it is something that comes naturally. Deep practice, and chunking in particular is something that takes time, some people spend years doing it. Deep practice is a cycle in which you pick a target, reach for it, evaluate the gap between the target and the reach, and then return to step one. In Talent Code, a football coach named Tom Martinez said, “It’s not how fast you can do it. It’s how slow you can do it correctly.” (Pg. 85) It does not matter how long it takes you to perfect it, in the end it will all be worth it. All the time, dedication, and effort we put it in will have a positive outcome on our lives. After deep practice, comes ignition which is an awakening. Ignition is what keeps us competing to do better. Ignition is not just a passion within us; it is something that comes from the outside as well. When we see others doing well we want to learn their ways and be like them so that we can be successful as well.
-this post was posted on sept 29 at 10:26 am. I am not sure why it is not there.
ReplyDeleteSamantha Luque
English 100
Cerritos College
Post# 7
Chapters 4-6 Reflection
Coming to a final stand of what deep practice can do to help others succeed within their talents. There are two main last components to deep practice. Which is chunky components together by looking into a talent much deeper and HSE(holy s*** effect, sorry Mr. H this was in the book). The first component that helps you chunk things together to perform a specific action. The prime example the author gave inside the book was about a hotbed called Meadowmount School of Music in upstate New York. The deep practice they teach their students is to take the pages of a song, divide and separate each line of music notes pick one line at random and learn it. Then they learn each individual line and piece it back together and perform it as a whole. This shows that they broke down the song to understand each note and line to its fullest and learned it in a slower way so the song can have feeling and depth to bring out the talent within each student. The second component is the HSE and the author used an example of a story about chess. Adriaan Dingeman de Groot had a real interest in playing chess and he played with long term players and they were professionals. When he would play he would always lose against his professional friends. He was so stunned on how his friends were so great at chess. He had the realization that is was a HSE moment. Then he put together a experiment to figure out how they became so brilliant at chess. He teamed up regular players that know the game with his professional friends and gave them a traditional game lay out and a different lay out of a chess board in the other. The professionals succeeded extremely with the traditional pattern and poorly on the different lay out of a chess board. He figured out that the many years of playing chess with a traditional lay out they studied and memorized the pattern of the board. These two components go hand in hand with ignition. Ignition is introduced with becoming motivated with a passion and talent you have and want to succeed to the fullest. Ignition to me is the main focus to do great things with your talents in life. You first need the ignition to follow your dreams then use the deep practice to refine the talent you hold deep within you and also to succeed. With these two areas in life it can give each individual a chance to succeed and sustain any talent they put their mind too.
Claire Becerra
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Professor Hsiao
03 October 2011
post #7
QHQ Food, Culture, Identity
Question: Have you ever go to any Cuban place?
Hypothesis: It is easy to find some of them specially places to eat Cuban food.
Question: Why I order the same every time I go to any Cuban restaurant.
Cuban restaurants are the best place for me to go during any time. Driving there, I feel something inside that I cannot describe because it makes me feel as I am going to the country where I was born, Cuba. We can find a lot of variety in Cuban foods, for example: yellow rice with chicken or pork, pork asado, fry banana, flan, pudin, croquetas, tamales mix with pork and chicken, pastels with guava, cheese, or both mix, sandwiches, etc. My favorite one is black rice. It is black beans mix with any kind of rice. Puerco asado (Spanish word), we cook the pork in a Chinese box for about seven or nine hours. The emotion of eating pork starts at the same moment we star cooking it because men drink, play domino, and at the same time they are waiting for the pork to start eating. Yuca with Cuban mojito. We cook the yucca with water. That is everything what the yucca needs to be delicious. Then we add some mojito. Every time I go to any Cuban place I ask for the same because these is what I love more from Cuba. I identify myself with this food because eating this food is when I really feel my Cuban personality. We can find this food at florida restaurant, it is in Florence avenue and Lakewood blvd next to jack in the box. We can also go to Tropica, it is in paramount blvd and Florence avenue next to chase bank. In my house we eat everyday something Cuban. I cook for my mom and I every single day because she works, so as I cook I decide what we eat. My mom loves Mexican food and Chinese food, but anyway she eats whatever I cook. This is the food that we cook for family parties, for Christmas, for new years, and for birthdays. That is why I say that this food is the only thing that we can use to describe a Cuban person. Cubans always say if you do not eat this at least three times in a year you are no Cuban any more. We say that because this is our food, the food that has a better taste and looks, at least for all of us. When I eat this, I forgot everything else. I seat and relax myself and wait until I finish this delicious plate. My family never orders food for parties because they think that if they cook it, it will taste better, so we start the party earlier because if not, we cannot eat the pork about six or eight pm. We have our own Chinese box; it makes everything easier.
Rene Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #6
Question: Out of all the places I’ve been through, which one was my favorite?
Hypothesis: My favorite has to be the Catalina Islands.
Question: What makes it your favorite?
It was my favorite because it was thrilling and fun. I’ve been camping to other places (Crystal Lake, Big Bear, and Mt. Baldy) but none of them beats my camping experience in Catalina Islands. We went camping for a bachelor party for my friend’s brother. We stayed there for 3 days only but it was so fun that it felt longer than a week. Since we were all guys, we wanted to look manly by not bringing any food at all. We only brought some clothes and our gear for fishing and spear fishing. So for the whole 3 days, we fished for food.
