Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Long Beach City College STAR1 Program

Blogging in the Blogosphere
English 801A/801B

When you blog, in the Title, write your first and last name as you would as if you are turning in a paper to me. Then you do not have to write my name because I know you are in my class. Write what English class you are in whether it is English 111.

For example, one would write:

Yue Hayes
English 801A/801B
Post #1

Font size
In addition, for the title, pick the topic of discussion, grammar/organization, content, current events, pop culture or literature as a TITLE that we have discussed in class. Write the posts like this: write #1 Post or #2 Post or Post #50, so I can easily keep track of them and how many you write.

Of course, you are welcome to write more than several posts, and in doing so is another form of participation and does count in the participation grade. Perhaps, in class, you may not participate all that much but in the realm of the blogosphere, you can from the comfort of your own home,

* reflect on the day's class discussion or offer up an insight that you found particularly interesting, etc., etc.

* How does it change the way you think or thought before on the subject?

* What actions might you take in the future? Anything is open to interpretation.

Of course, I need not go on and on about being respectful towards your peers' opinions and beliefs. If you disagree with another student's views be discreet about it: Do not say so and so is completely wrong because of this and that. Instead, say, I disagree with so and so and here are the reasons why I do. Go after their evidence and support and do not, I repeat do not attack someone else personally. This is supposed to be a forum for everyone to share their ideas and views.

*I will enforce the blogosphere by either deleting your hard work, making an example out of you here in the realm of the blogosphere or in class* . . .


  1. Diane Henry
    English 801-B

    Well hello fellow classmates!

    Finally, I got in to this site. Now let began by introducing myself my name is Diane Henry, and my hobbies are traveling, entertaining, dressing glamorous and going out on the town.

  2. Yaima Sanchez
    English 801 A
    Post # 1

    Hello classmates how's everybody let me introduce myself, my name is Yaima Sanchez I came from Cuba 5 years ago, my favorite hobby is to cook, watch a good movie, and listen to good music. My husband and I own a travel Agency that does trips to Cuba. I love to travel around the world, what I love more about my job is that I get the opportunity to help people in need and give them hope.

  3. hello classmates finally this thing let me sign on ugh. Well my name is Gerale Russell aka GG im 19 yrs old this is my second semester and i love school (sofar) well thats all g2g check back with ya soon. p.s dang mr.h u see all my spelling errors hahahahaha p.s.s hey i can dougie too

    q.o.t.d its funny how we can control every muscle in our body except our heart

  4. Yaima Sanchez
    Professor Hsiao
    English 801
    11 September 2011

    In chapter three the theme that caught my attention was the Michelangelo system. Which analyzes, how in certain periods of history there were societies that produced large numbers of creative people or geniuses.

    In the case of prodigies such as Michelangelo and Da Vinci, the conditions were created allowing them to develop to their fullest potential. There were no special circumstances in Florence other than a system of apprenticeship known as the Craft Guilds, whose members practiced the arts. The main objective of this association was to search, find, and develop talent.

    The Guild had a particular method of teaching and supervising their apprentices. All the work had to be done from scratch based on practice, not based on theory or lectures. The apprentices working under the direction of their mentors, could become masters themselves after many years. Their development was based on trial, error, and practice. The Guilds would recruit children at a very young age, that under the supervision, training, and tutoring of their masters would develop a high level of proficiency and talent.

    A vivid example was Michelangelo who at the age of six already had a chisel and hammer in his hands. This early experience along with the mentoring of the great master sculptor Bertolo in his adolescence, allowed him to become one of the greatest artists of the renaissance period.

    In the Talent Code Daniel Coyle says,” They all spent thousands of hours inside a deep practice hot house”. None of the apprentices were born with any special talent or intellect. Their recipe for success was, starting young, dedication, passion, deep practice and proper mentoring. The Guilds Craft system shaped some of the greatest artistic geniuses of history.