The first day was pretty bad; we barely had anything to eat. As we were walking to the campsite we reserved we found berries, some fruits, some rosemary for cooking, and my friend caught a rabbit by smacking it with a stick when it wasn’t looking at us. It was like our little manly grocery shopping. Then the rest of the day was spent fishing and drinking and we only caught one trout. I don’t know about you but that trout and rabbit was not enough to share with 8 grown men. So we spent the whole night telling stories while we were so drunk that we saw not doubles but triples and for some strange phenomenon our stories were so funny that we couldn’t breathe most of the time. Then the next day, I went spear fishing. First of all, I can barely swim and with spear fishing I have to swim underwater and stay afloat in water. That was very frightening for me. Imagine you are swimming on a line next to the shore, in front of you is your friend, behind you is your other friend, on your right are some big rocks and sand, then on your left is a quick plunge from 5 feet to about 20 feet and you can’t see anything but dark bluish water. And at that time all I was thinking was, “Hurry up man, I don’t wanna get bitten by a shark or anything man.” Talking about sharks, we found out that a juvenile blacktip shark was stalking us because my friend accidentally poked himself with his spear gun and let out a small amount of blood for the shark to smell. Well, we caught that shark and cooked it. That night we ate like kings, with our feast well-cooked and booze for good times. Then on the last day, we just played drinking games all day. We shot a tin can with a slingshot and whoever missed has to take a shot. We told jokes and whoever laughed has to take a shot. And whoever showed any signs of drunkenness, such as being tipsy or zoning out, has to take a shot. The whole time we were there was just full of laughter and joy. And that’s why it has to be one of my favorite places.
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 8
The talent code Ch. 7-9
I liked the part about Mike and Dave's Ridiculous Idea. Where they built their KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) Schools. They may be very hard on their students, but it is worth it in the end. The students actually learn there and they adapt to the stern teachers and environment. The whole point of KIPP is for the students to attend college when they graduate from the school. The The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle the author states " It was clear to us from the start that college is really the key to the whole thing," feinberg said. " When you get out there in the public school system of big cities, you realize how screwed up it is-How the zip code your'e born in basically determines your chance of failing or succeeding. College is the door out." (page 142) Mike And Dave knew this was true and wanted to make sure that kids went to college to gain intelligence. The KIPP schools Made that happen. It gave kids the knowledge and thought of College and how they could be much better if they went to college. In the KIPP schools they Have Master coaching, Ignition , And Deep practice After all They are three key principals in learning.
Melissa Shepherd
ReplyDeleteCerritos College
English 100
Post # 9
QHQ food, Culture, Identity (PIZZA)
Question: Why is pizza so delicious?
Hypothesis: It’s so delicious to me because I love to eat bread, and pizza dough is a type of bread.
Question: Why do I love to eat it, is it because I have Italian in me?
Ham and pineapple pizza has always been my favorite. Of course I like to eat other different types of pizza like pepperoni, sausage, vegetable, etc I love pizza in general but my favorite has never changed. I love how each delicious element ties the whole pizza together so well like a perfect strand of DNA. How the delicious Dough is rolled and petted into a perfect circle with thick crust edges. Next you have the yummy pasta sauce mixed with tomatoes and different flavors of spices, herbs and vegetables. Then comes the delicious cheese that melts to perfection and hold together all the tasty toppings, for me the toppings would be mouth watering pineapple and juicy tender ham slices. The pizza is layered to perfection, and now needs to be cooked in an oven for about 20 minutes. I believe pizza relates to me through culture, because I am around one eighth Italian . I have always loved Italian cuisine whether it was pasta, spaghetti, garlic bread, or pizza. I just love to eat what the Italian’s eat and eat how the Italian’s eat. I take my time and enjoy my meal. I love to sip on a glass of wine while I indulge in a scrumptious ham and pineapple pizza. As Italian saying goes “Live to Eat, Don’t Eat to Live.” what this means is do not just eat to survive, enjoy your food, appreciate each taste and flavor on your taste buds. Actually tastes the foods you are eating do not just shovel it into your mouth down to your stomach. You have to live to eat, appreciate life, and be happy to live another day and enjoy another meal. Here in America people are too busy to take a break from their busy schedules to enjoy the little things, things as simple as a meal. Instead they get in the car. Rush to a fast food joint and grub out of some food while driving to work. I like to sit-down and enjoy my meals, and actually taste each and every flavor in my mouth. Maybe it is because I am part Italian, and if it I am happy that I take the time to appreciate my food as well as my Italian culture.
Samantha Marie Pepito
ReplyDeleteEnglish 100
Cerritos College
Post #7
The Talent Code Chp 4-6
What was found interesting is that the best players have the ability to photographic memories, just like the chess players. Psychologist, De Groot, tested chess players and placed chess pieces onto the board like a real game, then gave them five seconds to take a glimpse at it. The more advanced players memorized four to five times better than the more ordinary players. Then after that, De Groot then put those pieces into a random placement where therefore the players could not remember. By their deep practice of knowing where the chess pieces were in a regular game, of course they knew where each of them was placed. By the random placements, they did not figure out and their sudden knowledge of chess play was gone. They were then matched up to the ordinary players. In chapter four you also learn the three rules of deep practice: chunk it up, repeat it, and learn to feel it. There is a great example of ignition with Michaelangelo. He saw the great arts of other artists and felt that he must get to working so he can do much better than those artists’ works. In The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle says, “Deep practice feels a bit like exploring a dark and unfamiliar room” (79). In order to get into deep practice you must come into concentration. What you are deep practicing must be foreign and so you begin to learn more about it. For me, a great example of deep practice with me is learning how to specifically park a car properly. I was so bad at parking, but one day I decided that one day me and my dad were going out to an empty lot near the mall to start practicing. For about an hour or so I started to get the hang of parking in between the lines. I learned new techniques on how to park especially when there are cars between. It felt good.